Another-Axiom / GorillaLocomotion

locomotion system used in Gorilla Tag
MIT License
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Oculus quest 2 glitching out #8

Open scruffykat opened 2 years ago

scruffykat commented 2 years ago

The gorilla locomotion works perfectly on desktop, but my friends all use quest 2 headsets. When I built it for android to test, the player remains floating and the hands fly up and down extremely fast. Can anybody help me please? (I should note I haven't modified the player at all yet and I have oculus enabled for android in the XR plugin management in project settings)

Thank you!

scruffykat commented 2 years ago

Quick update: I changed the XRrig script to XRorigin. Again, it works fine in editor but android build does the same thing...

SuperskillVR commented 2 years ago

I experience the same problem. Unsure how I will fix this.

scruffykat commented 2 years ago

I've tried tinkering around and I don't think it is the UnityXR plugin as if you add a model to the actual hands (The ones that go through walls but you can't see) they don't glitch at all. Not sure how changing platform can make the player freeze and gorilla hand script break. It is very strange. If I find a solution I will post here (I plan to debug the code in a bit)

scruffykat commented 2 years ago

Gone through the code but still not fixed :/

Duttbust commented 2 years ago

Try changing the XRrig device type to headset

scruffykat commented 2 years ago

Ok thanks, I'll try that later

scruffykat commented 2 years ago

Tested and t worked perfectly, thank you so so much Duttbust! Now i can finally test the multilayer after I do some final touches

Duttbust commented 2 years ago


hththrgrthtumrujru commented 2 years ago

How do you set the XRrig device type to headset?

scruffykat commented 2 years ago

Select the rig model and under XR rig you will find an option that says 'not specified'. Change that to headset / device

Axelestial commented 1 year ago

thank you so much, helped me a lot!