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The Wrongest Words
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Explore a statement teaser. #45

Closed AhoyLemon closed 9 years ago

AhoyLemon commented 9 years ago

From a previous conversation, look into a way to do the following.

If you're next up to defend (so, after the person before you starts their defense), you get a teaser of what your card will be, ex "Teenagers find it difficult to..."

Try a UI solution first, then go through the statements and see if there's a simple and effective way to mark up what each one should look like.

AnotherDole commented 9 years ago

For the syntax in the decks, I was thinking that you would place a | where you want the split to be. For the teaser it would be replaced by ... and for the full statement it would be replaced by a space.

On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 2:33 PM, Lemon wrote:

From a previous conversation, look into a way to do the following.

If you're next up to defend (so, after the person before you starts their defense), you get a teaser of what your card will be, ex "Teenagers find it difficult to..."

Try a UI solution first, then go through the statements and see if there's a simple and effective way to mark up what each one should look like.

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AhoyLemon commented 9 years ago

I think it might need to be wrapped in something? Just because I think there might be situations where you'd want your teaser to start after the first word. Like maybe...

Dogs { are the most venomous animal in the world.}

Licking { duct tape will improve} your vision.

{ Cocaine improves } heart function when taken in moderation.

Something like that? I dunno.

AnotherDole commented 9 years ago

Oh, I had only thought about the first example there. But yeah, that would work. Obviously we'd just have to choose characters that aren't going to appear in any quotes.

On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Lemon wrote:

I think it might need to be wrapped in something? Just because I think there might be situations where you'd want your teaser to start after the first word. Like maybe...

Dogs { are the most venomous animal in the world.}

Licking { duct tape will improve} your vision.

{ Cocaine improves } heart function when taken in moderation.

Something like that? I dunno.

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AhoyLemon commented 9 years ago

Well, I thought it would be safe to try this out in CSS, so here's what I got.

An li in .player-order can now get a class of on-deck. If an li has .on-deck, it'll display the .player-teaser child. Here's what I'm thinking for markup.

<li class="on-deck">
  <span class="player-name"></span>
  <span class="player-score"></span>
  <span class="player-tease">Pouring sugar on a turtle will...</span>

The CSS will prepend/append quotes, but it'll still need to have the ellipses in the appropriate place(s)

AhoyLemon commented 9 years ago

And I think curly brackets make sense? It's pretty unlikely that they'd be used in a quote, whereas square brackets or pipes could be.

AnotherDole commented 9 years ago

I'm going to work on this a little in a branch

AnotherDole commented 9 years ago

Just pushed the "teasers" branch which contains my first attempt at this. Make sure to pick the miscellaneous deck if you try it. I think the HTML is right but it's not displaying that well so maybe not.

AhoyLemon commented 9 years ago

Cool, I'll probably look at this tonight.

AhoyLemon commented 9 years ago

I think I really, really like this system.

Just committed (on the teaser branch) a couple fixes to the CSS, should display right.

  1. on-deck doesn't get removed after your turn is over.
  2. I was actually imagining that on-deck would happen at the same time as active happens for the player above, but I think your way is probably better.
AhoyLemon commented 9 years ago


AnotherDole commented 9 years ago

Awesome, thanks for doing that. Just pushed some fixes. One thing that might be nice is that when you see the full statement, the words that were hidden before could be in a different color or something to make them stand out.

AhoyLemon commented 9 years ago

Hmmm, okay. Let me try something like that out...

AhoyLemon commented 9 years ago

Okay, got a class in there. I'm genuinely not sure if I like it or not, I'd love you to have a look at it and see what you think. The plan here is to just wrap the part in curly brackets with <span class="revealed"> So....

<blockquote id="statementDiv">
  A cat's vertically-split pupils allow it to 
  <span class="revealed">see ghosts, but only the ghosts of</span>
  other cats.

Currently renders it in a darker pink.

I dunno, gimmie yer opinion.

AnotherDole commented 9 years ago

I think it's helpful if the hidden part is in the middle of the statement but it's not necessary if the hidden part is at the beginning or the end. I could make it so it only applies if the hidden part was in the middle but then it would be inconsistent.

I don't think it's essential so if you don't like it or think it's necessary then it doesn't need to stay. My thought process was just that if you were reading the teaser and were trying to think of what could go in the hidden part, it would be helpful to be able to see it immediately.

AhoyLemon commented 9 years ago

I think the struggle I'm having with it is just in knowing if the mechanic is right, because it's different than what I'm used to right now. If people are genuinely playing teasers, if we can assume that everyone's reading the teaser statement before they see their actual statement, then it's working perfectly and it's aligned correctly.

If that's not the case, it's just sort of odd to see part of the statement in pink.

I think I like it? But in any case, I think the structure should stay like that, because it would be perfectly easy to swap out different colors or UI ideas for the hidden statements.

AnotherDole commented 9 years ago

Well, the branch is pretty much done. Do you want to merge it in for 0.1 or wait until people have played with the original a little?

AhoyLemon commented 9 years ago

Yeah, I think so. The merge will be safe anyway, if we have a last minute regret, it'll be really easy to just not show that stuff with CSS anyway

AnotherDole commented 9 years ago

Alright, it's in.

AhoyLemon commented 9 years ago

Did two test games (with myself) just now. I'm warming up to it, I think it'll makes the game more interesting.

AnotherDole commented 9 years ago

Actually, looking at it now, I'm not sure I like the different color when you see the full statement. I'm leaning towards taking it out and adding it back in if people complain, but I don't feel strongly either way.

AhoyLemon commented 9 years ago

Darkened and desaturated the color. Any better? Or should we just go back to black?

AnotherDole commented 9 years ago

I think it's fine for now.