AnotherJohnH / picoX7

Software simulation of the Yamaha DX7 with a MIDI interface for the Raspberry Pi Pico
MIT License
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DX7 SYSEX download over USB MIDI broken #7

Open AnotherJohnH opened 1 week ago

AnotherJohnH commented 1 week ago

Be nice to be able to download SYSEX patches over USB MIDI say from Dexed. This is not working at the moment and the assumption is that these long SYSEX messages are sent using the "High Bandwidth" Data Transfer Mechanism. Currently have only implemented the basic MIDI stream.

AnotherJohnH commented 1 week ago

LOL seems from the USB MIDI spec. that "bulk transfer" is the basic MIDI messages, and "Transfer bulk" is what this enhancement is about!

AnotherJohnH commented 1 week ago

Turns out it was partly my misuse of Dexed. To send SYSEX to the picoX7 you need to also select the picoX7 as the DX7 out in the PARM popup window. With this change a SYSEX starts to be received by the picoX7 using the normal "bulk transfer" so a "Transfer bulk" end-point is not needed.

However the picoX7 crashes cacaphonically halfway through the SYSEX download.

AnotherJohnH commented 1 week ago

Cacaphonic crash was down to too much debug printf in the USB IRQ handler. So have downloaded a dexed patch. But still testing...