Using the "ParBayesianOptimization" package, it possible to use this package for "multi objective optimization" (e.g. optimize several cost functions together)?
For example, below I have included an example of multi-objective optimization using an algorithm called "particle swarm optimization":
#Load library:
#load libraries
# create some data for this example
a1 = rnorm(1000,100,10)
b1 = rnorm(1000,100,10)
c1 =, 1000, replace = TRUE)
train_data = data.frame(a1,b1,c1)
#define function:
funct_set <- function (x) {
#bin data according to random criteria
train_data <- train_data %>%
mutate(cat = ifelse(a1 <= x[1] & b1 <= x[3], "a",
ifelse(a1 <= x[2] & b1 <= x[4], "b", "c")))
train_data$cat = as.factor(train_data$cat)
#new splits
a_table = train_data %>%
filter(cat == "a") %>%
select(a1, b1, c1, cat)
b_table = train_data %>%
filter(cat == "b") %>%
select(a1, b1, c1, cat)
c_table = train_data %>%
filter(cat == "c") %>%
select(a1, b1, c1, cat)
#calculate quantile ("quant") for each bin
table_a = data.frame(a_table%>% group_by(cat) %>%
mutate(quant = ifelse(c1 > x[5],1,0 )))
table_b = data.frame(b_table%>% group_by(cat) %>%
mutate(quant = ifelse(c1 > x[6],1,0 )))
table_c = data.frame(c_table%>% group_by(cat) %>%
mutate(quant = ifelse(c1 > x[7],1,0 )))
f1 = mean(table_a$quant)
f2 = mean(table_b$quant)
f3 = mean(table_c$quant)
#group all tables
final_table = rbind(table_a, table_b, table_c)
# calculate the total mean : this is what needs to be optimized
f4 = mean(final_table$quant)
#multiple functions are being optimized
return (c(f1, f2, f3, f4));
#constraints (I know this is not currently possible in ParBayesianOptimization)
gn <- function(x) {
g1 <- x[2] - x[1] > 0.0
g2 <- x[4] - x[3] > 0.0
g3 <- x[7] - x[6] >0
g4<- x[6] - x[5] >0
return(c(g1,g2,g3, g4))
## Set Arguments/Bounds
varcount <- 7
fncount <- 4
lbound <- c(80,90,80,90,100, 200, 300)
ubound <- c(90,110,90,110,200, 300, 500)
optmin <- 0
#optimization of multiple cost functions
ex1 <- mopsocd(funct_set,gn, varcnt=varcount,fncnt=fncount,
Would it be possible to solve a similar style problem (i.e. optimization of multiple objective functions) using the ParBayesianOptimization library?
Using the "ParBayesianOptimization" package, it possible to use this package for "multi objective optimization" (e.g. optimize several cost functions together)?
For example, below I have included an example of multi-objective optimization using an algorithm called "particle swarm optimization":
Would it be possible to solve a similar style problem (i.e. optimization of multiple objective functions) using the ParBayesianOptimization library?
Thanks so much!