AnotherSamWilson / miceforest

Multiple Imputation with LightGBM in Python
MIT License
340 stars 31 forks source link

pypi version update #87

Closed matteobolner closed 2 months ago

matteobolner commented 4 months ago

Good afternoon, I am trying to install miceforest from pypi but am encountering an error when building blosc; i suspect it has something to do with #86 . On pypi the version is still the one from november 2023. Would it be possible to update it? Thanks for the amazing package!

AnotherSamWilson commented 4 months ago

I'm in the middle of a major update of the package, which should be ready in a few days. Unfortunately it'll have to wait until then.

Quick question for you - do you impute numpy arrays or pandas dataframes?

matteobolner commented 4 months ago

No worries, I asked mainly for adding the package with poetry, meanwhile i can easily manage with installing directly by git.

I am using pandas dataframes, since I use column names to setup the variable schemas and i already use pandas in my pipeline, so I see no reason to use numpy. I have found no problems with pandas so far, which is great!

I actually have a couple of quick questions on the functioning of miceforest compared to the R mice package; should i open another issue, write you an email or ask here?

Sorry for all the questions and thanks again!

AnotherSamWilson commented 2 months ago

This has been fixed in the latest major update. blosc2 is no longer a dependency - all parquet stuff is done in __getstate__ and __setstate__.