Anplus / uhd-mimo-utils

Multiple USRP Connection Example
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write medium must sustain a rate of 40 MB/s #1

Open jjgudugu opened 3 years ago

jjgudugu commented 3 years ago

Hi, there! Thanks for the code your share, it helps a lot! I want to control two USRP to collect four central frequencies simultaneously. It works when I collected four frequencies with 5 MHz sampling rate. However, I want the sampling rate to be 10 MHz and met the overflow problem "Your write medium must sustain a rate of 40.000000MB/s." I am using two USRP X310, one gigabit Ethernet switch, ubuntu 18.04, UHD v3.12.0, Thinkpad P15v (16GB RAM + 520GB SSD). I think the writing rate can not be so low, and already tried USRP Host Performance Tuning Tips and Tricks. Is there any thing I can do to improve the writing rate.

Anplus commented 3 years ago

When the sampling rate is 10 MS/s, the data rate would be 104=40MB/s per channel. If you attempt to collect 4 channels at four frequencies at 10 MS/s, the overall data rate would be 440 = 160 MB/s. One Gigabit Ethernet can not hold such a data rate. You can find the detailed host bandwidth instruction with the below link [1]. I suppose you could use the 10 Gigabit Ethernet with a link [2].



jjgudugu commented 3 years ago

Copy that! Thanks a lot for your answer! So I will close this issue.