Anrimian / music-player

Music player project for android
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Consider to not use completely compressed cover for notification #201

Closed mariocynicys closed 1 year ago

mariocynicys commented 1 year ago

The cover art is pixelated in the lock screen notification. This happens with all audio tracks, but some are more apparent than others. Here is an example: Screenshot_20230309-210809_Music Player

I am running Android 13 if that makes any difference. But this used to happen in Android 12 as well. Running Pixel Experience.

Anrimian commented 1 year ago

Option: consider using different compressing option, for notification image size can be up to 800Kb. Note: check old devices with composition with big cover.

Opt2: Send cover through media session. Find an option for pre-13 devices. Handle "cover in notification" setting

Anrimian commented 1 year ago

Implemented for android 13+ in version 0.9.7, for pre-13 android it's compressed by system.