Delete from storage has no effect and playlist is restored on next scan.
Option 1: find a way to fix this
Option 2: create db table "deleted_playlists"(name, delete date). Ignore that playlists from storage.
Option 3: import storage playlists only once. Add flag in state preferences. Add button "reimport storage playlists" in Library > advanced. With explanation(?) and complete message "Storage playlists scanning completed"
Delete from storage has no effect and playlist is restored on next scan. Option 1: find a way to fix this Option 2: create db table "deleted_playlists"(name, delete date). Ignore that playlists from storage. Option 3: import storage playlists only once. Add flag in state preferences. Add button "reimport storage playlists" in Library > advanced. With explanation(?) and complete message "Storage playlists scanning completed"