AnssiR66 / AlanStdLib

The Standard Library for ALAN Interactive Fiction Language
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Move Shared AsciiDoc Assets to Git Submodule #103

Closed tajmone closed 2 years ago

tajmone commented 3 years ago

Because many of the AsciiDoc related resources in the assets/ folder are almost identical to those used in other ALAN project (alan-docs, Alan3-Italian), we need to move them to an independent repository and then include it here as a Git submodule. This will greatly simplify the maintenance of those assets.

Commonly shared assets will be stored into the _assets/shared/ folder, which will be the Git submodule and contain all the Asciidoctor related resources that can be shared by different projects:

This operation is going to require some tweaks to the assets in order to make them portable and reusable (e.g. the scripts) and also to the repositories' structure and its build scripts.

We should begin the work in this repository, which has better toolchain scripts, and carry on until all the assets are in a single folder that can be moved to an independent repository. Once this is achieved, we'll add the thus created Git submodule to the alan-docs repos and start editing it until it uses only the assets of the new Git submodule, and get rid of the previous assets.

tajmone commented 3 years ago

@AnssiR66, I realize that the above proposed operations are going to take away some time from the current v2.2.0 work, but I really need to move in that direction in order to also keep up with the other repos (alan-docs and ALAN Italian) which rely on the same assets. Keeping multiple versions of the same assets is just to hard, not only because of the redundant work, but also because of tracking the different versions of the various assets can be easily overlooked.

Now that we'll be updating the ALAN syntax definition to optionally support the StdLib keywords, I'll need to update all the Sass/CSS themes too, the Asciidoctor assets and the toolchain scripts; so this is the right time to make the move toward a Git submodule of shared assets, once and for all.

tajmone commented 3 years ago

Using Gem Instead?

The reason this work has halted is due to the recent efforts in moving toward using Rakefiles instead of Shell scripts for the toolchain, and the possibility of creating a Ruby gem for sharing assets, instead of a repository being sub-moduled.

The switch to Rake is already happening on some repositories, as for the Gem option, that still needs some thinking about.