AnssiR66 / AlanStdLib

The Standard Library for ALAN Interactive Fiction Language
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Man: Part "Introduction" Pending Updates #104

Open tajmone opened 3 years ago

tajmone commented 3 years ago

The initial Introduction Part needs to be re-organized better, and it needs some fresh contents.

tajmone commented 3 years ago

@AnssiR66, would you take care of


As for the mygame_import.i file, is it worth keeping it at all? Having to manually update it every time the library changes is a bit of a burden, unless we find an automated way of extracting the required attributes definitions from the latest library sources.

I've never used this file, so I'm not sure how it works. But if we don't find an automated solution to its maintenance it's going to become a liability on the long term. If it's purpose is just to offer a selection of the LISTING_BLOCK attributes for message responses, then we could easily use some comments tags to mark contents that need to be exported to this file, and use a templating system of some type (Mustache?).

Regarding this, I was thinking in the past couple of days that, since we're adding all those AsciiDoc region tags comments to the StdLib sources, and we might even add further comment markers for automatic generation of mygame_import.i, we could keep the development sources of the StdLib separate from their final distribution files, and generate a "filtered" version for the final package, where all these markers comments are stripped off (just like we're doing with the .alan examples that we're distributing in extras/). If we do this, we don't have to worry about the StdLib sources starting to look ugly due to all those marker comments that are creeping in, for end users won't see them in the final distribution.

AnssiR66 commented 3 years ago

Mygame_import is not that necessary and might just make things more complicated. I think we can very well let go of it, and keep the library more simple (even if mygame_import.i is not a part of the library anyway, just an auxiliary file). But it is true, keeping it always up to date with the library would be unnecessary extra work.

tajmone commented 3 years ago

OK, then. If I can come up with an easy way to autogenerate we can always put it back. But, on the other, with the library messages now being in an isolated module, it should also be easier for author to just copy the file and edit it, or copy and paste the desired attributes.