AnssiR66 / AlanStdLib

The Standard Library for ALAN Interactive Fiction Language
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Adopt Rake for Toolchain #132

Closed tajmone closed 2 years ago

tajmone commented 2 years ago

We should migrate our toolchain to use Rake instead of Bash or CMD scripts (currently we're using both, which is messy), since Rake is much more powerful, reduces build times (only updates files when their dependencies have changed), its simpler to sue (just rake anywhere in the repository) and works cross platform (no specific terminal required).

We've already adopted Rake in the ALAN i18n repository, with impressive results, and even created some custom Ruby/Rake modules for handling ALAN and Asciidoctor operation via custom methods/tasks which make handling entire folders just a matter of passing the folder path to the helper method — Rake will scan the folder contents and build the required tasks programmatically.

As mentioned in the tasks-list, some aspects of the toolchain rely on Unix tools which are only granted to be available on Bash under Windows, so we'll probably have to use Rake from Bash initially, until we manage to substitute the operations carried out by those Unix tools via Ruby code, so that our Rakefile can be run on any OS and terminal.