Ansuel / tch-nginx-gui

Modified file to apply to a stock technicolor GUI
GNU General Public License v3.0
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no 4g device connected for gui> 9.3.71 #1043

Closed DaniloMagliarisi88 closed 3 years ago

DaniloMagliarisi88 commented 3 years ago

Device Model/Firmware: tg789vac v2 GUI Version: 9.3.71

from the version after 9.3.71, including the latest stable version, the internet key will no longer be recognized. I use the k5160 key. seen the problem, I started from version 9.1.2 and I made progressive upgrades. when I got to version 9.3.77 (I skipped version 9.3.75) it stopped working. once version 9.3.77 is installed, I cannot downgrade to a version where the key worked, because it will still not work, so a reset from the key is required. in addition, once the reset is done, directly putting the version that worked 9.3.71 involves the malfunction of the interface with error 500. so I put a version where the gui worked and then I updated to 9.3.71 to have the connection with key.

dalla verisione successiva alla 9.3.71, compresa l'ultima versione stabile, non viene riconosciutà più la chiavetta internet. io uso la chiavetta k5160. visto il problema, sono partito dalla versione 9.1.2 e ho fatto upgrade progressivi. quando sono arrivato alla versione 9.3.77 (ho saltato la versione 9.3.75) ha smesso di funzionare. una volta installata la versione 9.3.77, non posso fare un downgrade ad una versione dove la chiavetta funzionava, perchè continuerà a non funzionare, quindi è necessario un reset dal tasto. in più, una volta fatto il reset, mettere direttamente la versione che funzionava 9.3.71 comporta il mal funzionamento dell'interfaccia con errore 500. quindi ho messo una versione dove la gui funzionava e poi ho aggiornato alla 9.3.71 per avere la connessione con chiavetta.

FrancYescO commented 3 years ago

what firmware? have you tried to put directly last stable after a reset?

DaniloMagliarisi88 commented 3 years ago

firmware is version 17.2, it should be Uno. If I put the last gui directly, it happens to me that the 4g doesn't work. says 0 connected devices.

FrancYescO commented 3 years ago

please post a debug zip from the last dev, but install it directly avoiding upgrades try if issuing /etc/init.d/mobiled restart gives errors and try after cp /rom/etc/init.d/mobiled /etc/init.d/mobiled

DaniloMagliarisi88 commented 3 years ago

DebugHelper2020-12-20-1836.tar.gz I restored the original gui from the interface, I downloaded the latest dev 9.6.66. always 0 devices found. I gave the command: /etc/init.d/mobiled restart result: Delaying Mobiled startup. Waiting for 9965 to terminate sh: can't kill pid 9965: No such process

I've done: cp /rom/etc/init.d/mobiled /etc/init.d/mobiled

and then:


same problem. I tried again with: /etc/init.d/mobiled restart

Delaying Mobiled startup. Waiting for 9965 to terminate sh: can't kill pid 9965: No such process

attached debug

FrancYescO commented 3 years ago

have you done a full reset or just a GUI reset?

DaniloMagliarisi88 commented 3 years ago

No, Just gui reset. I Will try with a full reset.

FrancYescO commented 3 years ago

try also cp /rom/usr/lib/lua/mobiled/scripthelpers.lua /usr/lib/lua/mobiled/scripthelpers.lua but we should find a way to fix it after a full reset (preserving only root) and a direct install of a version that is at least 9.6.65, otherwise debugging is getting harder.

DaniloMagliarisi88 commented 3 years ago

with full reset same result. Gui 9.6.65 stable: root@dsldevice:~# cp /rom/usr/lib/lua/mobiled/scripthelpers.lua /usr/lib/lua/mob iled/scripthelpers.lua cp: '/rom/usr/lib/lua/mobiled/scripthelpers.lua' and '/usr/lib/lua/mobiled/scripthelpers.lua' are the same file root@dsldevice:~# /etc/init.d/mobiled restart Delaying Mobiled startup. Waiting for 4865 to terminate sh: can't kill pid 4865: No such process root@dsldevice:~# cp /rom/etc/init.d/mobiled /etc/init.d/mobiled cp: '/rom/etc/init.d/mobiled' and '/etc/init.d/mobiled' are the same file root@dsldevice:~# cp /rom/usr/lib/lua/mobiled/scripthelpers.lua /usr/lib/lua/mob iled/scripthelpers.lua cp: '/rom/usr/lib/lua/mobiled/scripthelpers.lua' and '/usr/lib/lua/mobiled/scripthelpers.lua' are the same file this is dmesg log: ` Tue Dec 22 12:45:48 2020 daemon.notice [11387]: [mobiled] (PlatformConfigure) runs PlatformConfigure-Main.check(timeout, 1) Tue Dec 22 12:45:48 2020 daemon.notice [11387]: [mobiled] (WaitingForDevice) runs WaitingForDevice-Main.check(timeout, 1) Tue Dec 22 12:45:48 2020 [11387]: [mobiled] Executing "ubus send mobiled '{"dev_desc":"1-2","event":"device_added","dev_idx":1}'" Tue Dec 22 12:45:48 2020 daemon.notice [11387]: [mobiled] (DeviceInit) runs DeviceInit-EntryExit.entry(1) Tue Dec 22 12:45:48 2020 daemon.notice [11387]: [mobiled] DeviceInit-> Entry Function Tue Dec 22 12:45:48 2020 daemon.err [11387]: [mobiled] Failed to initialize control channel Tue Dec 22 12:45:48 2020 [11387]: [mobiled] Executing "ubus send mobiled '{"dev_desc":"1-2","pdp_type":"ipv4v6","session_id":0,"session_state":"disconnected","dev_idx":1,"event":"session_state_changed"}'" Tue Dec 22 12:45:48 2020 [11387]: [mobiled] Destroy device 1 Tue Dec 22 12:45:48 2020 [11387]: [mobiled] Removed statemachine 1 Tue Dec 22 12:45:48 2020 [11387]: [mobiled] Executing "ubus send mobiled '{"dev_desc":"1-2","event":"device_removed","dev_idx":1}'" Tue Dec 22 12:45:48 2020 [11387]: [mobiled] Adding statemachine 1 Tue Dec 22 12:45:49 2020 daemon.err [11387]: [mobiled] Received event "session_state_changed" for unknown device

` DebugHelper2020-12-22-1136(gui 9.6.65 dopo reset).tar.gz

FrancYescO commented 3 years ago

try executing mobiled from shell

DaniloMagliarisi88 commented 3 years ago

ok, but I have to try with the new dev release or with mobiled via shell? I also noticed that the rndis_host devices are not recognized, while in the DGA4132 model they are recognized

FrancYescO commented 3 years ago

last dev should fix the issue please confirm..


DaniloMagliarisi88 commented 3 years ago

I tried to update from the interface and it gave me a corrupt file. I try to update from shell. regarding rndis, sometimes I connect the smartphone to the usb port and enable usb tethering which generates a wan connection with the modem as described in the OpenWrt guide / ethernetoverusb_rndis

FrancYescO commented 3 years ago

pretty sure it's due to different versions of mobiled, probably you are using a firmware with an updated version on 4132

try moving this this dir to the 789

DaniloMagliarisi88 commented 3 years ago

image I updated from shell without resetting and it worked right away!

DaniloMagliarisi88 commented 3 years ago

for the rndis I used the files you recommended but nothing to do. from the log it recognizes it but it seems that it does not distribute the connection in the lan, the same thing happened to me with the 4g connection and the voip that did not connect. I had solved the latter with a workaroud in the network settings. in the DG4132 instead everything works without any modification. I'll try to make some changes.

FrancYescO commented 3 years ago

what is the workaround used for rndis? probably we are looking at different issues, it turn the interface on but set no routing? can you send a debug log with both rndis connected from 4132 and from 789?

DaniloMagliarisi88 commented 3 years ago

no, sorry maybe I explained myself wrong. with the tg789 the voip did not work with the 4g (while with the dg4132 yes). To fix this I edited the files in /etc/config as I did here,77519.msg255219.html#msg255219 Now I tried to connect with rndis instead, which is recognized. from the log I see: usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 3 using ehci-platform [3039.710000] rndis_host 1-1: 1.0 usb0: register 'rndis_host' at usb-ehci-platform-1, RNDIS device, 02: 68: 02: 73: 12: 7a but i have no connection. it is likely that I have to do the same procedure I did in the forum but this time choose usb0 instead of wwan0 to be able to have internet. it seems to be another type of problem, unrelated to the previous one.

FrancYescO commented 3 years ago

Probably better to continue on forum or in a new issue the RNDIS question (fwics attaching my phone in USB tethering to a DGA4130 with 18.3 firmware seems to not add any new interface) just point out here in a new issue fixes that the GUI can directly apply

actually is there anything that requires you to use an older version of the GUI?

DaniloMagliarisi88 commented 3 years ago

ok, i will open a discussion on the forum. no, now I use the latest version of the gui and it seems to work fine!

P.S. : just for your knowledge, I modified /etc/config/network and on wan I entered option ifname 'usb0' and now the usb tethering from smartphone works!