Ansuel / tch-nginx-gui

Modified file to apply to a stock technicolor GUI
GNU General Public License v3.0
341 stars 52 forks source link

better handling when installing a GUI version from CLI #366

Closed FrancYescO closed 5 years ago

FrancYescO commented 5 years ago

GUI version 8.9.81 - 789vac v2 UNO 17.2

When installing directly a dev GUI from CLI, from a "factory default" device (just rooted and with internet online) with these commands

curl -k --output /tmp/GUI_dev.tar.bz2
bzcat /tmp/GUI_dev.tar.bz2 | tar -C / -xvf -
/etc/init.d/rootdevice force

something strange happens that will cause a "mix" of dev and stable version

Root Script: Checking if intercept is enabled and disabling it if on...
Root Script: Trying to clean wansensing script from hardcoded interface...
Root Script: Setting root flag
Root Script: Disable reboot after crash, this gives race condition...
Root Script: Save root password if modified
Root Script: Setting dropbear settings
Root Script: Restarting dropbear
Root Script: Doing various check and generating hash...
Root Script: Update branch detected: STABLE
Root Script: Stable GUI not found in /root
Root Script: Stable GUI not found in /tmp, downloading if possible...
Root Script: Assume first times install, cleaning /www dir and reinstall
Root Script: Updating GUI in /root folder from /tmp
Root Script: Detected upgrade!
Root Script: Old GUI hash: 0
Root Script: New GUI hash: ab0eb541a6c76cbe5682af14211e0396
Root Script: Resetting version info...
Root Script: Sync version
Root Script: Apply modification
Root Script: Restart power init
Root Script: Restarting dnsmasq
Root Script: Process done.
Root Script: Checking if ISP is detected...
Root Script: Found GUI_dev in tmp dir... Cleaning...
Root Script: Restarting transformer
Root Script: Restarting nginx
Root Script: Resetting cwmp and watchdog

More infos/tests:,77981.msg243657.html#msg243657

FrancYescO commented 5 years ago