Ansuel / tch-nginx-gui

Modified file to apply to a stock technicolor GUI
GNU General Public License v3.0
343 stars 52 forks source link

GUi-Box Text is missing (beta 1.11.90) #463

Closed towatai closed 5 years ago

towatai commented 5 years ago

If the language is set to German, the current DEV (1.11.90) does not display a text in the GUI box. Everything works in English. Router Firmware 2.0.0

towatai commented 5 years ago

Found another GUI-Bug. Broadband -> Show Advanced -> WanSensing State Text is missing when language is set to German.

FrancYescO commented 5 years ago

it's the same for all untranslated strings, we must manage the .po files in a standard way (avoid replacing strings if empty), or wait for @meyergru that will complete latest translations :)

meyergru commented 5 years ago

With the old .MO files, that was the standard behaviour. It is helpful if there can be empty translatation in the .PO files, since then the translators just have to fill in the blanks instead of looking for untranslated strings (which can be added automatically). However, the way it is now, empty translations result in empty strings.

Ansuel commented 5 years ago

@meyergru thx for notice that... will add an exception for empty translation!

meyergru commented 5 years ago

Fine. And if someone regularly adds the new empty strings to the .PO files in the repo, I will translate those from time to time. In the meantime, the original texts will be shown for untranslated strings (i.e. after @Ansuel is done).

Ansuel commented 5 years ago

@meyergru can you give me some example where the text is empty just to test if my modification works.

meyergru commented 5 years ago

Just look at the end of , the new strings are being added there. One example is "NotPresent", but I do not know where that is to look at.

Ansuel commented 5 years ago

checked with wansensing state... this should be fixed now

Ansuel commented 5 years ago

@meyergru can you test this if is fixed?

meyergru commented 5 years ago

Alas, I cannot. I am in bridge mode with 8.11.85, so the "check for upgrade" does nothing. And since the GUI upgrade has moved to a page that is not linked anywhere, I can neither access the manual GUI upgrade nor upgrade automatically.

Ansuel commented 5 years ago

Click ansuel Explore my repository and tch auto build

meyergru commented 5 years ago

I cannot upgrade the GUI even when I have the file since there is no link to the upgrade page.

Ansuel commented 5 years ago

@meyergru what do you mean?

meyergru commented 5 years ago

Previously, the GUI upgrade function was on the Gateway page. It is no more. The upgrade page is not linked anywhere in the GUI menus, unless a pending upgrade is detected - which can never be in bridge mode.

That way, I cannot access the firmware upgrade modal and thus, not upgrade even manually.

Ansuel commented 5 years ago

!!... a new card was introduced recently... with the gui option... thx for the report will add to the whitelist

meyergru commented 5 years ago

Can I access it directly via an URL with parameters?

Ansuel commented 5 years ago

if you want you can put the file (with name GUI or GUI_dev) in /tmp and then run upgradegui

meyergru commented 5 years ago

Tried that and it did a downgrade to 8.11.49...

Here is the log:

root@napoli:/tmp# mv GUI_8.11.97.tar.bz2 GUI_dev.tar.bz2
root@napoli:/tmp# upgradegui

 █████╗ ███╗   ██╗███████╗██╗   ██╗███████╗██╗
██╔══██╗████╗  ██║██╔════╝██║   ██║██╔════╝██║
███████║██╔██╗ ██║███████╗██║   ██║█████╗  ██║
██╔══██║██║╚██╗██║╚════██║██║   ██║██╔══╝  ██║
██║  ██║██║ ╚████║███████║╚██████╔╝███████╗███████╗
╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═══╝╚══════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚══════╝
(Modified Gui UpgradeScript)               (Christo)

Upgrade Script: Downloading GUI file...
Upgrade Script: Downloaded gui with hash: d3aa2bd723cfc77ca0606293f882c3ec
Upgrade Script: Stopping nginx...
Upgrade Script: Cleaning www dir
Upgrade Script: Extracting file...
Upgrade Script: Copying file to permanent dir...
Upgrade Script: Running rootdevice script
Root Script: Rooting in progress...
Root Script: Apply specific device file...
Root Script: DGA device detected!
Root Script: Extracting custom-ripdrv-specificDGA.tar.bz2 ...
Root Script: Extracting telnet_support-specificDGA/TG800.tar.bz2 ...
Root Script: Extracting upgrade-pack-specificDGA.tar.bz2 ...
Root Script: Extracting upnpfix-specificDGA.tar.bz2 ...
Root Script: Extracting dlnad_supprto-specificDGA.tar.bz2 ...
Root Script: Extracting wgetfix-specificDGA.tar.bz2 ...
Root Script: StateMachine tar md5sum: 61eb9c3195f8a6c0111a867457cd9f67
Root Script: StateMachine md5sum: 61eb9c3195f8a6c0111a867457cd9f67
Root Script: Removing specific file and resuming root process...
Root Script: Disable watchdog
Root Script: Start rooting
Root Script: Stopping nginx
Root Script: Checking if we are on TIM configuration
Root Script: Unlocking web interface if needed
Root Script: Check variant_friendly_name set
Root Script: Check and cleanup
Root Script: Remove default dns
Root Script: Purify wan
Root Script: Fix dns bug
Root Script: Enable dlnad
Root Script: Fix Sysupgrade
Root Script: Check orig config
Root Script: Restore original mapper
Root Script: Transformer lib check
Root Script: Remove https check
Root Script: Check css presence
Root Script: Check if dnsmasq is names as we need it for the webui
Root Script: Check driver setting
Root Script: Check Dropbear config file
Root Script: Check ddns directory
Root Script: Check eco param
Root Script: Enable new upnp
Root Script: Sync dhcp configuration for new webui
Root Script: Create gui type in config
Root Script: Add new web option
Root Script: New DHCPRelay Option
Root Script: Disable trace from igmpproxy
Root Script: Moving aria2 dir
Root Script: Creating new option for led definition
Root Script: LedEventing new md5sum: c042d83ecde3331471f0a6802b46cd91
Root Script: LedEventing md5sum: c042d83ecde3331471f0a6802b46cd91
Root Script: Old build detected, moving wansensing file
Root Script: Checking downgrade limitation bit
Root Script: Checking opkg conf
Root Script: Creating and checking real version
Root Script: Creating new wol implementation
Root Script: Sync new xdsl option
Root Script: Creating utility simbolic link
Root Script: Clean old script
Root Script: Adding fast cache options
Root Script: Reworking sfp interface in network...
Root Script: Reinstalling telstra gui if needed...
Root Script: Checking if wan_mode option exist...
Root Script: Inizialize and start dosprotect...
Root Script: Checking if intercept is enabled and disabling it if on...
Root Script: Trying to clean wansensing script from hardcoded interface...
Root Script: Setting root flag
Root Script: Disable reboot after crash, this gives race condition...
Root Script: Save root password if modified
Root Script: Setting dropbear settings
Root Script: Restarting dropbear
Root Script: Doing various check and generating hash...
Root Script: Setting update branch to STABLE
Root Script: Updating GUI in /root folder from /tmp
Root Script: Detected upgrade!
Root Script: Old GUI hash:
Root Script: New GUI hash: d3aa2bd723cfc77ca0606293f882c3ec
Root Script: Resetting version info...
Root Script: Add checkversion to cron...
Root Script: Apply modification
Root Script: Restart power init
Root Script: Restarting dnsmasq
Root Script: Process done.
Root Script: Checking if ISP is detected...
Root Script: TIM ISP detected, finding CWMP server...
Root Script: CWMP Server detected: None
Root Script: Found GUI_dev in tmp dir... Cleaning...
Root Script: Restarting transformer
Root Script: Restarting nginx...
Root Script: Trafficmon inizialization
Root Script: Resetting cwmp and watchdog
Upgrade Script: Upgrade Done
meyergru commented 5 years ago

Interesting. Worked on the second try with nothing else changed... ??? Nope. Re-did 8.11.49, but seemingly from /tmp:

root@napoli:/tmp# upgradegui

 █████╗ ███╗   ██╗███████╗██╗   ██╗███████╗██╗
██╔══██╗████╗  ██║██╔════╝██║   ██║██╔════╝██║
███████║██╔██╗ ██║███████╗██║   ██║█████╗  ██║
██╔══██║██║╚██╗██║╚════██║██║   ██║██╔══╝  ██║
██║  ██║██║ ╚████║███████║╚██████╔╝███████╗███████╗
╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═══╝╚══════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚══════╝
(Modified Gui UpgradeScript)               (Christo)

Upgrade Script: Found file in /tmp dir... Except offline upgrade!
Upgrade Script: Stopping nginx...
Command failed: Not found
Upgrade Script: Cleaning www dir
Upgrade Script: Extracting file...
Upgrade Script: Copying file to permanent dir...
Upgrade Script: Running rootdevice script
Root Script: Rooting in progress...
Upgrade Script: Upgrade Done
meyergru commented 5 years ago

Now I got it. In the downgraded 8.11.49, the upgrade is still on the gateway page. So I could use 8.11.97 for a manual upgrade.

I can see english texts now in the german version, so I suspect the fix works.