Ansuel / tch-nginx-gui

Modified file to apply to a stock technicolor GUI
GNU General Public License v3.0
341 stars 52 forks source link

Extensions install but won't work #662

Closed ale-rinaldi closed 5 years ago

ale-rinaldi commented 5 years ago

Device Model: DGA ( DGA4132), firmware: AGTHP_2.0.0 Gui Version: 9.0.49

Description of problem: When I enable an extension (LuCi, Aria2, Transmission,XUPnP) the page reloads and it says it's installed. However, connections on port 9080 (for LuCi), 9091 (for Transmission) or 4044 (for XUPnP) fail, and on /aria Nginx says "404 Not found". The only extension that works as it should is Telstra.

How to reproduce (if possible): Enable an extension. Access to it.

Media/Photos (if possible): 1

FrancYescO commented 5 years ago

when installing, was internet online on the modem ?

ale-rinaldi commented 5 years ago

Yes it was, but (don't know if it's normal/related), opkg update from router fails:

root@modemtim:~# opkg update
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
*** Failed to download the package list from

Collected errors:
 * opkg_download: Failed to download, wget returned 1.
Kherby commented 5 years ago

@ale-rinaldi That's not normal...

The output opkg update should look like this:

root@DGA4132:~# opkg update
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/chaos_calmer_base
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/chaos_calmer_packages
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/chaos_calmer_luci
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/chaos_calmer_routing
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/chaos_calmer_telephony
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/chaos_calmer_management
*** Failed to download the package list from

Collected errors:
 * opkg_download: Failed to download, wget returned 8.
ale-rinaldi commented 5 years ago

Okkey, I had to manually change the repos list and install the wget package downloading it from an HTTP source, since the built-in wget didn't correctly get Pacakges.gz from any of the repos :/
Strange that the automated procedure didn't take care of this, but no problem.
So, I tried again and this time the GUI takes some more time in the "Installing..." phase before refreshing.
That solved the issue for Aria2 and Trasmission, but LuCi and XUPnP are still having the same issue. Could you please point me in the right direction and tell me what packages is the GUI trying (and, I think, failing) to install? So I can try to set them up manually and check what's wrong.


ale-rinaldi commented 5 years ago

Ok, at least for LuCi I could imagine it: the package is luci :-)

Now, here's the log:

root@modemtim:/etc/opkg# opkg install luci
Installing luci (git-18.021.57137-5fa2132-1) to root...
Installing uhttpd (2015-11-08-fe01ef3f52adae9da38ef47926cd50974af5d6b7) to root...
Installing uhttpd-mod-ubus (2015-11-08-fe01ef3f52adae9da38ef47926cd50974af5d6b7) to root...
Installing libuci-lua (2017-04-12.1-1) to root...
Configuring uhttpd.
Configuring uhttpd-mod-ubus.
Collected errors:
 * check_data_file_clashes: Package libuci-lua wants to install file /usr/lib/lua/
        But that file is already provided by package  * lua-uci
 * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package luci.

Seems a packaging issue by my side. Don't know if the packages are mantained by you.

About XUPnP, I tried with xupnp package but I can't find it.

nutterthanos commented 5 years ago

I seem to get the same issue on the Telstra Gateway Frontier (DJN2130)

Edit: this is for GUI version stable 9.0.49 and firmware version CRF847-17.2.0261-820-RA

Ansuel commented 5 years ago

use latest dev

nutterthanos commented 5 years ago

I thought dev is unstable.

Ansuel commented 5 years ago

most of the times some new function are broken dev contains latest changes

melix99 commented 5 years ago

I confirm that this issue happens even with the latest stable build (9.2.56, DGA4132, AGTHP_2.0.0)

Ansuel commented 5 years ago

@Melix19 i need some thing

command logread

file /etc/opkg.confg

melix99 commented 5 years ago

Logread command on aria2 install:

Tue Jul  9 16:38:25 2019 transformer[3996]: async run: /usr/share/transformer/scripts/ install aria2

Logread command when trying to access aria2 page :

Tue Jul  9 16:43:30 2019 daemon.err nginx: 2019/07/09 16:43:30 [error] 4618#0: *24 open() "/www/docroot/aria" failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: localhost, request: "GET /aria HTTP/1.1", host: "", referrer: ""


Ansuel commented 5 years ago


uci get -q version.@version[0].marketing_version

melix99 commented 5 years ago

It does nothing

Ansuel commented 5 years ago

uci show version

melix99 commented 5 years ago
/$ uci show version
Ansuel commented 5 years ago

@Melix19 try latest dev

melix99 commented 5 years ago

Same problem, the web pages won't load

melix99 commented 5 years ago

BTW if I try to install aria2 inserting the command manually this shows up:

/usr/share/transformer/scripts$ /usr/share/transformer/scripts/ install aria2
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Collected errors:
 * opkg_download: Failed to download, wget returned 1.
*** Failed to download the package list from

Collected errors:
 * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package unzip.
 * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package aria2.
Unknown package 'unzip'.
Unknown package 'aria2'.
Package libstdcpp (4.6-linaro-1) installed in root is up to date.
Connecting to (
wget: can't execute 'openssl': No such file or directory
wget: error getting response: Connection reset by peer
/usr/share/transformer/scripts/ line 329: unzip: not found
rm: can't remove '/tmp/': No such file or directory
mv: can't rename '/www/docroot/AriaNg-DailyBuild-master': No such file or directory
mkdir: can't create directory '/etc/aria2': File exists
/usr/share/transformer/scripts/ line 329: aria2c: not found
melix99 commented 5 years ago

It seems that the file in doesn't exist

Ansuel commented 5 years ago

@Melix19 can you give me output of command upgradegui

melix99 commented 5 years ago
/$ upgradegui

 █████╗ ███╗   ██╗███████╗██╗   ██╗███████╗██╗     
██╔══██╗████╗  ██║██╔════╝██║   ██║██╔════╝██║     
███████║██╔██╗ ██║███████╗██║   ██║█████╗  ██║     
██╔══██║██║╚██╗██║╚════██║██║   ██║██╔══╝  ██║     
██║  ██║██║ ╚████║███████║╚██████╔╝███████╗███████╗
╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═══╝╚══════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚══════╝
(Modified Gui UpgradeScript)               (Christo)

Upgrade Script: Downloading GUI file...
Upgrade Script: Downloaded GUI with hash: 9f54995c76122e7a5cb67ca67035718b
Upgrade Script: Dev branch detected... Checking for newer version in stable...
Upgrade Script: Downloaded stable GUI with hash: 2eaf6d62ac6796815522b126e82559d9
Upgrade Script: Stable version found: 9.02.56
Upgrade Script: Dev version found: 9.02.59
Upgrade Script: Cleaning www dir
Upgrade Script: Extracting file...
Upgrade Script: Saving md5sum of dev gui to /root ...
Upgrade Script: Running rootdevice script
Root Script: Installing in progress...
Root Script: Start rooting
Root Script: Setting root flag
Root Script: Reset unlock bit
Root Script: Save root password if modified
Root Script: Setting & Enabling Dropbear SSH Server
Root Script: Restarting Dropbear SSH Server
Root Script: Executing /etc/modgui_scripts/
Root Script: Disable watchdog
Root Script: Executing /etc/modgui_scripts/
Root Script: Applying specific model fixes...
Root Script: DGA device detected!
Root Script: Extracting custom-ripdrv-specificDGA.tar.bz2 ...
Root Script: Extracting telnet_support-specificDGA/TG800.tar.bz2 ...
Root Script: Extracting upgrade-pack-specificDGA.tar.bz2 ...
Root Script: Extracting upnpfix-specificDGA.tar.bz2 ...
Root Script: Extracting dlnad_supprto-specificDGA.tar.bz2 ...
Root Script: Extracting wgetfix-specificDGA.tar.bz2 ...
Package libopenssl version 1.0.2g-1 has no valid architecture, ignoring.
Package librt version has no valid architecture, ignoring.
Package libopenssl version 1.0.2g-1 has no valid architecture, ignoring.
Package librt version has no valid architecture, ignoring.
Installing wget (1.17.1-1) to root...
Configuring wget.
Root Script: StateMachine tar md5sum: cabb07035260e2b404c00c8aec73a312
Root Script: StateMachine md5sum: aed88f69401ccf1b83a0b6f0afc8f754
Root Script: Extracting ledfw_support-specificDGA.bz2 ...
Root Script: Removing fixes and resuming root process...
Root Script: Executing /etc/modgui_scripts/
Root Script: Fix Sysupgrade
Root Script: Restore original mapper
Root Script: Transformer lib check
Root Script: Old build detected, moving wansensing file
Root Script: Checking downgrade limitation bit
Root Script: Creating utility symbolic link
Root Script: Remove old update script
Root Script: Enabling hardware serial console...
Root Script: Add checkversion to cron...
Root Script: Executing /etc/modgui_scripts/
Root Script: Check original config
Root Script: Unlocking web interface if needed
Root Script: Check if variant_friendly_name set
Root Script: Remove https check
Root Script: Check for CSS themes
Root Script: Check driver setting
Root Script: Check Dropbear config file
Root Script: Check eco paramaters
Root Script: Create GUI type in config
Root Script: Add new web options
Root Script: New DHCPRelay Option
Root Script: Disable trace from igmpproxy
Root Script: Create new option for led definitions
Root Script: LedEventing new md5sum: e1fc0cbc7bde9a2f4b99f6d716abda7e
Root Script: LedEventing md5sum: 5d9fc0150aa96490e5c49af1d6f8b0db
Root Script: Creating and checking real version
Root Script: Implementing WoL
Root Script: Apply new xDSL options
Root Script: Adding fast cache options
Root Script: Checking if wan_mode option exists...
Root Script: Inizialize and start DoSprotect...
Root Script: Checking if intercept is enabled and disabling if it is...
Root Script: Disabling coredump reboot...
Root Script: Restoring nginx additional options if needed...
Root Script: Adding missing voicednd rule if needed
Root Script: Doing various checks and generating hashes...
Root Script: Update branch detected: DEV
Root Script: Detected upgrade!
Root Script: Old GUI hash: 83fac011a7ef2a1d58617cc7ad373eb4
Root Script: New GUI hash: 9f54995c76122e7a5cb67ca67035718b
Root Script: Resetting version info...
Root Script: Decrypting any encrypted password present in config
Root Script: Executing /etc/modgui_scripts/
Root Script: Trafficmon inizialization
Root Script: Enable DLNAd
Root Script: Enable new upnp
Root Script: Move Aria2 dir
Root Script: Checking opkg feeds config
Root Script: Reinstalling Telstra GUI if needed...
Root Script: Executing /etc/modgui_scripts/
Root Script: Check and cleanup
Root Script: Remove default DNS Servers
Root Script: Purify WAN
Root Script: Fix DNS bug
Root Script: Check if dnsmasq daemon name is as we need it for the GUI
Root Script: Sync DHCP configuration for new GUI
Root Script: Reworking sfp interface in network config...
Root Script: Attempt to clean the wansensing script from hardcoded interfaces...
Root Script: Cleaning WanSensing
Root Script: Cleaning cups firewall rule...
Root Script: Checking if ISP is detected...
Root Script: TIM ISP detected, finding CWMP server...
Root Script: CWMP Server detected:
Root Script: Apply CVE 2019-11477 workaround
Root Script: Executing /etc/modgui_scripts/
Root Script: Applying modifications
Root Script: Restarting dnsmasq if needed...
Root Script: Resetting cwmp and watchdog
Root Script: Process done.
Root Script: Restarting transformer
Root Script: Stopping nginx
Root Script: Restarting nginx...
Upgrade Script: Upgrade Done
Ansuel commented 5 years ago

and what you have in /etc/opkg.conf ?

melix99 commented 5 years ago
dest root /
dest ram /tmp
lists_dir ext /var/opkg-lists
option overlay_root /overlay
src/gz chaos_calmer_base
src/gz chaos_calmer_packages 
src/gz chaos_calmer_luci              
src/gz chaos_calmer_routing    
src/gz chaos_calmer_telephony
src/gz chaos_calmer_management

And... now the extensions work