Closed callmephilip closed 2 months ago
I don't know of a better way.
However, on a completely separate note, I was playing with this example, and some routing stuff may interest you (it's what I hope to do in the future). Notice how I don't define any route strings and pass around Python functions and not route strings and fasthtml just takes care of it for you!
from fasthtml.common import *
app,rt = fast_app(live=true)
# *c is nice for making easier to use functions
def AppLayout(*c, req):
# Notice that nav_links is not a route string!
nav_links = (('Home',index),('About',about),('Contact',contact))
return Container(
# notice that the routes are created by stringfying the ojbects defined below (ie `index`)
Nav(Ul(*[Li(A(f"{n}{' ✅' if req.url.path==str(r) else ''}",href=r)) for n,r in nav_links])),
# Anything you passed goes here, just like the OOTB components like `Div`
#@app.get - I prefer this style so I can easily match get with hx_get for htmx
# But will use @rt to explore all the stuff FastHTML can do for me
# Notice how there is no route string anywhere
@rt # Most concise and defaults to creating both a get and a post for this route
def index(req): return AppLayout(H1("Home"),P('Some text'), req=req)
def about(req): return AppLayout(H1("About"),Button('Broken Button'), req=req)
def contact(req): return AppLayout(H1("Contact us"), req=req)
I am wondering if you have found a cleaner way of doing this (sharing my approach below). Parts of the component tree might need access to request context (path in this case) - how do you get access to this data without needing to propagate attributes all the way down?