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/credential-authorizations endpoint missing per_page and page query params #89

Open ffalor opened 3 years ago

ffalor commented 3 years ago

It looks like the API spec for Credential Authorizations is missing the per_page and page params.

Calling the endpoint without these params will return 30 results.

In the Link header of the response it will include the next page, and the last page

<{orgid}/credential-authorizations?page=2>; rel="next",
<{orgid}/credential-authorizations?page=66>; rel="last"

Calling the API and passing in `?per_page=100&page=1'

Returns 100 results, and the following for Link header

<{orgid}/credential-authorizations?per_page=100&page=2>; rel="next",
<{orgid}/credential-authorizations?per_page=100&page=20>; rel="last"