Answers4AWS / graffiti-monkey

Goes around tagging things
Apache License 2.0
255 stars 88 forks source link

completed successfully but changes not reflected in AWS account #46

Open morganwalker opened 6 years ago

morganwalker commented 6 years ago

I've made the following changes:

tags_to_set['instance_id'] = instance_id
tags_to_set['device'] = device
region: us-east-1
  - 'Environment'

  - 'Environment'

#  -  key:   'role'
#     value: 'ebs'

#  -  key:   'role'
#     value: 'ebs_snapshot'

# Filter values with the same key (eg, tag:app) are an OR
# Different filter keys are an AND operation (eg, tag:app and tag:team)
# See the Filter section in
# Example entries:
#    'tag:app':   ['app1', 'app2']
#    'tag:team': 'team1'

# An empty list means tag all volumes
# Example entries:
#  - 'vol-1ab2c345'
  - 'vol-0784cc294e20cbb39'

# An empty list means tag all snapshots
# Example entries:
#  - 'snap-12ab3c45'
#  - 'snap-6de7f890'
2018-06-13 20:24:08 [INFO] Starting Graffiti Monkey
2018-06-13 20:24:08 [INFO] Options: dryrun True, append True, novolumes False, nosnapshots True
2018-06-13 20:24:08 [INFO] Connecting to region us-east-1 using profile default
2018-06-13 20:24:08 [INFO] Using volume list from cli/config file
2018-06-13 20:24:09 [INFO] Found 1 volume(s)
2018-06-13 20:24:09 [INFO] Processing volume 1 of 1 total volumes
2018-06-13 20:24:09 [INFO] DRYRUN: Volume vol-0784cc294e20cbb39 would have been tagged {u'Name': u'', u'': u'spark-cluster', u'': u'owned', u'': u'cassandra-data-cassandra-3', 'Environment': u'production', u'': u'pvc-46cc64b6-6a94-11e8-a763-02c1f252ba9e', u'KubernetesCluster': u''}
2018-06-13 20:24:09 [INFO] Processed a total of 300 GB of AWS Volumes
2018-06-13 20:24:09 [INFO] Completed processing all volumes
2018-06-13 20:24:09 [INFO] Graffiti Monkey completed successfully!
[20:24] jmorganwalker@ip-10-0-1-11:~DEV_ROOT/graffiti-monkey/bin# ./graffiti-monkey --config ../conf/example_config.yml --append --nosnapshots                                            master ✱ ◼
2018-06-13 20:24:29 [INFO] Starting Graffiti Monkey
2018-06-13 20:24:29 [INFO] Options: dryrun False, append True, novolumes False, nosnapshots True
2018-06-13 20:24:29 [INFO] Connecting to region us-east-1 using profile default
2018-06-13 20:24:29 [INFO] Using volume list from cli/config file
2018-06-13 20:24:30 [INFO] Found 1 volume(s)
2018-06-13 20:24:30 [INFO] Processing volume 1 of 1 total volumes
2018-06-13 20:24:30 [INFO] Processed a total of 300 GB of AWS Volumes
2018-06-13 20:24:30 [INFO] Completed processing all volumes
2018-06-13 20:24:30 [INFO] Graffiti Monkey completed successfully!

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

SinghDivneet commented 4 years ago

did you find a resolution to this ?

aflatto commented 4 years ago

I am having the same issue now, with the latest git code.