Ant-Brain / EfficientWord-Net

OneShot Learning-based hotword detection.
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baseNetwork and Siamese modelCheckpoints used in train script #44

Closed artem-tok closed 8 months ago

artem-tok commented 8 months ago

Hello! In script you are referring to baseNetwork = tf.keras.models.load_model("/content/drive/MyDrive/Siamese/modelCheckpoints_old/model-8-01-0.96.h5").get_layer("basemodel") and

model = tf.keras.models.load_model(

on your drive. Could you please share this models?

TheSeriousProgrammer commented 8 months ago

That model is old and very poor interms of accuracy, consider using the latest resnet-arcloss based ones its built with pytorch

TheSeriousProgrammer commented 8 months ago

Pytorch Training Repo, is the entry point

artem-tok commented 8 months ago

@TheSeriousProgrammer many thanks!)