Open Ant11234 opened 9 months ago
Grading of: Anthony Bazhenov Grader: Ekamjot Kaire
Section | Score |
3.546 / 3.6 | 3.546 / 3.6 |
(0.9) x (0.98 + 0.96 + 1.0 + 1.0) = 3.546
Question 1 [0.98/1.0]
All parts of the question are answered fully. The code seems to be working and the output is shown, which meet the base requirements. The reflection was meaningful as well, since it mentions which parts took the longest, which would likely be the parts you review.
One piece of feedback I would give would be to include what you did in words either in code comments, or in a description somewhere. These comments can help readers at a later time see what you were trying to do, even if the code is confusing or doesn't work. It's just overall a good habit, which CollegeBoard encourages as well
Question 2 [0.96/1.0]
The questions have been answered, and the outputs seem to match what they are supposed to be. Since you didn't mention any issues you encountered or new learning, I assume this problem was straightforward for you. Considering that, the reflection is nice, and connects back to a previous experience you had with coding. You also included what certain lines of the code do for the game in comments this time as well.
If I were to give feedback, I would say that, even if the problem was simple for you, it might be helpful to include a brief description of what concepts were included in it. That way, when reviewing you can tell which CSA concepts you already have a good understanding of.
Question 3 [1.0/1.0]
The FRQ is answered and shows the outputs from running the code. The added context of the sparseArray actually being books in a shelf was an interesting take. It shows how a concept like this could be used in a real life situation -- to create a database of what books are available. It seems like considering the problem in this way helped you better understand the question, based on your review. The review also includes which parts of the problem you had issues with, as well as the errors you were stuck on. You even included some ways you might address this problem for the AP test.
Question 4 [1.0/1.0]
FRQ is answered with outputs. One thing I noticed was that you used annotations. Although the question could have been answered without them, including annotations was a good way to use extra concepts outside of what CSA teaches. You included code comments as well. The reflection says what you had issues with, and points out specific topics that could be studied. You also mention how you can include this new concept in your project.
For feedback, I would say you should add more code comments or a description of how you ended up solving this problem, especially since you said this the most difficult FRQ out of the 4.
(0.9) x (1.0 + 0.98 + 0.96 + 0.99) = 3.546
Question 1 [1.0/1.0]
Your reflection included 3 entire examples of how your project used arrays in different ways to help with the output of your project. You went in depth on how arrays are a benefit for your features, and it is clear you understand your project and how base CSA concepts are being used. The included connections to classes outside of CSA added an additional perspective as well on how this code goes beyond just this class.
Question 2 [0.98/1.0]
The reflection talks about how classes add to your project. In fact you seem to mention that your project might not even work without the different ways that you implemented using different classes. Something I would mention is that you should maybe explain the different components of your classes (what the variables methods, ect do), since that seems to be something CollegeBoard looks for in their FRQs
Question 3 [0.97/1.0]
For this question, you go into depth with one of your methods, which gives shows you have a good understanding of how it is used in the larger picture of your project. However I didn't really understand how the removeColumn method connects to yours like you said it does. The reflection may be improved my explaining that a little more, to make it a more concrete connection
Question 4 [0.99/1.0]
The JPA repository is a good example of interfaces, since it is used so heavily throughout all our projects. You also go into an explanation about control structures. One thing I would improve on is possibly mentioning specifically how interfaces benefit your project, since it was a new concept for you. Looking deeper into interfaces might even give an idea on how to use them to improve other aspects of your project
Overall takeaways: Although I can't give a grade on this section, I still believe it is a good overall reflection, which goes all the way back to last year's AP test and talks about how you have grown since then. You also talk about possible improvements, which shows self awareness and that you know where you can improve. You also mention how the FRQ helped your work ethics for the project itself, which is great! It touches exactly on what Mr. Mortensen was saying about how this can be a valuable experience in multiple ways.
Great job!
2015 College Board FRQ
FRQ 1 (Array/ ArrayLists and 2D Arrays)
Connection to American Sign Language AI Project CSA
This question from the 2015 College Board FRQ has 3 parts and centers around arrays and array lists. Throughout this trimester and especially in my ASL project, I've had to use arrays in order to process the frame data from the webcam. We stored all the frame data as an 784 element array (28*28 pixels) in order to have an easier time reading and testing on the data. In one of the sections of the code I created, I had to read the data uploaded by Ethan Tran's frame API onto /mnist. In doing so I learned a lot about how to use arrays from the difficulties I experienced trying to implement it.
Additionally, the weights of the AI neural network were stored as an Array. These weights are changed during AI training based on the results of the AI predictions and how accurate predictions are. This made the implementation of the weights array a lot more difficult than the others arrays I've previously created because we need to constantly change the weights based on the derivative of the loss function. Indeed, this is how AI training usually works - the derivatives help to find where the minimum of the loss function is, which is where the AI model is the most accurate. Also different types of loss functions can be used but it has to somehow reflect how accurate the model is. In our case we use a simple "expected value - predicted value" function, so when the model is accurate the loss function would output 0 and when its not accurate it will output a non-zero number. We use this function to change the weights: w = w - lr(dL/dw), where the new weight is obtained from old one based on the learning rate (lr) and the derivative of the loss function (L) in respect to that specific weight (w). This allows the weights to change to reach the minima of the loss function where our model is the most accurate.
Furthermore, we also have to multiply arrays when we are testing and getting our predictions in order to get our y_pred value, which can basically just be thought of as a confidence value for that specific perception. By finding y_pred value for all 26 perceptrons, we can determine which perceptron is the most confident by finding the largest y_pred value. This tells us what letter the model believes the image is. In the code below we use xt which stands for x test, a K 748 array which contains 748 brightness values for K images we are currently testing on, and weights, another 26 749 array which contains all the 748 weights, plus one bias, for all the 26 perceptrons. During testing, for each perceptron, we multiply each weight by the brightness of each pixel, add bias, and add the result to y_pred. If the pixel is bright in the image, and the weight has a high value for that specific pixel, the y_pred would increase by a lot, whereas if the pixel brightness is low or the weight at the pixel your looking at is low, the y_pred would only increase insignificantly. By setting it up like this, the y_pred value is the greatest when the brightest pixels in the testing image overlaps with the highest values in the weights array. During training phase each perceptron develops its own set of weights that are tuned to match one specific class of letters.
One reason I like this project so much is because it takes the things I've been learning in math, which sometimes seems like it has no point, and actually creates a use for it. I love math and seeing how the multiplying of arrays that we use in the AI model stems from AP Calc AB and the derivative of the loss function in order to find the minimum stems from Calc BC is super interesting to me.
FRQ 2 (Classes)
Connection to American Sign Language AI Project CSA
Question 2 of the FRQ asked students to create a HiddenWorld class and create a wordle-type game where, based on the input, you would know which letters are in the correct place, which ones are in the word but not in the right place, and which letter is not in the word at all. Our AI project used tons of classes and methods within those classes in order to get the functions to be called from within other sections of the code.
By storing all the functions for the AI model in one class, it makes it way easier to call those functions from within other files, and its more organized to see where our training is, our prediction, and all the other functions that we need to get the AI model working. This is much like how in the Hidden word class, there are two functions inside pertaining to the game. By having the class encapsulate all the objects and functions needed for predictions it makes it more intuitive and easier to experiment with, to improve and to make sure data are safe for each class. Because of our team's organizational skills, I do not believe that we will face to much difficulty while adding improvements to our project during trimester 3. We have an extremely good foundation to improve the project. By increasing the resolution and contrast of the image, so that the hand is the only pixels lit up in the image, we can get our AI to be much more accurate. Because of how we organized our code, we shouldn't find too much difficulty in changing the resolution of the images, or adding another function that increases the contrast, and making our ASL AI project better. We can also add hidden layers to the AI network to make it more accurate.
FRQ 3 (2D Arrays and Control Structures)
Connection to American Sign Language AI Project CSA
The third FRQ had both 2D arrays and control structures in both parts. Part A of the question asked students to write a method that returned the value of a specific element, based on the column and row, in an array. Whereas part B of the question asked the students to remove a column from the array. A similar example in my ASL Project is the recieve data and predict method and controller in the prediction API controller.
This is my favorite part that I created out of the whole ASL AI project. It uses all the functions up until now and combines it perfectly within a single function. Although some of the other pieces of the code I created were more complex and technically difficult, like the actual AI model, I'm proud of this one in particular because of how it uses the data from the frames endpoint, and calls in functions from other files all into one well written function that if you run, will do everything needed in the code. How this code works is that it waits until it recieves a post request to /smnist which happens whenever new frame data gets uploaded to the /mnist endpoint. Then it takes in that mnist data and runs it through the function predictandsave from within prediction service. The predictandsave function uses prediction logic, that has already being trained after we start up the backend, in order to make a prediction based on the mnist data and save it to a jpa repository. Then after recieving the result as a single letter string, it prints it out and sends a print statement.
FRQ 4 (Interfaces, Methods, and Control Structures)
Connection to American Sign Language AI Project CSA
This topic was also quite new to me. Theres no python equivilent, at least not that I know of, for interfaces. It took tons of reasearch and watching videos in order to understand how they work. Classes were also used in this frq along with methods and control structures in order to find out whether a number fell within a certain range.
In the code above I use the method innit and the control structure @PostConstruct in order to have the trainlogic function run whenever the bean is initialized. This was a huge improvement for the project because previously it would train the AI model every single time you would test, so by separating the training and testing into two different functions I was able to have only the testing occur when it starts recieving images, and to just save the weights from when it ran in the beginning when the bean was initialized. Additionally one thing we could do to even go a step further is to just remove the train logic function all together and just save the weights from a previous attempt. This however could prove quite difficult because in order to make our model more accurate we have to adjust trainlogic. Despite its potential downsides this would cut our training time from ~5 minutes every time the code is run, to eventually nothing. This maybe even more important if we try to augment our training data by creating images with different contrast or brightness, which will increase training time. This is something cool that I want to try because I've never experimented with saving weights from one run to another, and I'm interested to see how much faster it would make our model.
In our project, we've utilized the PredictionRepository interface, which extends JpaRepository, to abstract the complexities of database operations, mirroring the approach seen in FRQ 4. This FRQ highlights the application of object-oriented programming principles such as abstraction and inheritance
Creating PredictionRepository allowed us to have set of CRUD functionalities without explicit implementation, showcasing the power of interfaces in giving us useful features for free while leaving the specifics of execution to the underlying Spring Data JPA framework. This strategy not only simplifies data access within our application but also makes it so I didn't have to spend time creating a ton of complicated functions like like adding, searching, updating, and removing data.
Reflections/ Key Takeaways/ Observations