AntHJ / Stock-App-Remover

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app0:set.lua:54: columns pageId, pos are not unique #2

Open stripeytofu opened 2 years ago

stripeytofu commented 2 years ago

Hey I'm getting this error

app0:set.lua:54: columns pageId, pos are not unique

I think this happened after I changed the sd2vita card to ux0. Any help please? I can't restore the Parental Controls app.


leftbones commented 1 year ago

Having this same error. I hid a bunch of apps that previously had in a “Junk” folder, then realized the folder was still there after and I couldnt delete it. Went to restore the apps and I’m getting this error.

leftbones commented 1 year ago

That being said, I literally JUST figured out the problem. I had the Stock App Remover bubble in a folder with almost no space around it, and taking it out and putting it on its own page fixed the problem and I was able to restore the apps.

Talassamic commented 1 year ago

I had this same problem as OP. I had to reveal all the apps again, then when i dropped one into the still "full" folder it updated and had only the one dropped app in it. I was easily able to go back in the Stock App Remover app and make everything hidden again.

guyoh227 commented 9 months ago

hey hope its not too late a very easy fix is to just put any app inside the folder even if its full itll let you put one in if you removed the apps with stock app remover then zust pull it out and the fplder will go away and youll be able to restore the apps with stock app remover