AntelopeIO / leap

C++ implementation of the Antelope protocol
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scripts/ no longer exists in 4.0 branch #1172

Closed matthewdarwin closed 1 year ago

matthewdarwin commented 1 year ago

When leap 4.0 was released, It had a scripts/ When I was building a recent patch, I noticed the script is no longer there.

Ideally the build instructions don't change within a release cycle. They can change at major releases of course.

I have (since the pre nodeos 1.0 days) my own custom build script which generates an apt package for our infrasructure. It looks like below: $TAG is filled in from our build system, which is whatever tag/branch I want to build. $TEMPDIR is a temporary directory where the build runs.


set -e

lib=$(cat lib)
export HOME=$TEMPDIR/builder
echo "LIB = ${lib}"
echo "HOME = ${HOME}"

mkdir -p $TEMPDIR/repo/usr/bin
mkdir -p $TEMPDIR/repo/etc/nodeos
mkdir -p $TEMPDIR/repo/usr/share/bash-completion/completions
#cp -pra *.diff $TEMPDIR

git clone --depth 1 -b $TAG --recursive
cd leap
git submodule update --init --recursive
mkdir build
time scripts/ /local/lib/${lib} $TEMPDIR/leap/build 30
cd ..
leap/build/bin/nodeos --print-default-config > $TEMPDIR/repo/etc/nodeos/config.ini.example
cp leap/build/bin/* $TEMPDIR/repo/usr/bin/
cp leap/build/programs/cleos/bash-completion/completions/cleos $TEMPDIR/repo/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/cleos
cp leap/build/programs/leap-util/bash-completion/completions/leap-util $TEMPDIR/repo/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/leap-util
matthewdarwin commented 1 year ago

FWIW, the final layout of the build looks like this:

bhazzard commented 1 year ago

We need to back this out for 4.0.1 so as not to have a breaking change (a missing script) in a patch release.

heifner commented 1 year ago

Removed via

arhag commented 1 year ago

We agreed to just revert #857.