AntennaHouse / pdf5-ml

Antenna House PDF5-ML DITA-OT Plug-in
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Add xtrc attribute to index-data for debug purposes #17

Closed robander closed 7 years ago

robander commented 7 years ago

I've been playing with the index collation routines, and trying to use some of the metadata on <index-data> for debug purposes.

Currently, it preserves @xtrf from the original index term, which gives you the source file name. It doesn't save @xtrc, which provides the location of that element within the file. My index test cases have a couple hundred entries in a single topic, so having the ability to trace the full debug information (file + element location) is helpful. It's also helpful when trying to modify the PDF5 index sort for use elsewhere, because it gives me a precise way to connect the <index-data> with the original term.

I thought this might be of interest for the main PDF5 code. I know the mode MODE_INDEX_DEBUG strips out @xtrf so in this pull request I had it strip out @xtrc as well. The getXtrc function is added to match the existing getXtrf but I'm not sure it's necessary, as getXtrf is only referenced from commented code.

ToshihikoMakita commented 7 years ago

Originally index related codes were written in XSLT 1.0 when DITA-OT uses Saxon 6.5.5 as XSLT processor. These code should be refined by XSLT 2.0 grouping facility. But I have no band-width to do it now.

robander commented 7 years ago

Understood. I've still got a lot of code hanging around that was clearly written for XSLT 1.0, and parts of it will probably stay that way forever :-)