AntennaHouse / pdf5-ml

Antenna House PDF5-ML DITA-OT Plug-in
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New value (web-mono) for output.type parameter #184

Closed steinbacher01 closed 3 years ago

steinbacher01 commented 3 years ago

New request for output.type=web-mono. This output should have no blank pages and no colored text.

Easy to add new value for color (default_style.xml).

<variable name="pantone7455_print" output-type="print-mono web-mono">$Color_CMYK_Black</variable> <variable name="General_Link_Color" output-type="print-mono web-mono">$Color_CMYK_Black</variable>

Not sure how to add the new value here (dita2fo_param.xsl).

<xsl:variable name="pIsWebOutput" as="xs:boolean" select="$pOutputType eq 'web'"/>

How can I check for 'web' or 'web-mono' ?

Or, can I check to see if the value contains 'web' ?


Leroy Steinbacher

ToshihikoMakita commented 3 years ago

How about the following code?

<xsl:variable name="pIsWebOutput" as="xs:boolean" select="$pOutputType = ('web', 'web-mono')"/>


steinbacher01 commented 3 years ago

Works great! Thanks for the suggestion.
