Antergos / Cnchi

A modern, flexible online system installer for Antergos Linux
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Partitioning :: Cnchi Hangs While Partitioning Drive #490

Open massey101 opened 8 years ago

massey101 commented 8 years ago

I was having an issue with cnchi freezing early on in installing. The installer would freeze and cpu usage would hit 100% on one core, later the whole system would freeze. I then tried getting the latest code from github and investigated where the issue was. I have attached the extra debug statements and the log file. As you can see it never exits out of committing the changes to the disk.

cnchi.log.txt cnchi.patch.txt

karasu commented 8 years ago

Thanks @massey101

Can you tell us which partition layout where you creating? And it was MBR or GPT?


massey101 commented 8 years ago

I was creating a single ext4 partition on MBR.