Antergos / web-greeter

A modern, visually appealing greeter for LightDM.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Incredibly high GPU usage #148

Open apetresc opened 6 years ago

apetresc commented 6 years ago

My machine is quite beefy - an i7-6900K CPU and an NVidia GTX 1080-Ti.

Purely by coincidence, I happened to run nvidia-smi in an SSH session after remotely rebooting my machine. The only thing using the GPU after a reboot was lightdm running in Xorg, and yet it reported a consistent ~38% GPU utilization.

A few hours later when I arrived home, I SSH'ed in again before logging in and confirmed my GPU was still pegged at >35%. Immediately after logging in (and therefore dismissing lightdm-webkit2-greeter), GPU usage dropped back to 0%.

I understand that there is some overhead associated with running WebKit, but consuming more GPU resources than most triple-A video games just to display a wallpaper seems so ridiculously excessive as to qualify as a bug. Especially considering that machines often stay in lightdm for hours on end after an unexpected reboot until the user gets to their desk, this bug represents a significant waste of energy and hardware wear-and-tear.

My lightdm-webkit2-greeter.conf is pretty much Arch's stock default, pasted below:

# [greeter]
# debug_mode          = Greeter theme debug mode.
# detect_theme_errors = Provide an option to load a fallback theme when theme errors are detected.
# screensaver_timeout = Blank the screen after this many seconds of inactivity.
# secure_mode         = Don't allow themes to make remote http requests.
# time_format         = A moment.js format string so the greeter can generate localized time for display.
# time_language       = Language to use when displaying the time or "auto" to use the system's language.
# webkit_theme        = Webkit theme to use.
# NOTE: See moment.js documentation for format string options:

debug_mode          = false
detect_theme_errors = true
screensaver_timeout = 300
secure_mode         = true
time_format         = LT
time_language       = auto
webkit_theme        = antergos

# [branding]
# background_images = Path to directory that contains background images for use by themes.
# logo              = Path to logo image for use by greeter themes.
# user_image        = Default user image/avatar. This is used by themes for users that have no .face image.
# NOTE: Paths must be accessible to the lightdm system user account (so they cannot be anywhere in /home)

background_images = /usr/share/backgrounds
logo              = /usr/share/pixmaps/archlinux-logo.svg
user_image        = /usr/share/pixmaps/archlinux-user.svg
apetresc commented 6 years ago

(I should note - lightdm-gtk-greeter is at 0% GPU utilization, as you'd expect)

lots0logs commented 6 years ago

I think you are probably right about it being related to the animation. I'd be interested to know if you see the same behavior with our 3.0.0 release candidate.

lots0logs commented 6 years ago

Whoops, I got this issue mixed up with #139. I have a feeling they are essentially the same issue though.

apetresc commented 6 years ago

Ah, okay. I'll build and give 3.0.0 a try later tonight :)