Antergos / web-greeter

A modern, visually appealing greeter for LightDM.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Multimonitor support #49

Open beanaroo opened 8 years ago

beanaroo commented 8 years ago

I've migrated from lightdm-webkit-greeter and one difference I noticed is only the primary monitor presents the greeter.

The other monitors' resolutions and positions are configured correctly (per the display setup script set in lightdm.conf, which is a basic xrandr) but they are black and the cursor when over them is the black X.

NoiSek commented 8 years ago

What would you consider to be proper multi-monitor support, just to clarify this ticket for everyone else?

As far as I see it, there are four possibilities here:

Worth noting that when passing the BIOS startup screen or logging into another OS such as windows, having the other screen black isn't unusual.

lots0logs commented 8 years ago

I think that ideally we would mirror just the background on secondary displays. However, implementing that will not be trivial since background images are controlled by the greeter themes.

Arzte commented 8 years ago

Could you do all them, implementing it as a config option so the user can choose which one they might like best? This would also allow for certain features be implemented early on. (like mirroring the display for example)

mattnotmitt commented 7 years ago

What I would want is a multi-monitor span. My actual setup in i3 has a single image spanning both monitors - is there any way to do that in the setup the greeter uses?

lots0logs commented 7 years ago

No, I'm afraid its not currently possible. Sorry!

digitalshow commented 7 years ago

I present information (public transport schedule, etc.) on my login screen. I would love to see multi monitor support in a way that I can present different information on a second screen. That might just be another window that loads a second file from the theme or that has a js attribute set to the display number. Thanks for the good work so far!

jkw commented 6 years ago

What resolution do you have on your multi-monitor setup? Can you supply a Picture/Screenshot?

rodneyrod commented 5 years ago

Just adding to this, I have a rotated monitor and the login screen displays on that monitor only (even though it's not my primary) and with the wrong rotation.