Antergos / web-greeter

A modern, visually appealing greeter for LightDM.
GNU General Public License v3.0
233 stars 58 forks source link

An error detected in the current theme that could interfere with the system login process... #98

Closed mrmodolo closed 7 years ago

mrmodolo commented 7 years ago


SO: Antergos (Arch) 100% updated Kernel 4.8.13-1-ARCH

lots0logs commented 7 years ago

Hi. Could you try enabling debug mode in /etc/lightdm/lightdm-webkit2-greeter.conf and then induce the issue a couple times. After that, post the contents of /var/log/lightdm/seat-0-greeter.log here.

mrmodolo commented 7 years ago


I believe the error is indicated in the seat-0-greeter.log file. I'm sending the files that are in the / var / log / lightdm / * folder. I activated debug mode.

lots0logs commented 7 years ago

Hmm..could you try checking the webkit dev console for errors? (right-click anywhere on the login screen and choose "Inspect Element". Then click the "Console" tab).

mrmodolo commented 7 years ago

I'm at work now... As soon as I get home I'll try what you said.

mrmodolo commented 7 years ago


I have a lot of Unexpected CSS token:: font-awesome.min.css:4:1655 1820, 1988, ... etc

filter: progid: DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=3);

lots0logs commented 7 years ago

About how many seconds does it take for the login screen to load?

mrmodolo commented 7 years ago

Merry Christmas!

After the systemd boots up, about 31 seconds for the error message to appear!

If I do the reload from the window preview element, 3 seconds.

lots0logs commented 7 years ago

Could you try installing this version and let me know if the issue persists?

mrmodolo commented 7 years ago


Now the error message no longer appears! But I still do not see the avatars! I'm sending some photos. Is there a way to do a printscreen while on login screen?

Thank you for your help! foto01_ foto02_ foto03_

jonathanio commented 7 years ago

I've just updated to 2.2 myself on Arch and I'm seeing the same issue.

lots0logs commented 7 years ago

@mrmodolo Could you post the contents of /etc/lightdm/lightdm-webkit2-greeter.conf?

@jonathanio Are you referring to the Error Recovery Dialog always showing up or the avatar not showing up? Have you tried installing the test version I provided in my previous comment?

jonathanio commented 7 years ago

@lots0logs Yeah.

Initially I had just a blank screen as I was still using my custom configuration from the previous build which was only changed to use "material" as the theme. When I replaced it with the .pacnew version of the .conf file I received the error dialog asking if I want to load the Default or Fallback themes.

For the moment i've reverted back to the previous version to log in, but I'll try the beta version now.

lots0logs commented 7 years ago

@jonathanio I think the material theme is broken due to it not being updated to be compatible with changes in the greeter. You should have been able to choose "Load Default Theme" in the error dialog to login without having to downgrade the package. Its actually the entire purpose of that dialog so if its not functioning as I described please let me know. Thanks!

mrmodolo commented 7 years ago Hi!


Yes, I installed the version you sent (sudo pacman -U ...). After I installed the version you sent the error dialog did not appear anymore. The only problem now is the avatars that do not appear. This was happening before too. I've compacted the entire contents of the /etc/lightdm folder!



lots0logs commented 7 years ago

@mrmodolo Right, I understood that much :wink: As far as the avatar not showing up, could you post your greeter config file here? Thanks.

mrmodolo commented 7 years ago

I've tried different types of avatars. JPEG and PNG and the result was the same. What I noticed is that the images used for the avatars are 96x96 in size!

jonathanio commented 7 years ago

@lots0logs when I replaced the config file it was with the defaults. Interestingly, I'm seeing the following in the logs:

Dec 25 12:28:23 gwyn kernel: traps: WebKitWebProces[1915] trap int3 ip:7fb2b981cff1 sp:7ffcf86b5bc0 error:0
Dec 25 12:28:23 gwyn systemd[1]: Created slice system-systemd\x2dcoredump.slice.
Dec 25 12:28:23 gwyn systemd[1]: Started Process Core Dump (PID 1930/UID 0).
Dec 25 12:28:23 gwyn systemd-coredump[1931]: Process 1915 (WebKitWebProces) of user 620 dumped core.

                                             Stack trace of thread 1915:
                                             #0  0x00007fb2b981cff1 n/a (
                                             #1  0x00007fb2b981e047 g_log_default_handler (
                                             #2  0x00007fb2b981e354 g_logv (
                                             #3  0x00007fb2b981e55f g_log (
                                             #4  0x00007fb26517ddb7 n/a (
                                             #5  0x00007fb26517e2b2 webkit_web_extension_initialize (
                                             #6  0x00007fb2bc41a627 n/a (
                                             #7  0x00007fb2bc41a85d _ZN6WebKit22WebGtkExtensionManager10initializeEPK14OpaqueWKBundlePKv (libwebkit2gtk-
                                             #8  0x00007fb2bc40d776 n/a (
                                             #9  0x00007fb2bc284696 n/a (
                                             #10 0x00007fb2bc26c036 n/a (
                                             #11 0x00007fb2bc470562 n/a (
                                             #12 0x00007fb2bc46f298 n/a (
                                             #13 0x00007fb2bc12c9e6 n/a (
                                             #14 0x00007fb2bc12da58 n/a (
                                             #15 0x00007fb2b93a2d65 _ZN3WTF7RunLoop11performWorkEv (
                                             #16 0x00007fb2b93d9209 n/a (
                                             #17 0x00007fb2b981743a g_main_context_dispatch (
                                             #18 0x00007fb2b98177f0 n/a (
                                             #19 0x00007fb2b9817b12 g_main_loop_run (
                                             #20 0x00007fb2b93d9b10 _ZN3WTF7RunLoop3runEv (
                                             #21 0x00007fb2bc41adda n/a (
                                             #22 0x00007fb2bb8bb291 __libc_start_main (
                                             #23 0x000000000040075a _start (WebKitWebProcess)

                                             Stack trace of thread 1927:
                                             #0  0x00007fb2bb97a48d poll (
                                             #1  0x00007fb2b9817786 n/a (
                                             #2  0x00007fb2b9817b12 g_main_loop_run (
                                             #3  0x00007fb2b93d9b10 _ZN3WTF7RunLoop3runEv (
                                             #4  0x00007fb2b93d8732 n/a (
                                             #5  0x00007fb2b93a3d75 n/a (
                                             #6  0x00007fb2b93d6aea n/a (
                                             #7  0x00007fb2b7e26454 start_thread (
                                             #8  0x00007fb2bb9837df __clone (

                                             Stack trace of thread 1929:
                                             #0  0x00007fb2bb97a48d poll (
                                             #1  0x00007fb2b9817786 n/a (
                                             #2  0x00007fb2b9817b12 g_main_loop_run (
                                             #3  0x00007fb2b93d9b10 _ZN3WTF7RunLoop3runEv (
                                             #4  0x00007fb2b93d8732 n/a (
                                             #5  0x00007fb2b93a3d75 n/a (
                                             #6  0x00007fb2b93d6aea n/a (
                                             #7  0x00007fb2b7e26454 start_thread (
                                             #8  0x00007fb2bb9837df __clone (

                                             Stack trace of thread 1928:
                                             #0  0x00007fb2bb97a48d poll (
                                             #1  0x00007fb2b9817786 n/a (
                                             #2  0x00007fb2b9817b12 g_main_loop_run (
                                             #3  0x00007fb2b93d9b10 _ZN3WTF7RunLoop3runEv (
                                             #4  0x00007fb2b93d8732 n/a (
                                             #5  0x00007fb2b93a3d75 n/a (
                                             #6  0x00007fb2b93d6aea n/a (
                                             #7  0x00007fb2b7e26454 start_thread (
                                             #8  0x00007fb2bb9837df __clone (

                                             Stack trace of thread 1926:
                                             #0  0x00007fb2bb952ffd __nanosleep (
                                             #1  0x00007fb2b93def34 _ZN7bmalloc4Heap8scavengeERSt11unique_lockINS_11StaticMutexEENSt6chrono8durationIlSt
                                             #2  0x00007fb2b93df08f _ZN7bmalloc4Heap18concurrentScavengeEv (
                                             #3  0x00007fb2b93e036e _ZN7bmalloc9AsyncTaskINS_4HeapEMS1_FvvEE13threadRunLoopEv (libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.
                                             #4  0x00007fb2b93e0549 _ZN7bmalloc9AsyncTaskINS_4HeapEMS1_FvvEE16threadEntryPointEPS4_ (libjavascriptcoregt
                                             #5  0x00007fb2b28b931f execute_native_thread_routine (
                                             #6  0x00007fb2b7e26454 start_thread (
                                             #7  0x00007fb2bb9837df __clone (

I've tried to use the provided package, but I don't have the dependency, and I cannot see it in the AUR either:

:: The following package cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:
lots0logs commented 7 years ago

@jonathanio Oh yeah, I forgot about the wallpapers dep. You can simply reinstall the AUR package, just edit the PKGBUILD and make these changes:

In the source array, change the end of the first URL as follows:

/archive/${pkgver}.zip -> /archive/

Also bump the pkgrel by 1.

lots0logs commented 7 years ago

@mrmodolo Have you configured your avatar as described here?

mrmodolo commented 7 years ago

Hi! The icons always worked, I believe that after some update this behavior started to happen.

The instructions at are not required in the installation of Antergos since it sets up during the installation the accountsservice package.

Even so, I checked and the package accountsservice is installed and the path is correctly indicated in /var/lib/AccountService/users/ modolo with the line: Icon=/usr/share/pixmaps/faces/guitar.jpg.

If I inspect the avatar element on the login screen I see the correct path:

<img src="/usr/share/pixmaps/faces/guitar.jpg" class="img-circle" alt="Marcelo Módolo"> = $0

mrmodolo commented 7 years ago

I also checked the permissions ...

mrmodolo commented 7 years ago

I believe the problem is related to the image path. I have already verified that it is not permission. I also checked that if I change the src attribute of the avatar to any image in "/usr/share/lightdm-webkit/themes/antergos/img/" it appears instantly!

ghost commented 7 years ago

Thanks mrmodolo! My avatar appears and the error has gone after modifying the user_image pointing to the avatar folder.

mrmodolo commented 7 years ago


How can I download the package with the fix?

Thanks, Marcelo

mrmodolo commented 7 years ago

Hi! I read the instructions to compile the source code! meson ... ninja ... sudo ninja install Everything working now! I can already see the avatar!


undermycloud commented 7 years ago

And after that we wonder why regular people are not using linux

lots0logs commented 7 years ago

@undermycloud I don't understand what point you are trying to make here. There are precompiled packages available for all major linux distributions. If you are having trouble then please open an issue here on github with the details so that we can look into it. Thanks.