After creating an article, users can upload a file for the banner of their article.
A new route is implemented for that:
PATCH /articles/:id/banner
:id is the article id
The client must provide a file in form-data.
Expected behaviour
The user should be able to upload a banner for its already-created article.
Proposed solution
The banner is uploaded on IPFS by the backend and the cid stored in the database along the article. The URL to access the banner via a gateway is generated by the backend upon request for the article.
After creating an article, users can upload a file for the banner of their article.
A new route is implemented for that: PATCH /articles/:id/banner
:id is the article id The client must provide a file in form-data.
Expected behaviour
The user should be able to upload a banner for its already-created article.
Proposed solution
The banner is uploaded on IPFS by the backend and the cid stored in the database along the article. The URL to access the banner via a gateway is generated by the backend upon request for the article.