AnthonyChenevier / EnhancedGrowthVatLearning

Rimworld mod to improve Biotech growth vats
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Vatshock description and plans (please add any feedback to the overall mechanic here) #1

Open AnthonyChenevier opened 4 months ago

AnthonyChenevier commented 4 months ago

'Vatshock' is a new hediff that represents the long-term effects of vat-growth on pawn psychology. It is broken into 2 phases: 'Vatgrowth Exposure' & 'Vatshock'.

Vatgrowth Exposure

Vatgrowth Exposure refers to the 'strength' of the vatgrowth process used over the applicable life-stages of the pawn (0-18yo). Using vats in their vanilla configuration with no vat-juice still does expose pawns to this hediff, but it is tuned so that it is the safest option and won't progress to full vatshock (or may still, but extremely rarely - this is something that needs tuning).

Using a higher resolution learning suite adds more stress, to the point where pawns may develop full-blown vatshock. Using Vat-juice to accelerate growth speed also magnifies the effect, so that if both high-res learning and vat-juice are used on a pawn they have a very high chance of suffering from full vatshock unless preventative steps are taken to reduce the effect.

New Feature: Vat Timers

This is where the vat timers functionality become important - if pawns are getting high vatgrowth exposure then they can be set to leave their vats and return after a set time. This gives players a chance to reapply vat-juice drugs, and more importantly - spend time in the real world conversing with friends and family and performing learning activities.

The amount of time needed for this will depend on the growth vat regime the pawn has, and will require players change timers as needed to ensure healthy pawns - OR NOT, it's your game, torture 'em if that's your thing - there are some benefits as explained below.


Vatshock is analogous to Shellshock or PTSD, but for pawns who have suffered from the shock of having their physical and psychological growth accelerated beyond normal means in a simulated environment then being dumped into the real world - Think Neo leaving his pod in 'The Matrix' after a lifetime of simulation - it wasn't pretty.

Vatshock should need increasing levels of management to overcome if players are pumping vat-juice and running high-quality vat simulations - there is a cost to getting high-quality/fast-grown pawns!

Ideology impact

Ideology already has an effect on parent moods depending on the type of training used on their child and precepts like growth vats preferred and child labour. Beyond that I am looking to implement a ritual that can be selected for your ideology if vat-growth preferred is selected that causes a massive drop in vatgrowth exposure - possibly meaning only a single instance of this ritual is required at the right time to mitigate all negative effects of vatgrowth on all attendees - The Matrix 2's Drum Rave kinda thing.