AnthonyDiGirolamo / airline-themes

vim-airline themes for emacs powerline
MIT License
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Performance is not good #17

Open xuzhao9 opened 8 years ago

xuzhao9 commented 8 years ago

I am using Macbook Air. I turn on (load-theme 'airline-solarized-alternate-gui t) and everytime I startup Emacs, it spends 2 seconds to switching from "NORMAL" to "INSERT" mode. Switching from "INSERT" to "VISUAL" mode is even slower, ~5s.

The performance problem disappears when I comment the load-theme line from my config.

Any ideas why I have this performance problem?

vyorkin commented 7 years ago

same thing :(

vyorkin commented 7 years ago

sorry for ad of other packages here, but @xuzhao9 have you tried telephone-line? looks good enough

xuzhao9 commented 7 years ago

@vyorkin Looks good, will give it a shot. Much obliged!