AnthonyDiGirolamo / airline-themes

vim-airline themes for emacs powerline
MIT License
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Text Highlighting #24

Closed eccentricayman closed 7 years ago

eccentricayman commented 7 years ago

Is there any way to disable the text highlighting on some of the faces? Ex. filename in modeline

Screenshot example: emacs

The prompt for "Find File: " is highlighted, and the same goes for "M-x".

AnthonyDiGirolamo commented 7 years ago

You can override the settings of any face that airline modifies by using custom-theme-set-faces. This technique should work with other themes as well.

  (load-theme 'airline-doom-one t)
   `(minibuffer-prompt ((t (:background "#141a22" :foreground "#00B3EF" :weight bold))))

If you want it to inherit from a different face you could use something like:

  (load-theme 'airline-doom-one t)
   `(minibuffer-prompt ((t (:foreground nil :background nil :inherit 'default))))
eccentricayman commented 7 years ago

Second one works perfectly!

ethanyu336 commented 7 years ago

Thanks Anthony! Help a lot.