When the Custom HP/STA checkbox is checked, using an Active Effect that adds or subtracts a value causes the sheet to get stuck in a loop constantly updating the max HP or STA value. This also causes you to be unable to interact with the sheet completely apart from opening or closing it.
Also, setting a custom HP value does not update the Seriously Wounded Threshold and the sheet will continue using the value derived from the BODY and WILL (e.g., monster with 10 BODY and 10 WILL will normally have 50 Max HP and SWT of 10 but setting a custom Max HP of 100 will still have a SWT of 10 instead of 20). This results in SWT penalties not being applied when they should.
Both of these bugs can be worked around currently by using Active Effects to change the Max HP and Max STA values instead of using the Custom HP/STA checkbox.
When the Custom HP/STA checkbox is checked, using an Active Effect that adds or subtracts a value causes the sheet to get stuck in a loop constantly updating the max HP or STA value. This also causes you to be unable to interact with the sheet completely apart from opening or closing it.
Also, setting a custom HP value does not update the Seriously Wounded Threshold and the sheet will continue using the value derived from the BODY and WILL (e.g., monster with 10 BODY and 10 WILL will normally have 50 Max HP and SWT of 10 but setting a custom Max HP of 100 will still have a SWT of 10 instead of 20). This results in SWT penalties not being applied when they should.
Both of these bugs can be worked around currently by using Active Effects to change the Max HP and Max STA values instead of using the Custom HP/STA checkbox.