AnthonySteele / MvcRouteTester

A library for unit testing ASP MVC route tables for both Web and API Routes
Apache License 2.0
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Fails on similar routes with different parameter names #57

Closed justmara closed 9 years ago

justmara commented 9 years ago
    public class TestController : ApiController
        [HttpGet, Route("{container}/{id}")]
        public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Get(string container, string id)
            return Ok();

        [HttpPost, Route("{container}/{user}")]
        public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Add(string container, string user)
            return Ok();

So here is GET with id and POST with user second parameter names.

    public void TestGet()
        var expectations = new
            controller = "Test",
            action = "Get",
            container = "someContainer",
            id = "someId"
        RouteAssert.HasApiRoute(_host.Config, "/test/someContainer/someId", HttpMethod.Get, expectations);

    public void TestAddFail()
        var expectations = new
            controller = "Test",
            action = "Add",
            container = "someContainer",
            user = "someUser"
        RouteAssert.HasApiRoute(_host.Config, "/test/someContainer/someUser", HttpMethod.Post, expectations);

The Add fails with Expected 'someUser', got missing value for 'user' at url '/test/someContainer/someUser'.