AnthonyZJiang / D-OS-Save-Editor

A save editor for Divinity Original Sin: Enhanced Edition
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Talents an Ability Effects #6

Closed Greavox closed 6 years ago

Greavox commented 6 years ago

Maybe can use : to legend talents choices in the new Talents tab with ToolTip? (With minor arrangement of course)

Greavox commented 6 years ago

I test to implement this in this moment for Abilities an Talent Tab. I'll keep you informed^^ 39707815-c08804c0-5215-11e8-8b5f-52c134daaf2c

AnthonyZJiang commented 6 years ago

Awesome, thank you for your contribution. :D

FlukiestEmperor commented 6 years ago

It would also be useful to build the talent tab from a list of talents. Right now the view for talents cannot change at all since the position of each talent is essentially its id.

Also, what do you guys think about talents that are no longer obtainable in game? Should those be a different color?

Greavox commented 6 years ago

From commit screen1

I see yours answers too late :)

It would also be useful to build the talent tab from a list of talents. Right now the view for talents cannot change at all since the position of each talent is essentially its id. @FlukiestEmperor

I'm okay with you. I would do it but my C# skill is very very low/bad, worse my English writing that is bad too ^^ With, I saw Talents isn't in D OS Editor like "Weather the Storm" by example. How can you see this list in a savegame ? I'm lost in code file :$

Also, what do you guys think about talents that are no longer obtainable in game? Should those be a different color?

Yes, it's great idea ! It's better that show an eye on Tooltip. I woult do it too, but I don't know how to do like class/id ith selector from CSS

FlukiestEmperor commented 6 years ago

@Greavox I don't know anything about the history of this game, but that file was last committed nearly 4 years ago so the creators of the game must've removed, modified and added skills since then.

Greavox commented 6 years ago

I know that, but I was talking about the fact to load Talents value from savegame (I didn't find that in code - I'm noob, sorry ^^)

AnthonyZJiang commented 6 years ago

It would also be useful to build the talent tab from a list of talents. Right now the view for talents cannot change at all since the position of each talent is essentially its id.

We store talent ids in Tag properties and access them from there. Then we can change the view.

I saw Talents isn't in D OS Editor like "Weather the Storm" by example. How can you see this list in a savegame ?

I don't think you can see talent names in a savegame file. Talents are stored as bits in three 2^32 arrays; these arrays are then converted to three seperate uints to be saved in a savegame file.

I know that, but I was talking about the fact to load Talents value from savegame

Me too, which is why I didn't add the function. I don't know much about C/C++.

AnthonyZJiang commented 6 years ago

I just had a look at the xaml, and I realised it is far too tedious to add talent ids to the Tags.

Greavox commented 6 years ago

If you tell how to do for one, I will do the rest ^^

AnthonyZJiang commented 6 years ago

If you tell how to do for one, I will do the rest ^^

What you could do is search for <CheckBox and replace it with <CheckBox Tag="". Then you will have to manually fill all the empty tags. There are 81 of them, so don't worry, I will build it from a list. It will be neater and easier to manage. Thanks anyway :D

AnthonyZJiang commented 6 years ago

1 2

Talent checkboxes are now loaded from lists and can be sorted in order. In the above image, they are ordered by IsHidden first then name in alphabetic order. Looks ugly, but is easier for one to locate a talent if the name is known. Maybe the hidden talents should be arranged in separate columns.

AnthonyZJiang commented 6 years ago


This looks better I guess.

Greavox commented 6 years ago

Good idea and great work !

Greavox commented 6 years ago

Hi ^^ And now same work with Abilities Tab sans-titre-1 The DataTable file was modified by adding a "string array" wich each ability grouped by 3 like this :

  1. Name of Variable that used like Bow or SingleHanded
  2. Name of Ability like InGame example Bow or Single-Handed
  3. Description of Ability like InGame example "Bow increases the damage you do using bows."

UpdateForm() and SaveEdits() from AbilitiesTab were reduced to become more dynamically with DataTable "like" TalentsTab. To do that, each TextBlock received a X:Name.

Unknown Abilities were keeped PlaceHolderX (X is int between 2 and 5 included) : I don't see difference in Player Info when I select them in game

Feel free to change code : I'm newbie on C# and I'm far from PHP 😅

AnthonyZJiang commented 6 years ago

Sounds cool. Let me have a look before I go to bed :D