AnthropologieBiblique / link-heading-range

Obsidian plugin allowing for linking to a heading range, in the [[Page#HeaderA#HeaderB]] extended wikilink format.
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Strange New Worlds integration issue? #2

Open acepelon opened 1 year ago

acepelon commented 1 year ago

Hi. First, thank you so much for this. I have it installed and also have the express note templater from the demo vault working in my translation (although it took me 2 hours to realize my translation had a space at the end of each H6 line which was causing the verses not to pop up in the picker!)

I use a single note for each Bible chapter to put my notes on as well as putting references during sermon notes back to the bible ... and leave the Bible files themselves unadulterated (I don't mark up the origin, I mean). While I am reading the Bible, any references for things I myself have written will show up using the Strange New Worlds plugin... basically showing me "this verse has some notes somewhere, go see!"

If I do a single verse reference in my personal note, like [[Ezek 21#10]] I see the outgoing link fine and the incoming link fine in the Bible. Looks like: image

and in the Bible it shows like: image

However, if I do the range reference in my note, I see this fine: image but in the Bible, I don't see the SNW reference: image

There is a backlink to my note: image

And it even appears to show fine in the SNW sidebar: image

To be clear, my goal is to have a SNW reference from the Bible back to my notes, whether the reference is a single verse or a range of verses. I realize I might not be able to get a SNW reference to each of the verses in the range (like in the example, have SNW show a number on verse 9, verse 10, verse 11, AND verse 12) but I would at least like to have a reference to verse 9 so that I know I have personal notes for that particular verse.

I know this seems like a bug maybe in SNW, but I was wondering if anyone had run into this and/ or sees the same thing? Since this format of range seems specific to this link-heading-range plugin, I thought I would ask here. It isn't a matter of a refresh in order to show these SNW numbers- I have reloaded the app and no difference.

Thanks! Aaron

ParkerRobb commented 1 year ago

I was about to post the same issue when I saw you already did!

I'm wondering if there's any way to fix that behavior in this plugin without changing the SNW plugin.