Antidote-for-Tox / Antidote

No longer maintained
Mozilla Public License 2.0
391 stars 119 forks source link

Can't build on Mojave and High Sierra #319

Closed NamsooCho closed 5 years ago

NamsooCho commented 5 years ago

I am trying to build it from git clone I tried to build it on Mojave and High Sierra. Both use Xcode 9.3 and Xcode 8.0 But building fails. The error message is

▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Compiling Pods-Antidote-dummy.m
▸ Building library libPods-Antidote.a
▸ Building Antidote/Antidote [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Running script '[CP] Check Pods Manifest.lock'
▸ Compiling ChatGenericFileCell.swift

❌  /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/ChatGenericFileCell.swift:6:8: no such module 'SnapKit'

import SnapKit

▸ Compiling ChatOutgoingCallCellModel.swift

❌  /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/ChatGenericFileCell.swift:6:8: no such module 'SnapKit'

import SnapKit

▸ Compiling UIApplicationExtension.swift

❌  /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/ChatGenericFileCell.swift:6:8: no such module 'SnapKit'

import SnapKit

I want to know the version of OSX and Xcode and something others to build this project.

NamsooCho commented 5 years ago
|                   Summary for scan 2.114.0                   |
| scheme                     | Antidote                        |
| device                     | iPhone 8                        |
| clean                      | true                            |
| workspace                  | ./Antidote.xcworkspace          |
| derived_data_path          | /Users/administrator/nscho_work |
| skip_detect_devices        | false                           |
| reset_simulator            | false                           |
| reinstall_app              | false                           |
| app_identifier             | me.dvor.Antidote                |
| open_report                | false                           |
| output_directory           | ./fastlane/test_output          |
| output_types               | html,junit                      |
| buildlog_path              | ~/Library/Logs/scan             |
| include_simulator_logs     | false                           |
| should_zip_build_products  | false                           |
| result_bundle              | false                           |
| use_clang_report_name      | false                           |
| disable_concurrent_testing | false                           |
| skip_build                 | false                           |
| skip_slack                 | false                           |
| slack_only_on_failure      | false                           |
| fail_build                 | true                            |
| xcode_path                 | /Applications/         |
kpp commented 5 years ago

@dvor Hey! Would you please help us?

dvor commented 5 years ago

I was able to build it with Xcode 9.4.1 (I believe that 9.3 should also work).

From your logs it seems that you are missing submodules. Have you run ./ script?

Please follow manual installation instruction, and use Xcode 9.4.1/9.3 to compile.

NamsooCho commented 5 years ago

I tried to build it using fastlane. I had run ./ of course.

My trying was.

git clone .... cd Antidote ./ fastlane ios test

NamsooCho commented 5 years ago

We need to build it from command line not GUI.

dvor commented 5 years ago

Please make sure that correct version of Xcode is set. You can check selected version with xcode-select -p.

You can select another Xcode permanently using sudo xcode-select -s <path-to-xcode>, or temporary by using environment variable export DEVELOPER_DIR=<path-to-xcode>.

NamsooCho commented 5 years ago

Xcode version is 9.3

Now. I copy all output of terminal.

4155:Applications administrator$ xcodebuild -version
Xcode 9.3
Build version 9E145
4155:Applications administrator$ cd 
4155:~ administrator$ cd nscho_work/Antidote/
4155:Antidote administrator$ fastlane ios test
[✔] 🚀 
[16:49:24]: fastlane detected a Gemfile in the current directory
[16:49:24]: however it seems like you don't use `bundle exec`
[16:49:24]: to launch fastlane faster, please use
[16:49:24]: $ bundle exec fastlane ios test
[16:49:24]: Get started using a Gemfile for fastlane
[16:49:25]: ----------------------------------------
[16:49:25]: --- Step: Verifying fastlane version ---
[16:49:25]: ----------------------------------------
[16:49:25]: Your fastlane version 2.114.0 matches the minimum requirement of 1.106.2  ✅
[16:49:25]: ------------------------------
[16:49:25]: --- Step: default_platform ---
[16:49:25]: ------------------------------
[16:49:25]: Driving the lane 'ios test' 🚀
[16:49:25]: -----------------------
[16:49:25]: --- Step: cocoapods ---
[16:49:25]: -----------------------
[16:49:25]: $ bundle exec pod install
[16:49:28]: ▸ Analyzing dependencies
[16:49:28]: ▸ Downloading dependencies
[16:49:28]: ▸ Using CocoaLumberjack (1.9.2)
[16:49:28]: ▸ Using FBSnapshotTestCase (2.1.2)
[16:49:28]: ▸ Using JGProgressHUD (1.4)
[16:49:28]: ▸ Using LNNotificationsUI (0.0.1)
[16:49:28]: ▸ Using RBBAnimation (0.4.0)
[16:49:28]: ▸ Using Realm (3.1.0)
[16:49:28]: ▸ Using SDCAlertView (2.5.4)
[16:49:28]: ▸ Using SDCAutoLayout (2.0.3)
[16:49:28]: ▸ Using TPCircularBuffer (0.0.1)
[16:49:28]: ▸ Using UITextView+Placeholder (1.1.1)
[16:49:28]: ▸ Using libopus-patched-config (1.1)
[16:49:28]: ▸ Using libsodium (1.0.12)
[16:49:28]: ▸ Using objcTox (0.7.0)
[16:49:28]: ▸ Using toxcore (0.2.2)
[16:49:28]: ▸ Generating Pods project
[16:49:29]: ▸ nil versions are discouraged and will be deprecated in Rubygems 4
[16:49:31]: ▸ Integrating client project
[16:50:07]: ▸ Sending stats
[16:50:07]: ▸ Pod installation complete! There are 6 dependencies from the Podfile and 14 total pods installed.
[16:50:07]: ▸ 
[16:50:07]: ▸ [!] The `Antidote [Debug]` target overrides the `ALWAYS_EMBED_SWIFT_STANDARD_LIBRARIES` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Antidote/Pods-Antidote.debug.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[16:50:07]: ▸ 
[16:50:07]: ▸ [!] The `Antidote [Release]` target overrides the `ALWAYS_EMBED_SWIFT_STANDARD_LIBRARIES` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Antidote/Pods-Antidote.release.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[16:50:07]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[16:50:07]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[16:50:07]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[16:50:07]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[16:50:07]: ------------------
[16:50:07]: --- Step: scan ---
[16:50:07]: ------------------
[16:50:07]: $ xcodebuild -showBuildSettings -workspace ./Antidote.xcworkspace -scheme Antidote
[16:50:10]: Command timed out after 3 seconds on try 1 of 4, trying again with a 6 second timeout...
[16:50:19]: $ xcodebuild -showBuildSettings -workspace ./Antidote.xcworkspace -scheme Antidote

|                   Summary for scan 2.114.0                   |
| scheme                     | Antidote                        |
| device                     | iPhone 8                        |
| clean                      | true                            |
| workspace                  | ./Antidote.xcworkspace          |
| derived_data_path          | /Users/administrator/nscho_work |
| skip_detect_devices        | false                           |
| reset_simulator            | false                           |
| reinstall_app              | false                           |
| app_identifier             | me.dvor.Antidote                |
| open_report                | false                           |
| output_directory           | ./fastlane/test_output          |
| output_types               | html,junit                      |
| buildlog_path              | ~/Library/Logs/scan             |
| include_simulator_logs     | false                           |
| should_zip_build_products  | false                           |
| result_bundle              | false                           |
| use_clang_report_name      | false                           |
| disable_concurrent_testing | false                           |
| skip_build                 | false                           |
| skip_slack                 | false                           |
| slack_only_on_failure      | false                           |
| fail_build                 | true                            |
| xcode_path                 | /Applications/         |

[16:50:20]: $ set -o pipefail && env NSUnbufferedIO=YES xcodebuild -workspace ./Antidote.xcworkspace -scheme Antidote -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,id=94DB53B7-064F-457A-8494-71F54EDD070C' -derivedDataPath '/Users/administrator/nscho_work' clean build test | tee '/Users/administrator/Library/Logs/scan/Antidote-Antidote.log' | xcpretty  --report html --output '/Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/fastlane/test_output/report.html' --report junit --output '/Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/fastlane/test_output/report.junit' --report junit --output '/var/folders/28/wyc8nyv92wl09l3pyvc0fcc80000gn/T/junit_report20190128-49185-nykw4r' 
[16:50:20]: ▸ Loading...
[16:50:23]: ▸ Cleaning Yaml/Yaml iOS [Debug]
[16:50:23]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:50:23]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/JGProgressHUD [Debug]
[16:50:23]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:50:23]: ▸ Cleaning SnapKit/SnapKit [Debug]
[16:50:23]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:50:23]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/CocoaLumberjack [Debug]
[16:50:23]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:50:23]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/LNNotificationsUI [Debug]
[16:50:23]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:50:23]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/RBBAnimation [Debug]
[16:50:23]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:50:23]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/Realm [Debug]
[16:50:23]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:50:24]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/SDCAutoLayout [Debug]
[16:50:24]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:50:24]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/TPCircularBuffer [Debug]
[16:50:24]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:50:24]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/UITextView+Placeholder [Debug]
[16:50:24]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:50:24]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/libopus-patched-config [Debug]
[16:50:24]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:50:24]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/SDCAlertView [Debug]
[16:50:24]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:50:24]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/libsodium [Debug]
[16:50:24]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:50:24]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/objcTox-objcTox [Debug]
[16:50:24]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:50:24]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/toxcore [Debug]
[16:50:24]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:50:24]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/objcTox [Debug]
[16:50:24]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:50:24]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/Pods-Antidote [Debug]
[16:50:24]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:50:24]: ▸ Cleaning Antidote/Antidote [Debug]
[16:50:24]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:50:24]: ▸ Clean Succeeded
[16:50:24]: ▸ Building Pods/JGProgressHUD [Debug]
[16:50:24]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:50:28]: ▸ Compiling JGProgressHUD-dummy.m
[16:50:30]: ▸ Compiling JGProgressHUD.m
[16:50:30]: ▸ Compiling JGProgressHUDAnimation.m
[16:50:30]: ▸ Compiling JGProgressHUDErrorIndicatorView.m
[16:50:30]: ▸ Compiling JGProgressHUDFadeAnimation.m
[16:50:30]: ▸ Compiling JGProgressHUDFadeZoomAnimation.m
[16:50:30]: ▸ Compiling JGProgressHUDImageIndicatorView.m
[16:50:30]: ▸ Compiling JGProgressHUDIndeterminateIndicatorView.m
[16:50:30]: ▸ Compiling JGProgressHUDIndicatorView.m
[16:50:31]: ▸ Compiling JGProgressHUDPieIndicatorView.m
[16:50:31]: ▸ Compiling JGProgressHUDRingIndicatorView.m
[16:50:31]: ▸ Compiling JGProgressHUDSuccessIndicatorView.m
[16:50:31]: ▸ Building library libJGProgressHUD.a
[16:50:32]: ▸ Copying JGProgressHUD-Defines.h
[16:50:32]: ▸ Copying JGProgressHUD.h
[16:50:32]: ▸ Copying JGProgressHUDAnimation.h
[16:50:32]: ▸ Copying JGProgressHUDErrorIndicatorView.h
[16:50:32]: ▸ Copying JGProgressHUDFadeAnimation.h
[16:50:32]: ▸ Copying JGProgressHUDFadeZoomAnimation.h
[16:50:32]: ▸ Copying JGProgressHUDImageIndicatorView.h
[16:50:32]: ▸ Copying JGProgressHUDIndeterminateIndicatorView.h
[16:50:32]: ▸ Copying JGProgressHUDIndicatorView.h
[16:50:32]: ▸ Copying JGProgressHUDPieIndicatorView.h
[16:50:32]: ▸ Copying JGProgressHUDRingIndicatorView.h
[16:50:32]: ▸ Copying JGProgressHUDSuccessIndicatorView.h
[16:50:32]: ▸ Building Yaml/Yaml iOS [Debug]
[16:50:32]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:50:32]: ▸ Processing Info.plist
[16:50:32]: ▸ Compiling YAMLTokenizer.swift
[16:50:33]: ▸ Compiling YAMLResult.swift
[16:50:33]: ▸ Compiling YAMLRegex.swift
[16:50:33]: ▸ Compiling YAMLOperators.swift
[16:50:33]: ▸ Compiling Yaml.swift
[16:50:33]: ▸ Compiling YAMLParser.swift
[16:50:44]: ▸ Compiling Yaml_vers.c
[16:50:49]: ▸ Linking Yaml
[16:50:59]: ▸ Copying Yaml.h
[16:51:08]: Running Tests: ▸ Touching Yaml.framework
[16:51:12]: ▸ Signing build/Debug-iphonesimulator/Yaml.framework
[16:51:13]: ▸ Building Pods/CocoaLumberjack [Debug]
[16:51:13]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling CocoaLumberjack-dummy.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling DDAbstractDatabaseLogger.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling DDASLLogCapture.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling DDASLLogger.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling DDContextFilterLogFormatter.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling DDDispatchQueueLogFormatter.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling DDFileLogger.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling DDLog.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling DDMultiFormatter.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling DDTTYLogger.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Building library libCocoaLumberjack.a
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying DDAbstractDatabaseLogger.h
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying DDASLLogCapture.h
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying DDASLLogger.h
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying DDAssert.h
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying DDContextFilterLogFormatter.h
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying DDDispatchQueueLogFormatter.h
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying DDFileLogger.h
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying DDLog+LOGV.h
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying DDLog.h
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying DDMultiFormatter.h
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying DDTTYLogger.h
[16:51:13]: ▸ Building SnapKit/SnapKit [Debug]
[16:51:13]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:51:13]: ▸ Processing Info.plist
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling ConstraintInsets.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling ConstraintMakerFinalizable.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling ConstraintConstantTarget.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling ConstraintView+Extensions.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling ConstraintMakerRelatable.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling ConstraintAttributes.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling ConstraintOffsetTarget.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling ConstraintLayoutGuideDSL.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling ConstraintMakerEditable.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling ConstraintLayoutGuide.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling ConstraintMaker.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling ConstraintPriority.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling ConstraintRelatableTarget.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling ConstraintDSL.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling ConstraintMakerExtendable.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling ConstraintItem.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling Typealiases.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling ConstraintPriorityTarget.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling ConstraintLayoutSupport.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling ConstraintLayoutGuide+Extensions.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling ConstraintConfig.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling Constraint.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling ConstraintView.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling LayoutConstraintItem.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling ConstraintMakerPriortizable.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling LayoutConstraint.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling ConstraintInsetTarget.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling ConstraintMultiplierTarget.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling ConstraintViewDSL.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling Debugging.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling ConstraintLayoutSupportDSL.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling ConstraintRelation.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling UILayoutSupport+Extensions.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling ConstraintDescription.swift
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling SnapKit_vers.c
[16:51:13]: ▸ Linking SnapKit
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying SnapKit.h
[16:51:13]: Running Tests: ▸ Touching SnapKit.framework
[16:51:13]: ▸ Signing build/Debug-iphonesimulator/SnapKit.framework
[16:51:13]: ▸ Building Pods/LNNotificationsUI [Debug]
[16:51:13]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling LNNotification.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling LNNotificationAppSettings.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling LNNotificationBannerView.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling LNNotificationBannerWindow.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling LNNotificationCenter.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling LNNotificationsAppSettingsController.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling LNNotificationSettingsController.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling LNNotificationsUI-dummy.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Building library libLNNotificationsUI.a
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying LNNotification.h
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying LNNotificationAppSettings.h
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying LNNotificationAppSettings_Private.h
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying LNNotificationBannerView.h
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying LNNotificationBannerWindow.h
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying LNNotificationCenter.h
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying LNNotificationsAppSettingsController.h
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying LNNotificationSettingsController.h
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying LNNotificationsUI.h
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying LNNotificationsUI_iOS7.1.h
[16:51:13]: ▸ Building Pods/RBBAnimation [Debug]
[16:51:13]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling NSValue+PlatformIndependence.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling RBBAnimation-dummy.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling RBBAnimation.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling RBBBlockBasedArray.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling RBBCubicBezier.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling RBBCustomAnimation.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling RBBEasingFunction.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling RBBLinearInterpolation.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling RBBSpringAnimation.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling RBBTweenAnimation.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling UIColor+PlatformIndependence.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Building library libRBBAnimation.a
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying NSValue+PlatformIndependence.h
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying RBBAnimation.h
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying RBBBlockBasedArray.h
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying RBBCubicBezier.h
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying RBBCustomAnimation.h
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying RBBEasingFunction.h
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying RBBLinearInterpolation.h
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying RBBSpringAnimation.h
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying RBBTweenAnimation.h
[16:51:13]: ▸ Copying UIColor+PlatformIndependence.h
[16:51:13]: ▸ Building Pods/Realm [Debug]
[16:51:13]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling binding_callback_thread_observer.cpp
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling collection_change_builder.cpp
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling collection_notifications.cpp
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling collection_notifier.cpp
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling external_commit_helper.cpp
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling index_set.cpp
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling keychain_helper.cpp
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling list.cpp
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling list_notifier.cpp
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling network_reachability_observer.cpp
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling NSError+RLMSync.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling object.cpp
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling object_notifier.cpp
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling object_schema.cpp
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling object_store.cpp
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling partial_sync.cpp
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling placeholder.cpp
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling primitive_list_notifier.cpp
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling Realm-dummy.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling realm_coordinator.cpp
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling results.cpp
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling results_notifier.cpp
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling RLMConstants.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling RLMJSONModels.m
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:13]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:16]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:26]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:26]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:26]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:26]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:26]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:26]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:28]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:28]: ▸ Compiling RLMSwiftSupport.m
[16:51:28]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:31]: ▸ Compiling RLMSyncCredentials.m
[16:51:31]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:32]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:33]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:34]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:37]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:38]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:41]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:41]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:42]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:42]: ▸ Compiling
[16:51:45]: ▸ Compiling schema.cpp
[16:51:45]: ▸ Compiling shared_realm.cpp
[16:51:48]: ▸ Compiling sync_config.cpp
[16:51:48]: ▸ Compiling sync_file.cpp
[16:51:48]: ▸ Compiling sync_manager.cpp
[16:51:54]: ▸ Compiling sync_metadata.cpp
[16:51:54]: ▸ Compiling sync_permission.cpp
[16:51:57]: ▸ Compiling sync_session.cpp
[16:51:57]: ▸ Compiling sync_user.cpp
[16:51:57]: ▸ Compiling system_configuration.cpp
[16:51:57]: ▸ Compiling thread_safe_reference.cpp
[16:52:00]: ▸ Compiling transact_log_handler.cpp
[16:52:04]: ▸ Compiling uuid.cpp
[16:52:04]: ▸ Compiling weak_realm_notifier.cpp
[16:52:05]: ▸ Building library libRealm.a
[16:52:10]: ▸ Copying NSError+RLMSync.h
[16:52:10]: ▸ Copying Realm.h
[16:52:10]: ▸ Copying RLMAccessor.h
[16:52:10]: ▸ Copying RLMArray.h
[16:52:10]: ▸ Copying RLMArray_Private.h
[16:52:10]: ▸ Copying RLMCollection.h
[16:52:10]: ▸ Copying RLMCollection_Private.h
[16:52:10]: ▸ Copying RLMConstants.h
[16:52:10]: ▸ Copying RLMListBase.h
[16:52:11]: ▸ Copying RLMMigration.h
[16:52:11]: ▸ Copying RLMMigration_Private.h
[16:52:11]: ▸ Copying RLMObject.h
[16:52:11]: ▸ Copying RLMObject_Private.h
[16:52:11]: ▸ Copying RLMObjectBase.h
[16:52:11]: ▸ Copying RLMObjectBase_Dynamic.h
[16:52:11]: ▸ Copying RLMObjectBase_Private.h
[16:52:11]: ▸ Copying RLMObjectSchema.h
[16:52:11]: ▸ Copying RLMObjectSchema_Private.h
[16:52:11]: ▸ Copying RLMObjectStore.h
[16:52:11]: ▸ Copying RLMOptionalBase.h
[16:52:11]: ▸ Copying RLMPlatform.h
[16:52:11]: ▸ Copying RLMProperty.h
[16:52:11]: ▸ Copying RLMProperty_Private.h
[16:52:11]: ▸ Copying RLMRealm+Sync.h
[16:52:11]: ▸ Copying RLMRealm.h
[16:52:11]: ▸ Copying RLMRealm_Dynamic.h
[16:52:11]: ▸ Copying RLMRealm_Private.h
[16:52:11]: ▸ Copying RLMRealmConfiguration+Sync.h
[16:52:11]: ▸ Copying RLMRealmConfiguration.h
[16:52:11]: ▸ Copying RLMRealmConfiguration_Private.h
[16:52:11]: ▸ Copying RLMResults.h
[16:52:11]: ▸ Copying RLMResults_Private.h
[16:52:11]: ▸ Copying RLMSchema.h
[16:52:11]: ▸ Copying RLMSchema_Private.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying RLMSyncConfiguration.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying RLMSyncConfiguration_Private.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying RLMSyncCredentials.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying RLMSyncManager.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying RLMSyncManager_Private.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying RLMSyncPermission.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying RLMSyncSession.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying RLMSyncUser.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying RLMSyncUtil.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying RLMSyncUtil_Private.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying RLMThreadSafeReference.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Building Pods/SDCAutoLayout [Debug]
[16:52:12]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling SDCAutoLayout-dummy.m
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling UIView+SDCAutoLayout.m
[16:52:12]: ▸ Building library libSDCAutoLayout.a
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying UIView+SDCAutoLayout.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Building Pods/SDCAlertView [Debug]
[16:52:12]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling SDCAlertAction.m
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling SDCAlertCollectionViewCell.m
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling SDCAlertController.m
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling SDCAlertControllerCollectionViewFlowLayout.m
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling SDCAlertControllerDefaultVisualStyle.m
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling SDCAlertControllerScrollView.m
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling SDCAlertControllerTextFieldViewController.m
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling SDCAlertControllerTransition.m
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling SDCAlertControllerView.m
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling SDCAlertLabel.m
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling SDCAlertPresentationController.m
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling SDCAlertTextFieldTableViewCell.m
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling SDCAlertView-dummy.m
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling SDCAlertView.m
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling SDCAlertViewBackgroundView.m
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling SDCAlertViewContentView.m
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling SDCAlertViewController.m
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling SDCAlertViewCoordinator.m
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling SDCIntrinsicallySizedView.m
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling UIView+Parallax.m
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling UIViewController+Current.m
[16:52:12]: ▸ Building library libSDCAlertView.a
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying SDCAlertCollectionViewCell.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying SDCAlertController.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying SDCAlertControllerCollectionViewFlowLayout.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying SDCAlertControllerDefaultVisualStyle.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying SDCAlertControllerScrollView.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying SDCAlertControllerTextFieldViewController.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying SDCAlertControllerTransition.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying SDCAlertControllerView.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying SDCAlertControllerVisualStyle.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying SDCAlertLabel.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying SDCAlertPresentationController.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying SDCAlertTextFieldTableViewCell.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying SDCAlertView.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying SDCAlertViewBackgroundView.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying SDCAlertViewContentView.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying SDCAlertViewController.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying SDCAlertViewCoordinator.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying SDCAlertViewTransitioning.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying SDCIntrinsicallySizedView.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying UIView+Parallax.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying UIViewController+Current.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Building Pods/TPCircularBuffer [Debug]
[16:52:12]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling TPCircularBuffer+AudioBufferList.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling TPCircularBuffer-dummy.m
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling TPCircularBuffer.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Building library libTPCircularBuffer.a
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying TPCircularBuffer+AudioBufferList.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying TPCircularBuffer.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Building Pods/UITextView+Placeholder [Debug]
[16:52:12]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling UITextView+Placeholder-dummy.m
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling UITextView+Placeholder.m
[16:52:12]: ▸ Building library libUITextView+Placeholder.a
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying UITextView+Placeholder.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Building Pods/libopus-patched-config [Debug]
[16:52:12]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling A2NLSF.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling ana_filt_bank_1.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling analysis.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling apply_sine_window_FLP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling autocorrelation_FLP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling bands.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling biquad_alt.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling burg_modified_FLP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling bwexpander.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling bwexpander_32.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling bwexpander_FLP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling celt.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling celt_decoder.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling celt_encoder.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling celt_lpc.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling check_control_input.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling CNG.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling code_signs.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling control_audio_bandwidth.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling control_codec.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling control_SNR.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling corrMatrix_FLP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling cwrs.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling debug.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling dec_API.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling decode_core.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling decode_frame.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling decode_indices.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling decode_parameters.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling decode_pitch.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling decode_pulses.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling decoder_set_fs.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling enc_API.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling encode_frame_FLP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling encode_indices.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling encode_pulses.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling energy_FLP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling entcode.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling entdec.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling entenc.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling find_LPC_FLP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling find_LTP_FLP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling find_pitch_lags_FLP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling find_pred_coefs_FLP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling gain_quant.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling HP_variable_cutoff.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling init_decoder.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling init_encoder.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling inner_prod_aligned.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling inner_product_FLP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling interpolate.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling k2a_FLP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling kiss_fft.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling laplace.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling levinsondurbin_FLP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling libopus-patched-config-dummy.m
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling lin2log.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling log2lin.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling LP_variable_cutoff.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling LPC_analysis_filter.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling LPC_analysis_filter_FLP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling LPC_inv_pred_gain.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling LPC_inv_pred_gain_FLP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling LTP_analysis_filter_FLP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling LTP_scale_ctrl_FLP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling mathops.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling mdct.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling mlp.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling mlp_data.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling modes.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling NLSF2A.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling NLSF_decode.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling NLSF_del_dec_quant.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling NLSF_encode.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling NLSF_stabilize.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling NLSF_unpack.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling NLSF_VQ.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling NLSF_VQ_weights_laroia.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling noise_shape_analysis_FLP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling NSQ.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling NSQ_del_dec.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling opus.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling opus_decoder.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling opus_encoder.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling opus_multistream.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling opus_multistream_decoder.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling opus_multistream_encoder.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling pitch.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling pitch_analysis_core_FLP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling pitch_est_tables.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling PLC.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling prefilter_FLP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling process_gains_FLP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling process_NLSFs.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling quant_bands.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling quant_LTP_gains.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling rate.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling regularize_correlations_FLP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling repacketizer.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling resampler.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling resampler_down2.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling resampler_down2_3.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling resampler_private_AR2.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling resampler_private_down_FIR.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling resampler_private_IIR_FIR.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling resampler_private_up2_HQ.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling resampler_rom.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling residual_energy_FLP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling scale_copy_vector_FLP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling scale_vector_FLP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling schur_FLP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling shell_coder.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling sigm_Q15.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling solve_LS_FLP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling sort.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling sort_FLP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling stereo_decode_pred.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling stereo_encode_pred.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling stereo_find_predictor.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling stereo_LR_to_MS.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling stereo_MS_to_LR.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling stereo_quant_pred.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling sum_sqr_shift.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling table_LSF_cos.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling tables_gain.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling tables_LTP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling tables_NLSF_CB_NB_MB.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling tables_NLSF_CB_WB.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling tables_other.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling tables_pitch_lag.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling tables_pulses_per_block.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling VAD.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling vq.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling VQ_WMat_EC.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling warped_autocorrelation_FLP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling wrappers_FLP.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Building library liblibopus-patched-config.a
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying opus.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying opus_custom.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying opus_defines.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying opus_multistream.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Copying opus_types.h
[16:52:12]: ▸ Building Pods/libsodium [Debug]
[16:52:12]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling aead_aes256gcm_aesni.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling aead_chacha20poly1305.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling aead_xchacha20poly1305.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling afternm_aes128ctr.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling argon2-core.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling argon2-encoding.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling argon2-fill-block-ref.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling argon2-fill-block-ssse3.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling argon2.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling auth_hmacsha256.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling auth_hmacsha512.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling auth_hmacsha512256.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling beforenm_aes128ctr.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling blake2b-compress-avx2.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling blake2b-compress-ref.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling blake2b-compress-sse41.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling blake2b-compress-ssse3.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling blake2b-long.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling blake2b-ref.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling box_curve25519xchacha20poly1305.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling chacha20_dolbeau-avx2.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling chacha20_dolbeau-ssse3.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling chacha20_ref.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling consts_aes128ctr.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling core.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling core_hchacha20.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling core_hsalsa20.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling core_hsalsa20_ref2.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling core_salsa_ref.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling crypto_auth.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling crypto_box.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling crypto_box_easy.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling crypto_box_seal.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling crypto_generichash.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling crypto_hash.c
[16:52:12]: ▸ Compiling crypto_kdf.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling crypto_kx.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling crypto_onetimeauth.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling crypto_pwhash.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling crypto_scalarmult.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling crypto_scrypt-common.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling crypto_secretbox.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling crypto_secretbox_easy.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling crypto_shorthash.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling crypto_sign.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling crypto_stream.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling curve25519_donna_c64.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling curve25519_ref10.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling curve25519_sandy2x.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling fe51_invert.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling fe_frombytes_sandy2x.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling generichash_blake2.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling generichash_blake2b.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling hash_sha256.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling hash_sha256_cp.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling hash_sha512.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling hash_sha512_cp.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling int128_aes128ctr.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling kdf_blake2b.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling keypair.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling libsodium-dummy.m
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling obsolete.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling onetimeauth_poly1305.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling open.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling pbkdf2-sha256.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling poly1305_donna.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling poly1305_sse2.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling pwhash_argon2i.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling pwhash_scryptsalsa208sha256.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling pwhash_scryptsalsa208sha256_nosse.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling pwhash_scryptsalsa208sha256_sse.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling randombytes.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling randombytes_nativeclient.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling randombytes_salsa20_random.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling randombytes_sysrandom.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling runtime.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling salsa20_ref.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling salsa20_xmm6.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling salsa20_xmm6int-avx2.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling salsa20_xmm6int-sse2.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling scalarmult_curve25519.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling scrypt_platform.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling secretbox_xchacha20poly1305.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling secretbox_xsalsa20poly1305.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling shorthash_siphash24.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling shorthash_siphash24_ref.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling shorthash_siphashx24.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling shorthash_siphashx24_ref.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling sign.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling sign_ed25519.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling stream_aes128ctr.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling stream_aes128ctr_nacl.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling stream_chacha20.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling stream_salsa20.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling stream_salsa2012.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling stream_salsa2012_ref.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling stream_salsa208.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling stream_salsa208_ref.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling stream_xchacha20.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling stream_xsalsa20.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling utils.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling verify.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling version.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling x25519_ref10.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling xor_afternm_aes128ctr.c
[16:52:13]: ▸ Building library liblibsodium.a
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying common.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying core.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_aead_aes256gcm.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_auth.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_auth_hmacsha256.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_auth_hmacsha512.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_auth_hmacsha512256.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_box.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_box_curve25519xchacha20poly1305.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_core_hchacha20.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_core_hsalsa20.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_core_salsa20.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_core_salsa2012.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_core_salsa208.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_generichash.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_generichash_blake2b.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_hash.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_hash_sha256.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_hash_sha512.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_kdf.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_kdf_blake2b.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_kx.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_onetimeauth.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_pwhash.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_pwhash_argon2i.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_pwhash_scryptsalsa208sha256.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_scalarmult.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_scalarmult_curve25519.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_secretbox_xchacha20poly1305.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_secretbox_xsalsa20poly1305.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_secretbox.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_shorthash.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_shorthash_siphash24.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_sign_ed25519.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_sign.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_stream.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_stream_aes128ctr.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_stream_salsa20.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_stream_salsa2012.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_stream_chacha20.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_stream_salsa208.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_stream_xsalsa20.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_stream_xchacha20.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_verify_32.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_verify_16.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying crypto_verify_64.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying curve25519_ref10.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying export.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying mutex.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying randombytes.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying randombytes_nativeclient.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying randombytes_salsa20_random.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying randombytes_sysrandom.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying sse2_64_32.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying runtime.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying utils.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying version.h
[16:52:13]: ▸ Building Pods/objcTox-objcTox [Debug]
[16:52:13]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:52:13]: ▸ Processing ResourceBundle-objcTox-Info.plist
[16:52:13]: ▸ Copying objcTox/Classes/Public/Manager/nodes.json
[16:52:13]: Running Tests: ▸ Touching objcTox.bundle
[16:52:13]: ▸ Signing /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/objcTox/objcTox.bundle
[16:52:13]: ▸ Building Pods/toxcore [Debug]
[16:52:13]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling audio.m
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling bwcontroller.m
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling crypto_core.m
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling DHT.m
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling friend_connection.m
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling friend_requests.m
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling group.m
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling crypto_core_mem.m
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling groupav.m
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling LAN_discovery.m
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling list.m
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling logger.m
[16:52:13]: ▸ Compiling Messenger.m
[16:52:14]: ▸ Compiling msi.m
[16:52:14]: ▸ Compiling net_crypto.m
[16:52:14]: ▸ Compiling network.m
[16:52:14]: ▸ Compiling onion.m
[16:52:14]: ▸ Compiling onion_announce.m
[16:52:14]: ▸ Compiling onion_client.m
[16:52:14]: ▸ Compiling ping.m
[16:52:14]: ▸ Compiling ping_array.m
[16:52:14]: ▸ Compiling ring_buffer.m
[16:52:14]: ▸ Compiling rtp.m
[16:52:14]: ▸ Compiling TCP_client.m
[16:52:14]: ▸ Compiling TCP_connection.m
[16:52:14]: ▸ Compiling TCP_server.m
[16:52:14]: ▸ Compiling tox.m
[16:52:14]: ▸ Compiling tox_api.m
[16:52:14]: ▸ Compiling toxav.m
[16:52:14]: ▸ Compiling toxav_old.m
[16:52:14]: ▸ Compiling toxcore-dummy.m
[16:52:14]: ▸ Compiling toxencryptsave.m
[16:52:15]: ▸ Compiling util.m
[16:52:15]: ▸ Compiling video.m
[16:52:15]: ▸ Building library libtoxcore.a
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying audio.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying bwcontroller.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying ccompat.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying crypto_core.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying defines.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying DHT.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying friend_connection.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying friend_requests.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying group.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying groupav.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying LAN_discovery.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying list.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying logger.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying Messenger.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying network.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying net_crypto.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying msi.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying onion.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying ping_array.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying onion_announce.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying ping.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying onion_client.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying rtp.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying TCP_client.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying ring_buffer.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying TCP_connection.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying TCP_server.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying toxencryptsave.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying toxav.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying tox.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying video.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Copying util.h
[16:52:15]: ▸ Building Pods/objcTox [Debug]
[16:52:15]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:52:15]: ▸ Compiling OCTAudioEngine.m
[16:52:15]: ▸ Compiling objcTox-dummy.m
[16:52:15]: ▸ Compiling OCTAudioQueue.m
[16:52:15]: ▸ Compiling NSError+OCTFile.m
[16:52:15]: ▸ Compiling OCTCall+Utilities.m
[16:52:15]: ▸ Compiling OCTCall.m
[16:52:15]: ▸ Compiling OCTCallTimer.m
[16:52:15]: ▸ Compiling OCTChat.m
[16:52:15]: ▸ Compiling OCTDefaultFileStorage.m
[16:52:15]: ▸ Compiling OCTFileBaseOperation.m
[16:52:15]: ▸ Compiling OCTFileDataInput.m
[16:52:15]: ▸ Compiling OCTFileDataOutput.m
[16:52:15]: ▸ Compiling OCTFileDownloadOperation.m
[16:52:15]: ▸ Compiling OCTFilePathInput.m
[16:52:16]: ▸ Compiling OCTFilePathOutput.m
[16:52:16]: ▸ Compiling OCTFileTools.m
[16:52:16]: ▸ Compiling OCTFileUploadOperation.m
[16:52:16]: ▸ Compiling OCTFriend.m
[16:52:16]: ▸ Compiling OCTFriendRequest.m
[16:52:16]: ▸ Compiling OCTManagerConfiguration.m
[16:52:16]: ▸ Compiling OCTManagerConstants.m
[16:52:16]: ▸ Compiling OCTManagerFactory.m
[16:52:16]: ▸ Compiling OCTManagerImpl.m
[16:52:16]: ▸ Compiling OCTMessageAbstract.m
[16:52:16]: ▸ Compiling OCTMessageCall.m
[16:52:16]: ▸ Compiling OCTMessageFile.m
[16:52:16]: ▸ Compiling OCTMessageText.m
[16:52:16]: ▸ Compiling OCTNode.m
[16:52:16]: ▸ Compiling OCTObject.m
[16:52:16]: ▸ Compiling OCTPixelBufferPool.m
[16:52:16]: ▸ Compiling OCTRealmManager.m
[16:52:17]: ▸ Compiling OCTSendMessageOperation.m
[16:52:17]: ▸ Compiling OCTSettingsStorageObject.m
[16:52:17]: ▸ Compiling OCTSubmanagerBootstrapImpl.m
[16:52:17]: ▸ Compiling OCTSubmanagerCallsImpl.m
[16:52:17]: ▸ Compiling OCTSubmanagerChatsImpl.m
[16:52:17]: ▸ Compiling OCTSubmanagerFilesImpl.m
[16:52:17]: ▸ Compiling OCTSubmanagerFriendsImpl.m
[16:52:17]: ▸ Compiling OCTSubmanagerObjectsImpl.m
[16:52:17]: ▸ Compiling OCTSubmanagerUserImpl.m
[16:52:17]: ▸ Compiling OCTTox.m
[16:52:18]: ▸ Compiling OCTToxAV.m
[16:52:18]: ▸ Compiling OCTToxAVConstants.m
[16:52:18]: ▸ Compiling OCTToxConstants.m
[16:52:18]: ▸ Compiling OCTToxEncryptSave.m
[16:52:18]: ▸ Compiling OCTToxOptions.m
[16:52:18]: ▸ Compiling OCTVideoEngine.m
[16:52:18]: ▸ Compiling OCTVideoView.m
[16:52:18]: ▸ Building library libobjcTox.a
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTCall.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTChat.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTDefaultFileStorage.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTFileStorageProtocol.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTFriend.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTFriendRequest.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTManager.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTManagerConfiguration.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTManagerConstants.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTManagerFactory.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTMessageAbstract.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTMessageCall.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTMessageFile.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTMessageText.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTObject.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTSubmanagerBootstrap.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTSubmanagerCalls.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTSubmanagerCallsDelegate.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTSubmanagerChats.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTSubmanagerFiles.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTSubmanagerFilesProgressSubscriber.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTSubmanagerFriends.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTSubmanagerObjects.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTSubmanagerUser.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTTox.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTToxAV.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTToxAVDelegate.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTToxAVConstants.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTToxConstants.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTToxDelegate.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTToxEncryptSave.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTToxEncryptSaveConstants.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTToxOptions.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Copying OCTView.h
[16:52:18]: ▸ Building Pods/Pods-Antidote [Debug]
[16:52:18]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:52:18]: ▸ Compiling Pods-Antidote-dummy.m
[16:52:18]: ▸ Building library libPods-Antidote.a
[16:52:18]: ▸ Building Antidote/Antidote [Debug]
[16:52:18]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:52:18]: ▸ Running script '[CP] Check Pods Manifest.lock'
[16:52:19]: ▸ Compiling ChatGenericFileCell.swift
[16:52:20]: ▸ ❌  /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/ChatGenericFileCell.swift:6:8: no such module 'SnapKit'
[16:52:20]: ▸ import SnapKit
[16:52:20]: ▸        ^
[16:52:20]: ▸ Compiling ChatOutgoingCallCellModel.swift
[16:52:20]: ▸ ❌  /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/ChatGenericFileCell.swift:6:8: no such module 'SnapKit'
[16:52:20]: ▸ import SnapKit
[16:52:20]: ▸        ^
[16:52:20]: ▸ Compiling UIApplicationExtension.swift
[16:52:20]: ▸ ❌  /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/ChatGenericFileCell.swift:6:8: no such module 'SnapKit'
[16:52:20]: ▸ import SnapKit
[16:52:20]: ▸        ^
[16:52:20]: ▸ Compiling ChatOutgoingTextCellModel.swift
[16:52:20]: ▸ ❌  /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/ChatGenericFileCell.swift:6:8: no such module 'SnapKit'
[16:52:20]: ▸ import SnapKit
[16:52:20]: ▸        ^
[16:52:20]: ▸ ** BUILD FAILED **
[16:52:20]: ▸ The following build commands failed:
[16:52:20]: ▸ CompileSwift normal x86_64 /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/ChatGenericFileCell.swift
[16:52:20]: ▸ CompileSwift normal x86_64 /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/ChatOutgoingCallCellModel.swift
[16:52:20]: ▸ CompileSwift normal x86_64 /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/UIApplicationExtension.swift
[16:52:20]: ▸ CompileSwift normal x86_64 /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/ChatOutgoingTextCellModel.swift
[16:52:20]: ▸ CompileSwiftSources normal x86_64
[16:52:20]: ▸ (5 failures)
[16:52:21]: ▸ 2019-01-28 16:52:21.279 xcodebuild[49292:2873798]  IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: Writing diagnostic log for test session to:
[16:52:21]: ▸ /var/folders/28/wyc8nyv92wl09l3pyvc0fcc80000gn/T/
[16:52:21]: ▸ 2019-01-28 16:52:21.280 xcodebuild[49292:2873729] [MT] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: (5A7CB0FB-4E42-440F-81BF-01BB27A318E6) Beginning test session AntidoteTests-5A7CB0FB-4E42-440F-81BF-01BB27A318E6 at 2019-01-28 16:52:21.280 with Xcode 9E145 on target <DVTiPhoneSimulator: 0x7fa84334a5e0> {
[16:52:21]: ▸ SimDevice: iPhone 8 (94DB53B7-064F-457A-8494-71F54EDD070C, iOS 11.3, Booted)
[16:52:21]: ▸ } (11.3 (15E217))
[16:52:21]: ▸ Building SnapKit/SnapKit [Debug]
[16:52:21]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:52:21]: ▸ Building Yaml/Yaml iOS [Debug]
[16:52:21]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:52:21]: ▸ Building Pods/JGProgressHUD [Debug]
[16:52:21]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:52:21]: ▸ Building Pods/CocoaLumberjack [Debug]
[16:52:21]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:52:21]: ▸ Building Pods/LNNotificationsUI [Debug]
[16:52:21]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:52:21]: ▸ Building Pods/RBBAnimation [Debug]
[16:52:21]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:52:21]: ▸ Building Pods/Realm [Debug]
[16:52:21]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:52:21]: ▸ Building Pods/SDCAutoLayout [Debug]
[16:52:21]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:52:21]: ▸ Building Pods/TPCircularBuffer [Debug]
[16:52:21]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:52:21]: ▸ Building Pods/UITextView+Placeholder [Debug]
[16:52:21]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:52:21]: ▸ Building Pods/libopus-patched-config [Debug]
[16:52:21]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:52:23]: ▸ Building Pods/SDCAlertView [Debug]
[16:52:23]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:52:23]: ▸ Building Pods/libsodium [Debug]
[16:52:23]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:52:23]: ▸ Building Pods/objcTox-objcTox [Debug]
[16:52:23]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:52:23]: ▸ Building Pods/FBSnapshotTestCase [Debug]
[16:52:23]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:52:23]: ▸ Compiling FBSnapshotTestCase.m
[16:52:24]: ▸ Compiling FBSnapshotTestCase-dummy.m
[16:52:24]: ▸ Compiling FBSnapshotTestController.m
[16:52:24]: ▸ Compiling FBSnapshotTestCasePlatform.m
[16:52:24]: ▸ Compiling UIApplication+StrictKeyWindow.m
[16:52:24]: ▸ Compiling UIImage+Compare.m
[16:52:24]: ▸ Compiling UIImage+Diff.m
[16:52:24]: ▸ Compiling UIImage+Snapshot.m
[16:52:24]: ▸ Building Pods/toxcore [Debug]
[16:52:24]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:52:24]: ▸ Building Pods/objcTox [Debug]
[16:52:24]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:52:24]: ▸ Building Pods/Pods-Antidote [Debug]
[16:52:24]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:52:24]: ▸ Building Antidote/Antidote [Debug]
[16:52:24]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[16:52:24]: ▸ Running script '[CP] Check Pods Manifest.lock'
[16:52:24]: ▸ Compiling ChatGenericFileCell.swift
[16:52:24]: ▸ ❌  /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/ChatGenericFileCell.swift:6:8: no such module 'SnapKit'
[16:52:24]: ▸ import SnapKit
[16:52:24]: ▸        ^
[16:52:24]: ▸ Compiling ChatOutgoingCallCellModel.swift
[16:52:24]: ▸ ❌  /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/ChatGenericFileCell.swift:6:8: no such module 'SnapKit'
[16:52:24]: ▸ import SnapKit
[16:52:24]: ▸        ^
[16:52:24]: ▸ Compiling UIApplicationExtension.swift
[16:52:24]: ▸ ❌  /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/ChatGenericFileCell.swift:6:8: no such module 'SnapKit'
[16:52:24]: ▸ import SnapKit
[16:52:24]: ▸        ^
[16:52:24]: ▸ Compiling ChatOutgoingTextCellModel.swift
[16:52:24]: ▸ ❌  /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/ChatGenericFileCell.swift:6:8: no such module 'SnapKit'
[16:52:24]: ▸ import SnapKit
[16:52:24]: ▸        ^
[16:52:24]: ▸ 2019-01-28 16:52:24.223 xcodebuild[49292:2873729] Error Domain=IDETestOperationsObserverErrorDomain Code=14 "Test operation was canceled. If you believe this error represents a bug, please attach the log file at /var/folders/28/wyc8nyv92wl09l3pyvc0fcc80000gn/T/" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Test operation was canceled. If you believe this error represents a bug, please attach the log file at /var/folders/28/wyc8nyv92wl09l3pyvc0fcc80000gn/T/}
[16:52:24]: ▸ Testing failed:
[16:52:24]: ▸ No such module 'SnapKit'
[16:52:24]: ▸ ** TEST FAILED **
[16:52:24]: ▸ The following build commands failed:
[16:52:24]: ▸ CompileSwiftSources normal x86_64
[16:52:24]: ▸ CompileSwift normal x86_64 /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/ChatGenericFileCell.swift
[16:52:24]: ▸ CompileSwift normal x86_64 /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/ChatOutgoingCallCellModel.swift
[16:52:24]: ▸ CompileSwift normal x86_64 /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/UIApplicationExtension.swift
[16:52:24]: ▸ CompileSwift normal x86_64 /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/ChatOutgoingTextCellModel.swift
[16:52:24]: ▸ (5 failures)
▸ Cleaning Yaml/Yaml iOS [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Cleaning Pods/JGProgressHUD [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Cleaning SnapKit/SnapKit [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Cleaning Pods/CocoaLumberjack [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Cleaning Pods/LNNotificationsUI [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Cleaning Pods/RBBAnimation [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Cleaning Pods/Realm [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Cleaning Pods/SDCAutoLayout [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Cleaning Pods/TPCircularBuffer [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Cleaning Pods/UITextView+Placeholder [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Cleaning Pods/libopus-patched-config [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Cleaning Pods/SDCAlertView [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Cleaning Pods/libsodium [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Cleaning Pods/objcTox-objcTox [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Cleaning Pods/toxcore [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Cleaning Pods/objcTox [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Cleaning Pods/Pods-Antidote [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Cleaning Antidote/Antidote [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Clean Succeeded
▸ Building Pods/JGProgressHUD [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Compiling JGProgressHUD-dummy.m
▸ Compiling JGProgressHUD.m
▸ Compiling JGProgressHUDAnimation.m
▸ Compiling JGProgressHUDErrorIndicatorView.m
▸ Compiling JGProgressHUDFadeAnimation.m
▸ Compiling JGProgressHUDFadeZoomAnimation.m
▸ Compiling JGProgressHUDImageIndicatorView.m
▸ Compiling JGProgressHUDIndeterminateIndicatorView.m
▸ Compiling JGProgressHUDIndicatorView.m
▸ Compiling JGProgressHUDPieIndicatorView.m
▸ Compiling JGProgressHUDRingIndicatorView.m
▸ Compiling JGProgressHUDSuccessIndicatorView.m
▸ Building library libJGProgressHUD.a
▸ Copying JGProgressHUD-Defines.h
▸ Copying JGProgressHUD.h
▸ Copying JGProgressHUDAnimation.h
▸ Copying JGProgressHUDErrorIndicatorView.h
▸ Copying JGProgressHUDFadeAnimation.h
▸ Copying JGProgressHUDFadeZoomAnimation.h
▸ Copying JGProgressHUDImageIndicatorView.h
▸ Copying JGProgressHUDIndeterminateIndicatorView.h
▸ Copying JGProgressHUDIndicatorView.h
▸ Copying JGProgressHUDPieIndicatorView.h
▸ Copying JGProgressHUDRingIndicatorView.h
▸ Copying JGProgressHUDSuccessIndicatorView.h
▸ Building Yaml/Yaml iOS [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Processing Info.plist
▸ Compiling YAMLTokenizer.swift
▸ Compiling YAMLResult.swift
▸ Compiling YAMLRegex.swift
▸ Compiling YAMLOperators.swift
▸ Compiling Yaml.swift
▸ Compiling YAMLParser.swift
▸ Compiling Yaml_vers.c
▸ Linking Yaml
▸ Copying Yaml.h
▸ Touching Yaml.framework
▸ Signing build/Debug-iphonesimulator/Yaml.framework
▸ Building Pods/CocoaLumberjack [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Compiling CocoaLumberjack-dummy.m
▸ Compiling DDAbstractDatabaseLogger.m
▸ Compiling DDASLLogCapture.m
▸ Compiling DDASLLogger.m
▸ Compiling DDContextFilterLogFormatter.m
▸ Compiling DDDispatchQueueLogFormatter.m
▸ Compiling DDFileLogger.m
▸ Compiling DDLog.m
▸ Compiling DDMultiFormatter.m
▸ Compiling DDTTYLogger.m
▸ Building library libCocoaLumberjack.a
▸ Copying DDAbstractDatabaseLogger.h
▸ Copying DDASLLogCapture.h
▸ Copying DDASLLogger.h
▸ Copying DDAssert.h
▸ Copying DDContextFilterLogFormatter.h
▸ Copying DDDispatchQueueLogFormatter.h
▸ Copying DDFileLogger.h
▸ Copying DDLog+LOGV.h
▸ Copying DDLog.h
▸ Copying DDMultiFormatter.h
▸ Copying DDTTYLogger.h
▸ Building SnapKit/SnapKit [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Processing Info.plist
▸ Compiling ConstraintInsets.swift
▸ Compiling ConstraintMakerFinalizable.swift
▸ Compiling ConstraintConstantTarget.swift
▸ Compiling ConstraintView+Extensions.swift
▸ Compiling ConstraintMakerRelatable.swift
▸ Compiling ConstraintAttributes.swift
▸ Compiling ConstraintOffsetTarget.swift
▸ Compiling ConstraintLayoutGuideDSL.swift
▸ Compiling ConstraintMakerEditable.swift
▸ Compiling ConstraintLayoutGuide.swift
▸ Compiling ConstraintMaker.swift
▸ Compiling ConstraintPriority.swift
▸ Compiling ConstraintRelatableTarget.swift
▸ Compiling ConstraintDSL.swift
▸ Compiling ConstraintMakerExtendable.swift
▸ Compiling ConstraintItem.swift
▸ Compiling Typealiases.swift
▸ Compiling ConstraintPriorityTarget.swift
▸ Compiling ConstraintLayoutSupport.swift
▸ Compiling ConstraintLayoutGuide+Extensions.swift
▸ Compiling ConstraintConfig.swift
▸ Compiling Constraint.swift
▸ Compiling ConstraintView.swift
▸ Compiling LayoutConstraintItem.swift
▸ Compiling ConstraintMakerPriortizable.swift
▸ Compiling LayoutConstraint.swift
▸ Compiling ConstraintInsetTarget.swift
▸ Compiling ConstraintMultiplierTarget.swift
▸ Compiling ConstraintViewDSL.swift
▸ Compiling Debugging.swift
▸ Compiling ConstraintLayoutSupportDSL.swift
▸ Compiling ConstraintRelation.swift
▸ Compiling UILayoutSupport+Extensions.swift
▸ Compiling ConstraintDescription.swift
▸ Compiling SnapKit_vers.c
▸ Linking SnapKit
▸ Copying SnapKit.h
▸ Touching SnapKit.framework
▸ Signing build/Debug-iphonesimulator/SnapKit.framework
▸ Building Pods/LNNotificationsUI [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Compiling LNNotification.m
▸ Compiling LNNotificationAppSettings.m
▸ Compiling LNNotificationBannerView.m
▸ Compiling LNNotificationBannerWindow.m
▸ Compiling LNNotificationCenter.m
▸ Compiling LNNotificationsAppSettingsController.m
▸ Compiling LNNotificationSettingsController.m
▸ Compiling LNNotificationsUI-dummy.m
▸ Building library libLNNotificationsUI.a
▸ Copying LNNotification.h
▸ Copying LNNotificationAppSettings.h
▸ Copying LNNotificationAppSettings_Private.h
▸ Copying LNNotificationBannerView.h
▸ Copying LNNotificationBannerWindow.h
▸ Copying LNNotificationCenter.h
▸ Copying LNNotificationsAppSettingsController.h
▸ Copying LNNotificationSettingsController.h
▸ Copying LNNotificationsUI.h
▸ Copying LNNotificationsUI_iOS7.1.h
▸ Building Pods/RBBAnimation [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Compiling NSValue+PlatformIndependence.m
▸ Compiling RBBAnimation-dummy.m
▸ Compiling RBBAnimation.m
▸ Compiling RBBBlockBasedArray.m
▸ Compiling RBBCubicBezier.m
▸ Compiling RBBCustomAnimation.m
▸ Compiling RBBEasingFunction.m
▸ Compiling RBBLinearInterpolation.m
▸ Compiling RBBSpringAnimation.m
▸ Compiling RBBTweenAnimation.m
▸ Compiling UIColor+PlatformIndependence.m
▸ Building library libRBBAnimation.a
▸ Copying NSValue+PlatformIndependence.h
▸ Copying RBBAnimation.h
▸ Copying RBBBlockBasedArray.h
▸ Copying RBBCubicBezier.h
▸ Copying RBBCustomAnimation.h
▸ Copying RBBEasingFunction.h
▸ Copying RBBLinearInterpolation.h
▸ Copying RBBSpringAnimation.h
▸ Copying RBBTweenAnimation.h
▸ Copying UIColor+PlatformIndependence.h
▸ Building Pods/Realm [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Compiling binding_callback_thread_observer.cpp
▸ Compiling collection_change_builder.cpp
▸ Compiling collection_notifications.cpp
▸ Compiling collection_notifier.cpp
▸ Compiling external_commit_helper.cpp
▸ Compiling index_set.cpp
▸ Compiling keychain_helper.cpp
▸ Compiling list.cpp
▸ Compiling list_notifier.cpp
▸ Compiling network_reachability_observer.cpp
▸ Compiling NSError+RLMSync.m
▸ Compiling object.cpp
▸ Compiling object_notifier.cpp
▸ Compiling object_schema.cpp
▸ Compiling object_store.cpp
▸ Compiling partial_sync.cpp
▸ Compiling placeholder.cpp
▸ Compiling primitive_list_notifier.cpp
▸ Compiling Realm-dummy.m
▸ Compiling realm_coordinator.cpp
▸ Compiling results.cpp
▸ Compiling results_notifier.cpp
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling RLMConstants.m
▸ Compiling RLMJSONModels.m
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling RLMSwiftSupport.m
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling RLMSyncCredentials.m
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling
▸ Compiling schema.cpp
▸ Compiling shared_realm.cpp
▸ Compiling sync_config.cpp
▸ Compiling sync_file.cpp
▸ Compiling sync_manager.cpp
▸ Compiling sync_metadata.cpp
▸ Compiling sync_permission.cpp
▸ Compiling sync_session.cpp
▸ Compiling sync_user.cpp
▸ Compiling system_configuration.cpp
▸ Compiling thread_safe_reference.cpp
▸ Compiling transact_log_handler.cpp
▸ Compiling uuid.cpp
▸ Compiling weak_realm_notifier.cpp
▸ Building library libRealm.a
▸ Copying NSError+RLMSync.h
▸ Copying Realm.h
▸ Copying RLMAccessor.h
▸ Copying RLMArray.h
▸ Copying RLMArray_Private.h
▸ Copying RLMCollection.h
▸ Copying RLMCollection_Private.h
▸ Copying RLMConstants.h
▸ Copying RLMListBase.h
▸ Copying RLMMigration.h
▸ Copying RLMMigration_Private.h
▸ Copying RLMObject.h
▸ Copying RLMObject_Private.h
▸ Copying RLMObjectBase.h
▸ Copying RLMObjectBase_Dynamic.h
▸ Copying RLMObjectBase_Private.h
▸ Copying RLMObjectSchema.h
▸ Copying RLMObjectSchema_Private.h
▸ Copying RLMObjectStore.h
▸ Copying RLMOptionalBase.h
▸ Copying RLMPlatform.h
▸ Copying RLMProperty.h
▸ Copying RLMProperty_Private.h
▸ Copying RLMRealm+Sync.h
▸ Copying RLMRealm.h
▸ Copying RLMRealm_Dynamic.h
▸ Copying RLMRealm_Private.h
▸ Copying RLMRealmConfiguration+Sync.h
▸ Copying RLMRealmConfiguration.h
▸ Copying RLMRealmConfiguration_Private.h
▸ Copying RLMResults.h
▸ Copying RLMResults_Private.h
▸ Copying RLMSchema.h
▸ Copying RLMSchema_Private.h
▸ Copying RLMSyncConfiguration.h
▸ Copying RLMSyncConfiguration_Private.h
▸ Copying RLMSyncCredentials.h
▸ Copying RLMSyncManager.h
▸ Copying RLMSyncManager_Private.h
▸ Copying RLMSyncPermission.h
▸ Copying RLMSyncSession.h
▸ Copying RLMSyncUser.h
▸ Copying RLMSyncUtil.h
▸ Copying RLMSyncUtil_Private.h
▸ Copying RLMThreadSafeReference.h
▸ Building Pods/SDCAutoLayout [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Compiling SDCAutoLayout-dummy.m
▸ Compiling UIView+SDCAutoLayout.m
▸ Building library libSDCAutoLayout.a
▸ Copying UIView+SDCAutoLayout.h
▸ Building Pods/SDCAlertView [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Compiling SDCAlertAction.m
▸ Compiling SDCAlertCollectionViewCell.m
▸ Compiling SDCAlertController.m
▸ Compiling SDCAlertControllerCollectionViewFlowLayout.m
▸ Compiling SDCAlertControllerDefaultVisualStyle.m
▸ Compiling SDCAlertControllerScrollView.m
▸ Compiling SDCAlertControllerTextFieldViewController.m
▸ Compiling SDCAlertControllerTransition.m
▸ Compiling SDCAlertControllerView.m
▸ Compiling SDCAlertLabel.m
▸ Compiling SDCAlertPresentationController.m
▸ Compiling SDCAlertTextFieldTableViewCell.m
▸ Compiling SDCAlertView-dummy.m
▸ Compiling SDCAlertView.m
▸ Compiling SDCAlertViewBackgroundView.m
▸ Compiling SDCAlertViewContentView.m
▸ Compiling SDCAlertViewController.m
▸ Compiling SDCAlertViewCoordinator.m
▸ Compiling SDCIntrinsicallySizedView.m
▸ Compiling UIView+Parallax.m
▸ Compiling UIViewController+Current.m
▸ Building library libSDCAlertView.a
▸ Copying SDCAlertCollectionViewCell.h
▸ Copying SDCAlertController.h
▸ Copying SDCAlertControllerCollectionViewFlowLayout.h
▸ Copying SDCAlertControllerDefaultVisualStyle.h
▸ Copying SDCAlertControllerScrollView.h
▸ Copying SDCAlertControllerTextFieldViewController.h
▸ Copying SDCAlertControllerTransition.h
▸ Copying SDCAlertControllerView.h
▸ Copying SDCAlertControllerVisualStyle.h
▸ Copying SDCAlertLabel.h
▸ Copying SDCAlertPresentationController.h
▸ Copying SDCAlertTextFieldTableViewCell.h
▸ Copying SDCAlertView.h
▸ Copying SDCAlertViewBackgroundView.h
▸ Copying SDCAlertViewContentView.h
▸ Copying SDCAlertViewController.h
▸ Copying SDCAlertViewCoordinator.h
▸ Copying SDCAlertViewTransitioning.h
▸ Copying SDCIntrinsicallySizedView.h
▸ Copying UIView+Parallax.h
▸ Copying UIViewController+Current.h
▸ Building Pods/TPCircularBuffer [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Compiling TPCircularBuffer+AudioBufferList.c
▸ Compiling TPCircularBuffer-dummy.m
▸ Compiling TPCircularBuffer.c
▸ Building library libTPCircularBuffer.a
▸ Copying TPCircularBuffer+AudioBufferList.h
▸ Copying TPCircularBuffer.h
▸ Building Pods/UITextView+Placeholder [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Compiling UITextView+Placeholder-dummy.m
▸ Compiling UITextView+Placeholder.m
▸ Building library libUITextView+Placeholder.a
▸ Copying UITextView+Placeholder.h
▸ Building Pods/libopus-patched-config [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Compiling A2NLSF.c
▸ Compiling ana_filt_bank_1.c
▸ Compiling analysis.c
▸ Compiling apply_sine_window_FLP.c
▸ Compiling autocorrelation_FLP.c
▸ Compiling bands.c
▸ Compiling biquad_alt.c
▸ Compiling burg_modified_FLP.c
▸ Compiling bwexpander.c
▸ Compiling bwexpander_32.c
▸ Compiling bwexpander_FLP.c
▸ Compiling celt.c
▸ Compiling celt_decoder.c
▸ Compiling celt_encoder.c
▸ Compiling celt_lpc.c
▸ Compiling check_control_input.c
▸ Compiling CNG.c
▸ Compiling code_signs.c
▸ Compiling control_audio_bandwidth.c
▸ Compiling control_codec.c
▸ Compiling control_SNR.c
▸ Compiling corrMatrix_FLP.c
▸ Compiling cwrs.c
▸ Compiling debug.c
▸ Compiling dec_API.c
▸ Compiling decode_core.c
▸ Compiling decode_frame.c
▸ Compiling decode_indices.c
▸ Compiling decode_parameters.c
▸ Compiling decode_pitch.c
▸ Compiling decode_pulses.c
▸ Compiling decoder_set_fs.c
▸ Compiling enc_API.c
▸ Compiling encode_frame_FLP.c
▸ Compiling encode_indices.c
▸ Compiling encode_pulses.c
▸ Compiling energy_FLP.c
▸ Compiling entcode.c
▸ Compiling entdec.c
▸ Compiling entenc.c
▸ Compiling find_LPC_FLP.c
▸ Compiling find_LTP_FLP.c
▸ Compiling find_pitch_lags_FLP.c
▸ Compiling find_pred_coefs_FLP.c
▸ Compiling gain_quant.c
▸ Compiling HP_variable_cutoff.c
▸ Compiling init_decoder.c
▸ Compiling init_encoder.c
▸ Compiling inner_prod_aligned.c
▸ Compiling inner_product_FLP.c
▸ Compiling interpolate.c
▸ Compiling k2a_FLP.c
▸ Compiling kiss_fft.c
▸ Compiling laplace.c
▸ Compiling levinsondurbin_FLP.c
▸ Compiling libopus-patched-config-dummy.m
▸ Compiling lin2log.c
▸ Compiling log2lin.c
▸ Compiling LP_variable_cutoff.c
▸ Compiling LPC_analysis_filter.c
▸ Compiling LPC_analysis_filter_FLP.c
▸ Compiling LPC_inv_pred_gain.c
▸ Compiling LPC_inv_pred_gain_FLP.c
▸ Compiling LTP_analysis_filter_FLP.c
▸ Compiling LTP_scale_ctrl_FLP.c
▸ Compiling mathops.c
▸ Compiling mdct.c
▸ Compiling mlp.c
▸ Compiling mlp_data.c
▸ Compiling modes.c
▸ Compiling NLSF2A.c
▸ Compiling NLSF_decode.c
▸ Compiling NLSF_del_dec_quant.c
▸ Compiling NLSF_encode.c
▸ Compiling NLSF_stabilize.c
▸ Compiling NLSF_unpack.c
▸ Compiling NLSF_VQ.c
▸ Compiling NLSF_VQ_weights_laroia.c
▸ Compiling noise_shape_analysis_FLP.c
▸ Compiling NSQ.c
▸ Compiling NSQ_del_dec.c
▸ Compiling opus.c
▸ Compiling opus_decoder.c
▸ Compiling opus_encoder.c
▸ Compiling opus_multistream.c
▸ Compiling opus_multistream_decoder.c
▸ Compiling opus_multistream_encoder.c
▸ Compiling pitch.c
▸ Compiling pitch_analysis_core_FLP.c
▸ Compiling pitch_est_tables.c
▸ Compiling PLC.c
▸ Compiling prefilter_FLP.c
▸ Compiling process_gains_FLP.c
▸ Compiling process_NLSFs.c
▸ Compiling quant_bands.c
▸ Compiling quant_LTP_gains.c
▸ Compiling rate.c
▸ Compiling regularize_correlations_FLP.c
▸ Compiling repacketizer.c
▸ Compiling resampler.c
▸ Compiling resampler_down2.c
▸ Compiling resampler_down2_3.c
▸ Compiling resampler_private_AR2.c
▸ Compiling resampler_private_down_FIR.c
▸ Compiling resampler_private_IIR_FIR.c
▸ Compiling resampler_private_up2_HQ.c
▸ Compiling resampler_rom.c
▸ Compiling residual_energy_FLP.c
▸ Compiling scale_copy_vector_FLP.c
▸ Compiling scale_vector_FLP.c
▸ Compiling schur_FLP.c
▸ Compiling shell_coder.c
▸ Compiling sigm_Q15.c
▸ Compiling solve_LS_FLP.c
▸ Compiling sort.c
▸ Compiling sort_FLP.c
▸ Compiling stereo_decode_pred.c
▸ Compiling stereo_encode_pred.c
▸ Compiling stereo_find_predictor.c
▸ Compiling stereo_LR_to_MS.c
▸ Compiling stereo_MS_to_LR.c
▸ Compiling stereo_quant_pred.c
▸ Compiling sum_sqr_shift.c
▸ Compiling table_LSF_cos.c
▸ Compiling tables_gain.c
▸ Compiling tables_LTP.c
▸ Compiling tables_NLSF_CB_NB_MB.c
▸ Compiling tables_NLSF_CB_WB.c
▸ Compiling tables_other.c
▸ Compiling tables_pitch_lag.c
▸ Compiling tables_pulses_per_block.c
▸ Compiling VAD.c
▸ Compiling vq.c
▸ Compiling VQ_WMat_EC.c
▸ Compiling warped_autocorrelation_FLP.c
▸ Compiling wrappers_FLP.c
▸ Building library liblibopus-patched-config.a
▸ Copying opus.h
▸ Copying opus_custom.h
▸ Copying opus_defines.h
▸ Copying opus_multistream.h
▸ Copying opus_types.h
▸ Building Pods/libsodium [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Compiling aead_aes256gcm_aesni.c
▸ Compiling aead_chacha20poly1305.c
▸ Compiling aead_xchacha20poly1305.c
▸ Compiling afternm_aes128ctr.c
▸ Compiling argon2-core.c
▸ Compiling argon2-encoding.c
▸ Compiling argon2-fill-block-ref.c
▸ Compiling argon2-fill-block-ssse3.c
▸ Compiling argon2.c
▸ Compiling auth_hmacsha256.c
▸ Compiling auth_hmacsha512.c
▸ Compiling auth_hmacsha512256.c
▸ Compiling beforenm_aes128ctr.c
▸ Compiling blake2b-compress-avx2.c
▸ Compiling blake2b-compress-ref.c
▸ Compiling blake2b-compress-sse41.c
▸ Compiling blake2b-compress-ssse3.c
▸ Compiling blake2b-long.c
▸ Compiling blake2b-ref.c
▸ Compiling box_curve25519xchacha20poly1305.c
▸ Compiling box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305.c
▸ Compiling chacha20_dolbeau-avx2.c
▸ Compiling chacha20_dolbeau-ssse3.c
▸ Compiling chacha20_ref.c
▸ Compiling consts_aes128ctr.c
▸ Compiling core.c
▸ Compiling core_hchacha20.c
▸ Compiling core_hsalsa20.c
▸ Compiling core_hsalsa20_ref2.c
▸ Compiling core_salsa_ref.c
▸ Compiling crypto_auth.c
▸ Compiling crypto_box.c
▸ Compiling crypto_box_easy.c
▸ Compiling crypto_box_seal.c
▸ Compiling crypto_generichash.c
▸ Compiling crypto_hash.c
▸ Compiling crypto_kdf.c
▸ Compiling crypto_kx.c
▸ Compiling crypto_onetimeauth.c
▸ Compiling crypto_pwhash.c
▸ Compiling crypto_scalarmult.c
▸ Compiling crypto_scrypt-common.c
▸ Compiling crypto_secretbox.c
▸ Compiling crypto_secretbox_easy.c
▸ Compiling crypto_shorthash.c
▸ Compiling crypto_sign.c
▸ Compiling crypto_stream.c
▸ Compiling curve25519_donna_c64.c
▸ Compiling curve25519_ref10.c
▸ Compiling curve25519_sandy2x.c
▸ Compiling fe51_invert.c
▸ Compiling fe_frombytes_sandy2x.c
▸ Compiling generichash_blake2.c
▸ Compiling generichash_blake2b.c
▸ Compiling hash_sha256.c
▸ Compiling hash_sha256_cp.c
▸ Compiling hash_sha512.c
▸ Compiling hash_sha512_cp.c
▸ Compiling int128_aes128ctr.c
▸ Compiling kdf_blake2b.c
▸ Compiling keypair.c
▸ Compiling libsodium-dummy.m
▸ Compiling obsolete.c
▸ Compiling onetimeauth_poly1305.c
▸ Compiling open.c
▸ Compiling pbkdf2-sha256.c
▸ Compiling poly1305_donna.c
▸ Compiling poly1305_sse2.c
▸ Compiling pwhash_argon2i.c
▸ Compiling pwhash_scryptsalsa208sha256.c
▸ Compiling pwhash_scryptsalsa208sha256_nosse.c
▸ Compiling pwhash_scryptsalsa208sha256_sse.c
▸ Compiling randombytes.c
▸ Compiling randombytes_nativeclient.c
▸ Compiling randombytes_salsa20_random.c
▸ Compiling randombytes_sysrandom.c
▸ Compiling runtime.c
▸ Compiling salsa20_ref.c
▸ Compiling salsa20_xmm6.c
▸ Compiling salsa20_xmm6int-avx2.c
▸ Compiling salsa20_xmm6int-sse2.c
▸ Compiling scalarmult_curve25519.c
▸ Compiling scrypt_platform.c
▸ Compiling secretbox_xchacha20poly1305.c
▸ Compiling secretbox_xsalsa20poly1305.c
▸ Compiling shorthash_siphash24.c
▸ Compiling shorthash_siphash24_ref.c
▸ Compiling shorthash_siphashx24.c
▸ Compiling shorthash_siphashx24_ref.c
▸ Compiling sign.c
▸ Compiling sign_ed25519.c
▸ Compiling stream_aes128ctr.c
▸ Compiling stream_aes128ctr_nacl.c
▸ Compiling stream_chacha20.c
▸ Compiling stream_salsa20.c
▸ Compiling stream_salsa2012.c
▸ Compiling stream_salsa2012_ref.c
▸ Compiling stream_salsa208.c
▸ Compiling stream_salsa208_ref.c
▸ Compiling stream_xchacha20.c
▸ Compiling stream_xsalsa20.c
▸ Compiling utils.c
▸ Compiling verify.c
▸ Compiling version.c
▸ Compiling x25519_ref10.c
▸ Compiling xor_afternm_aes128ctr.c
▸ Building library liblibsodium.a
▸ Copying common.h
▸ Copying core.h
▸ Copying crypto_aead_aes256gcm.h
▸ Copying crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305.h
▸ Copying crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305.h
▸ Copying crypto_auth.h
▸ Copying crypto_auth_hmacsha256.h
▸ Copying crypto_auth_hmacsha512.h
▸ Copying crypto_auth_hmacsha512256.h
▸ Copying crypto_box.h
▸ Copying crypto_box_curve25519xchacha20poly1305.h
▸ Copying crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305.h
▸ Copying crypto_core_hchacha20.h
▸ Copying crypto_core_hsalsa20.h
▸ Copying crypto_core_salsa20.h
▸ Copying crypto_core_salsa2012.h
▸ Copying crypto_core_salsa208.h
▸ Copying crypto_generichash.h
▸ Copying crypto_generichash_blake2b.h
▸ Copying crypto_hash.h
▸ Copying crypto_hash_sha256.h
▸ Copying crypto_hash_sha512.h
▸ Copying crypto_kdf.h
▸ Copying crypto_kdf_blake2b.h
▸ Copying crypto_kx.h
▸ Copying crypto_onetimeauth.h
▸ Copying crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305.h
▸ Copying crypto_pwhash.h
▸ Copying crypto_pwhash_argon2i.h
▸ Copying crypto_pwhash_scryptsalsa208sha256.h
▸ Copying crypto_scalarmult.h
▸ Copying crypto_scalarmult_curve25519.h
▸ Copying crypto_secretbox_xchacha20poly1305.h
▸ Copying crypto_secretbox_xsalsa20poly1305.h
▸ Copying crypto_secretbox.h
▸ Copying crypto_shorthash.h
▸ Copying crypto_shorthash_siphash24.h
▸ Copying crypto_sign_ed25519.h
▸ Copying crypto_sign.h
▸ Copying crypto_stream.h
▸ Copying crypto_stream_aes128ctr.h
▸ Copying crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch.h
▸ Copying crypto_stream_salsa20.h
▸ Copying crypto_stream_salsa2012.h
▸ Copying crypto_stream_chacha20.h
▸ Copying crypto_stream_salsa208.h
▸ Copying crypto_stream_xsalsa20.h
▸ Copying crypto_stream_xchacha20.h
▸ Copying crypto_verify_32.h
▸ Copying crypto_verify_16.h
▸ Copying crypto_verify_64.h
▸ Copying curve25519_ref10.h
▸ Copying export.h
▸ Copying mutex.h
▸ Copying randombytes.h
▸ Copying randombytes_nativeclient.h
▸ Copying randombytes_salsa20_random.h
▸ Copying randombytes_sysrandom.h
▸ Copying sse2_64_32.h
▸ Copying runtime.h
▸ Copying utils.h
▸ Copying version.h
▸ Building Pods/objcTox-objcTox [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Processing ResourceBundle-objcTox-Info.plist
▸ Copying objcTox/Classes/Public/Manager/nodes.json
▸ Touching objcTox.bundle
▸ Signing /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/objcTox/objcTox.bundle
▸ Building Pods/toxcore [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Compiling audio.m
▸ Compiling bwcontroller.m
▸ Compiling crypto_core.m
▸ Compiling DHT.m
▸ Compiling friend_connection.m
▸ Compiling friend_requests.m
▸ Compiling group.m
▸ Compiling crypto_core_mem.m
▸ Compiling groupav.m
▸ Compiling LAN_discovery.m
▸ Compiling list.m
▸ Compiling logger.m
▸ Compiling Messenger.m
▸ Compiling msi.m
▸ Compiling net_crypto.m
▸ Compiling network.m
▸ Compiling onion.m
▸ Compiling onion_announce.m
▸ Compiling onion_client.m
▸ Compiling ping.m
▸ Compiling ping_array.m
▸ Compiling ring_buffer.m
▸ Compiling rtp.m
▸ Compiling TCP_client.m
▸ Compiling TCP_connection.m
▸ Compiling TCP_server.m
▸ Compiling tox.m
▸ Compiling tox_api.m
▸ Compiling toxav.m
▸ Compiling toxav_old.m
▸ Compiling toxcore-dummy.m
▸ Compiling toxencryptsave.m
▸ Compiling util.m
▸ Compiling video.m
▸ Building library libtoxcore.a
▸ Copying audio.h
▸ Copying bwcontroller.h
▸ Copying ccompat.h
▸ Copying crypto_core.h
▸ Copying defines.h
▸ Copying DHT.h
▸ Copying friend_connection.h
▸ Copying friend_requests.h
▸ Copying group.h
▸ Copying groupav.h
▸ Copying LAN_discovery.h
▸ Copying list.h
▸ Copying logger.h
▸ Copying Messenger.h
▸ Copying network.h
▸ Copying net_crypto.h
▸ Copying msi.h
▸ Copying onion.h
▸ Copying ping_array.h
▸ Copying onion_announce.h
▸ Copying ping.h
▸ Copying onion_client.h
▸ Copying rtp.h
▸ Copying TCP_client.h
▸ Copying ring_buffer.h
▸ Copying TCP_connection.h
▸ Copying TCP_server.h
▸ Copying toxencryptsave.h
▸ Copying toxav.h
▸ Copying tox.h
▸ Copying video.h
▸ Copying util.h
▸ Building Pods/objcTox [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Compiling OCTAudioEngine.m
▸ Compiling objcTox-dummy.m
▸ Compiling OCTAudioQueue.m
▸ Compiling NSError+OCTFile.m
▸ Compiling OCTCall+Utilities.m
▸ Compiling OCTCall.m
▸ Compiling OCTCallTimer.m
▸ Compiling OCTChat.m
▸ Compiling OCTDefaultFileStorage.m
▸ Compiling OCTFileBaseOperation.m
▸ Compiling OCTFileDataInput.m
▸ Compiling OCTFileDataOutput.m
▸ Compiling OCTFileDownloadOperation.m
▸ Compiling OCTFilePathInput.m
▸ Compiling OCTFilePathOutput.m
▸ Compiling OCTFileTools.m
▸ Compiling OCTFileUploadOperation.m
▸ Compiling OCTFriend.m
▸ Compiling OCTFriendRequest.m
▸ Compiling OCTManagerConfiguration.m
▸ Compiling OCTManagerConstants.m
▸ Compiling OCTManagerFactory.m
▸ Compiling OCTManagerImpl.m
▸ Compiling OCTMessageAbstract.m
▸ Compiling OCTMessageCall.m
▸ Compiling OCTMessageFile.m
▸ Compiling OCTMessageText.m
▸ Compiling OCTNode.m
▸ Compiling OCTObject.m
▸ Compiling OCTPixelBufferPool.m
▸ Compiling OCTRealmManager.m
▸ Compiling OCTSendMessageOperation.m
▸ Compiling OCTSettingsStorageObject.m
▸ Compiling OCTSubmanagerBootstrapImpl.m
▸ Compiling OCTSubmanagerCallsImpl.m
▸ Compiling OCTSubmanagerChatsImpl.m
▸ Compiling OCTSubmanagerFilesImpl.m
▸ Compiling OCTSubmanagerFriendsImpl.m
▸ Compiling OCTSubmanagerObjectsImpl.m
▸ Compiling OCTSubmanagerUserImpl.m
▸ Compiling OCTTox.m
▸ Compiling OCTToxAV.m
▸ Compiling OCTToxAVConstants.m
▸ Compiling OCTToxConstants.m
▸ Compiling OCTToxEncryptSave.m
▸ Compiling OCTToxOptions.m
▸ Compiling OCTVideoEngine.m
▸ Compiling OCTVideoView.m
▸ Building library libobjcTox.a
▸ Copying OCTCall.h
▸ Copying OCTChat.h
▸ Copying OCTDefaultFileStorage.h
▸ Copying OCTFileStorageProtocol.h
▸ Copying OCTFriend.h
▸ Copying OCTFriendRequest.h
▸ Copying OCTManager.h
▸ Copying OCTManagerConfiguration.h
▸ Copying OCTManagerConstants.h
▸ Copying OCTManagerFactory.h
▸ Copying OCTMessageAbstract.h
▸ Copying OCTMessageCall.h
▸ Copying OCTMessageFile.h
▸ Copying OCTMessageText.h
▸ Copying OCTObject.h
▸ Copying OCTSubmanagerBootstrap.h
▸ Copying OCTSubmanagerCalls.h
▸ Copying OCTSubmanagerCallsDelegate.h
▸ Copying OCTSubmanagerChats.h
▸ Copying OCTSubmanagerFiles.h
▸ Copying OCTSubmanagerFilesProgressSubscriber.h
▸ Copying OCTSubmanagerFriends.h
▸ Copying OCTSubmanagerObjects.h
▸ Copying OCTSubmanagerUser.h
▸ Copying OCTTox.h
▸ Copying OCTToxAV.h
▸ Copying OCTToxAVDelegate.h
▸ Copying OCTToxAVConstants.h
▸ Copying OCTToxConstants.h
▸ Copying OCTToxDelegate.h
▸ Copying OCTToxEncryptSave.h
▸ Copying OCTToxEncryptSaveConstants.h
▸ Copying OCTToxOptions.h
▸ Copying OCTView.h
▸ Building Pods/Pods-Antidote [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Compiling Pods-Antidote-dummy.m
▸ Building library libPods-Antidote.a
▸ Building Antidote/Antidote [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Running script '[CP] Check Pods Manifest.lock'
▸ Compiling ChatGenericFileCell.swift

❌  /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/ChatGenericFileCell.swift:6:8: no such module 'SnapKit'

import SnapKit

▸ Compiling ChatOutgoingCallCellModel.swift

❌  /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/ChatGenericFileCell.swift:6:8: no such module 'SnapKit'

import SnapKit

▸ Compiling UIApplicationExtension.swift

❌  /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/ChatGenericFileCell.swift:6:8: no such module 'SnapKit'

import SnapKit

▸ Compiling ChatOutgoingTextCellModel.swift

❌  /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/ChatGenericFileCell.swift:6:8: no such module 'SnapKit'

import SnapKit


The following build commands failed:
CompileSwift normal x86_64 /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/ChatGenericFileCell.swift
CompileSwift normal x86_64 /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/ChatOutgoingCallCellModel.swift
CompileSwift normal x86_64 /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/UIApplicationExtension.swift
CompileSwift normal x86_64 /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/ChatOutgoingTextCellModel.swift
CompileSwiftSources normal x86_64
(5 failures)
2019-01-28 16:52:21.279 xcodebuild[49292:2873798]  IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: Writing diagnostic log for test session to:
2019-01-28 16:52:21.280 xcodebuild[49292:2873729] [MT] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: (5A7CB0FB-4E42-440F-81BF-01BB27A318E6) Beginning test session AntidoteTests-5A7CB0FB-4E42-440F-81BF-01BB27A318E6 at 2019-01-28 16:52:21.280 with Xcode 9E145 on target <DVTiPhoneSimulator: 0x7fa84334a5e0> {
SimDevice: iPhone 8 (94DB53B7-064F-457A-8494-71F54EDD070C, iOS 11.3, Booted)
} (11.3 (15E217))
▸ Building SnapKit/SnapKit [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Building Yaml/Yaml iOS [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Building Pods/JGProgressHUD [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Building Pods/CocoaLumberjack [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Building Pods/LNNotificationsUI [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Building Pods/RBBAnimation [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Building Pods/Realm [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Building Pods/SDCAutoLayout [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Building Pods/TPCircularBuffer [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Building Pods/UITextView+Placeholder [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Building Pods/libopus-patched-config [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Building Pods/SDCAlertView [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Building Pods/libsodium [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Building Pods/objcTox-objcTox [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Building Pods/FBSnapshotTestCase [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Compiling FBSnapshotTestCase.m
▸ Compiling FBSnapshotTestCase-dummy.m
▸ Compiling FBSnapshotTestController.m
▸ Compiling FBSnapshotTestCasePlatform.m
▸ Compiling UIApplication+StrictKeyWindow.m
▸ Compiling UIImage+Compare.m
▸ Compiling UIImage+Diff.m
▸ Compiling UIImage+Snapshot.m
▸ Building Pods/toxcore [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Building Pods/objcTox [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Building Pods/Pods-Antidote [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Building Antidote/Antidote [Debug]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Running script '[CP] Check Pods Manifest.lock'
▸ Compiling ChatGenericFileCell.swift

❌  /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/ChatGenericFileCell.swift:6:8: no such module 'SnapKit'

import SnapKit

▸ Compiling ChatOutgoingCallCellModel.swift

❌  /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/ChatGenericFileCell.swift:6:8: no such module 'SnapKit'

import SnapKit

▸ Compiling UIApplicationExtension.swift

❌  /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/ChatGenericFileCell.swift:6:8: no such module 'SnapKit'

import SnapKit

▸ Compiling ChatOutgoingTextCellModel.swift

❌  /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/ChatGenericFileCell.swift:6:8: no such module 'SnapKit'

import SnapKit

2019-01-28 16:52:24.223 xcodebuild[49292:2873729] Error Domain=IDETestOperationsObserverErrorDomain Code=14 "Test operation was canceled. If you believe this error represents a bug, please attach the log file at /var/folders/28/wyc8nyv92wl09l3pyvc0fcc80000gn/T/" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Test operation was canceled. If you believe this error represents a bug, please attach the log file at /var/folders/28/wyc8nyv92wl09l3pyvc0fcc80000gn/T/}

Testing failed:
No such module 'SnapKit'

The following build commands failed:
CompileSwiftSources normal x86_64
CompileSwift normal x86_64 /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/ChatGenericFileCell.swift
CompileSwift normal x86_64 /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/ChatOutgoingCallCellModel.swift
CompileSwift normal x86_64 /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/UIApplicationExtension.swift
CompileSwift normal x86_64 /Users/administrator/nscho_work/Antidote/Antidote/ChatOutgoingTextCellModel.swift
(5 failures)
[16:52:25]: Exit status: 65
|                         Lane Context                         |
| DEFAULT_PLATFORM           | ios                             |
| PLATFORM_NAME              | ios                             |
| LANE_NAME                  | ios test                        |
| SCAN_DERIVED_DATA_PATH     | /Users/administrator/nscho_work |
| SCAN_GENERATED_PLIST_FILES | []                              |
| SCAN_GENERATED_PLIST_FILE  |                                 |
[16:52:25]: Error building the application - see the log above

|                fastlane summary                 |
| Step | Action                     | Time (in s) |
| 1    | Verifying fastlane version | 0           |
| 2    | default_platform           | 0           |
| 3    | cocoapods                  | 42          |
| 💥   | scan                       | 137         |

[16:52:25]: fastlane finished with errors

[!] Error building the application - see the log above

# fastlane 2.115.0 is available. You are on 2.114.0.
# You should use the latest version.
# Please update using `sudo gem install fastlane`.
# Run `sudo gem cleanup` from time to time to speed up fastlane

2.115.0 Improvements
* [deliver] allow metadata items to be uploaded one at a time (#13461) via Timothy Costa
* [action] CreateKeychainAction patch (#14139) via Ameer A
* [frameit] debug mode (#14142) via Jan Piotrowski
* [match] enable match to use Google Cloud application default credentials (#14031) via Matt McKeon
* [sigh] add healthkit access entitlement to the blacklist and transfer list (#13798) via Travolter
* [produce/action] adding access_wifi param to modify_services & produce (#14134) via John Knapp
* [frameit] speed up processing of skipped screenshots (#13993) via Danny Varner
* [frameit] fixed crash with gets when updating frames (#14103) via Josh Holtz
* [action] pod_lib_lint add param podspec (#13821) via xdkhan
* [snapshot] fixed screen name displayed in screenshots.html (#14090) via Claes Jacobsson
* [spaceship] optimized getting apps for user (#14120) via Phani Anne
* [scan] customizing the slack post action with custom username and icon/image (#14072) via Gligor Kotushevski
* [spaceship] add "request code via SMS" for 2FA protected accounts (#14011) via Jan Piotrowski
* [match] better Windows (and Linux) support (#13943) via Jan Piotrowski
* [] fix icloud-container-environment value (#13767) via Ryan Probus
* feat: add skip_git_hooks to git_commit action (#13686) via Michael Ossareh
* [action] download_dsyms: fix downloading the latest build (#14092) via Vincent Isambart
* [frameit] fix order of devices and offsets+width by manually measuring it (#14095) via Jan Piotrowski
* [deliver] add 4K Apple TV screenshot dimensions (#13939) via Jan Piotrowski

Please update using `sudo gem install fastlane`
4155:Antidote administrator$ 
NamsooCho commented 5 years ago

I tried to build it using Xcode 9.4.1. But the result is same.

dvor commented 5 years ago

For some reason you don't have submodules installed. Please check content of submodules/SnapKit/ folder.

Submodules are added by ./ script, not sure why it didn't work for you. You can try to update them manually using git submodule update --init.

Here is what I've got:

$ xcodebuild -version
Xcode 9.4.1
Build version 9F2000

$ ls submodules/SnapKit/     Documentation   Package.swift       SnapKit.podspec     SnapKit.xcworkspace Tests
CodeSnippets        Example-iOS         LICENSE              SnapKit.xcodeproj   Source

$ git submodule
 c0f66e42be339f27e727da022518af362cca409b submodules/SnapKit (4.0.0)
 978901aed4025e36ebf60c040c9000c559d7c3e0 submodules/YamlSwift (3.4.3)

$ bundle exec fastlane ios test

[11:03:34]: finished successfully 🎉
NamsooCho commented 5 years ago
4155:Antidote administrator$ ruby -v
ruby 2.6.0p0 (2018-12-25 revision 66547) [x86_64-darwin18]

Isn't ruby version important ?

dvor commented 5 years ago

I don't think so. In your logs it cannot find SnapKit module, that is added via submodules. Please check your submodules/SnapKit/ folder as I mentioned before.

NamsooCho commented 5 years ago
4155:Antidote administrator$ ls submodules/SnapKit/     Example-iOS     Package.swift       SnapKit.xcodeproj   Tests
CodeSnippets       SnapKit.xcworkspace build
Documentation       LICENSE         SnapKit.podspec     Source
4155:Antidote administrator$ 
NamsooCho commented 5 years ago
4155:Antidote administrator$ git submodule
 c0f66e42be339f27e727da022518af362cca409b submodules/SnapKit (4.0.0)
 978901aed4025e36ebf60c040c9000c559d7c3e0 submodules/YamlSwift (3.4.3)
4155:Antidote administrator$ 
NamsooCho commented 5 years ago
4155:Antidote administrator$ sw_vers
ProductName:    Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.14
BuildVersion:   18A391
4155:Antidote administrator$ fastlane -v
fastlane installation at path:
[✔] 🚀 
fastlane 2.115.0
4155:Antidote administrator$ 
dvor commented 5 years ago

Okay, probably it is my bad. I was sure that I have Mojave installed, however I have High Sierra. Let me double check that on Mojave.

dvor commented 5 years ago

Tried same on Mojave, everything works fine for me:

$ sw_vers
ProductName:    Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.14.2
BuildVersion:   18C54

$ git clone
$ cd Antidote/
$ ./
$ export DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/
$ xcodebuild -version
Xcode 9.4.1
Build version 9F2000

$ bundle exec fastlane -v
fastlane installation at path:
fastlane 2.56.0

$ bundle exec fastlane ios test
[21:09:03]: finished successfully 🎉

Not sure why it doesn't work for you. Are you sure that you don't have any uncommited changes? Maybe you did change something in the project or in submodules?

You can try cloning Antidote in new folder just in case, running script and trying to build it there.

NamsooCho commented 5 years ago

When I run the output is

Pod installation complete! There are 6 dependencies from the Podfile and 14 total pods installed.

[!] The `Antidote [Debug]` target overrides the `ALWAYS_EMBED_SWIFT_STANDARD_LIBRARIES` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Antidote/Pods-Antidote.debug.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
    - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
    - Remove the build settings from the target.

[!] The `Antidote [Release]` target overrides the `ALWAYS_EMBED_SWIFT_STANDARD_LIBRARIES` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Antidote/Pods-Antidote.release.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
    - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
    - Remove the build settings from the target.

Is it no problem?

kpp commented 5 years ago

Namsoo did you modify anything in the code?

NamsooCho commented 5 years ago

None. I removed Antidote directory and did git clone ... more than 20 times.

NamsooCho commented 5 years ago

My OSX machine is an instance of cloud. And almost every Tcp/Udp ports are blocked. Does it need to use some special port to build Antidote?

dvor commented 5 years ago

When I run the output is ...

Nope, this shouldn't be a problem.

And almost every Tcp/Udp ports are blocked. Does it need to use some special port to build Antidote?

No, no open ports are required.

I have restarted Travis build - everything works fine there as well. Sorry, I have no idea how I can help you.

NamsooCho commented 5 years ago

My problem was setting of Xcode. The solution is

   Run Xcode (GUI version)
    open preference window
        Location tab
        click `advanced`
        set `Build Location` to `Unique`