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blog/how-to-create-a-simple-coronavirus-dashboard-specific-to-your-country-in-r/ #28

Closed utterances-bot closed 3 years ago

utterances-bot commented 3 years ago

How to create a simple Coronavirus dashboard specific to your country in R - Stats and R

This article will help you to build a visually appealing dashboard about the spread of COVID-19 Coronavirus specific to a country in R using flexdashboard

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by François @tuf on March 23, 2020 23:52:01:

I just adding

install.packages("leaflet") install.packages("leafpop")

I can't make it 'knit'


AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by François @tuf on March 23, 2020 23:52:01:

I just adding

install.packages("leaflet") install.packages("leafpop")

I can't make it 'knit'


Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 24, 2020 07:15:27:

Thanks for your comment François.

You may need to install these packages if they have not yet be installed before loading them. You can install packages with the install.packages() function. I have edited the article according to your remark.

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Selma on March 24, 2020 07:46:19:

there is an error about "recovered" object not found...please check.  when I take out the recovered from the code it is working but with it is not possible.  I checked the coronavirus dataframe and there is no recovered in type...only death and confirmed.

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Selma on March 24, 2020 07:46:19:

there is an error about "recovered" object not found...please check.  when I take out the recovered from the code it is working but with it is not possible.  I checked the coronavirus dataframe and there is no recovered in type...only death and confirmed.

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 24, 2020 08:26:44:

Dear Selma,

As of March 23rd some major changes are taking places in the format of the data (the recovered cases were removed from the data), which breaks the code. I'll have a look as soon as possible and edit the article accordingly.

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Selma on March 24, 2020 07:46:19: there is an error about "recovered" object not found...please check.  when I take out the recovered from the code it is working but with it is not possible.  I checked the coronavirus dataframe and there is no recovered in type...only death and confirmed.

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 24, 2020 08:26:44:

Dear Selma,

As of March 23rd some major changes are taking places in the format of the data (the recovered cases were removed from the data), which breaks the code. I'll have a look as soon as possible and edit the article accordingly.

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 24, 2020 09:18:50:

The dashboard and the code behind it have been updated. Let me know if you still encounter an error with this new version.

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Fiona on March 24, 2020 10:15:47:

Hi Antoine, thank you for this.

I am getting this error when I run the code prior to knitting: Error in ifelse(, 0, death) : object 'death' not found

Do you know how I can fix this?

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Selma on March 24, 2020 07:46:19: there is an error about "recovered" object not found...please check.  when I take out the recovered from the code it is working but with it is not possible.  I checked the coronavirus dataframe and there is no recovered in type...only death and confirmed.

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 24, 2020 08:26:44: Dear Selma, As of March 23rd some major changes are taking places in the format of the data (the recovered cases were removed from the data), which breaks the code. I'll have a look as soon as possible and edit the article accordingly.

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 24, 2020 09:18:50:

The dashboard and the code behind it have been updated. Let me know if you still encounter an error with this new version.

Comment written by Selma on March 24, 2020 11:38:39:

Thank you...I propose to aggregate the data using this approach ( let me know if this is an interesting improvement...i will try it...

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Fiona on March 24, 2020 10:15:47:

Hi Antoine, thank you for this.

I am getting this error when I run the code prior to knitting: Error in ifelse(, 0, death) : object 'death' not found

Do you know how I can fix this?

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 24, 2020 12:00:38:

For which country are you trying to build your dashboard? I'll try on my side to see if I encounter the same issue.

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Selma on March 24, 2020 07:46:19: there is an error about "recovered" object not found...please check.  when I take out the recovered from the code it is working but with it is not possible.  I checked the coronavirus dataframe and there is no recovered in type...only death and confirmed.

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 24, 2020 08:26:44: Dear Selma, As of March 23rd some major changes are taking places in the format of the data (the recovered cases were removed from the data), which breaks the code. I'll have a look as soon as possible and edit the article accordingly.

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 24, 2020 09:18:50: The dashboard and the code behind it have been updated. Let me know if you still encounter an error with this new version.

Comment written by Selma on March 24, 2020 11:38:39:

Thank you...I propose to aggregate the data using this approach ( let me know if this is an interesting improvement...i will try it...

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 24, 2020 12:29:03:

It's one possibility that I haven't tried. Let me know if it works.

Or now that the dashboard and the code behind it have been updated so that it does not include recovered cases anymore, you can also simply use that code instead of aggregating.

Regards, Antoine

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Victor Martin on March 24, 2020 12:32:50:

Hi Antonie and thank you very much. I am getting the same error as Fiona even with Belgium.

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Victor Martin on March 24, 2020 12:32:50:

Hi Antonie and thank you very much. I am getting the same error as Fiona even with Belgium.

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 24, 2020 12:40:03:

Interesting. I just had a try and it seems to work on my side. Can you run each code chunk separately and let me know at which line it breaks? And perhaps show the error you have.

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Alan Wise on March 24, 2020 13:44:12:

Hey, I'm trying to build it for the UK and I'm getting the error at line 42

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Alan Wise on March 24, 2020 13:44:12:

Hey, I'm trying to build it for the UK and I'm getting the error at line 42

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 24, 2020 13:55:52:

What error do you get? I managed to create a similar dashboard for UK just by replacing Belgium with United Kingdom (and making sure that I surround it with double backtick at line 230). Find the dashboard and code here:

Hope this helps!

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Alan Wise on March 24, 2020 13:44:12: Hey, I'm trying to build it for the UK and I'm getting the error at line 42

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 24, 2020 13:55:52:

What error do you get? I managed to create a similar dashboard for UK just by replacing Belgium with United Kingdom (and making sure that I surround it with double backtick at line 230). Find the dashboard and code here:

Hope this helps!

Comment written by Alan Wise on March 24, 2020 14:03:46:

Error in ifelse(, 0, death) : object 'death' not found

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Alan Wise on March 24, 2020 13:44:12: Hey, I'm trying to build it for the UK and I'm getting the error at line 42

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 24, 2020 13:55:52: What error do you get? I managed to create a similar dashboard for UK just by replacing Belgium with United Kingdom (and making sure that I surround it with double backtick at line 230). Find the dashboard and code here: Hope this helps!

Comment written by Alan Wise on March 24, 2020 14:03:46:

Error in ifelse(, 0, death) : object 'death' not found

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 24, 2020 14:06:07:

Same error as Fiona and Victor above. Are you sure you installed the development version of the coronavirus package? You can do it with:  devtools::install_github("RamiKrispin/coronavirus", force = TRUE).

If this still does not fix the issue, contact me and I'll see what I can do.

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Tiago Marques on March 24, 2020 18:20:47:

Thanks so much for this outstanding post, I did a test dashboard for PT based on it. I guess a minor comment is that the arrows on e.g. summary for the "First case" and "First death" are hardwired (I assume for Belgium). Guess will delve on the code to find how to change it, but a note to readers saying  those (any other stuff?) need to be customized might be useful.

It also allowed me to identify an error in the PT data: no new cases reported for March 18th, so value of cases same as for 17th March(448) when it should be 642. Guess a mistake at JH?

Many many thanks, again!

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Tiago Marques on March 24, 2020 18:20:47:

Thanks so much for this outstanding post, I did a test dashboard for PT based on it. I guess a minor comment is that the arrows on e.g. summary for the "First case" and "First death" are hardwired (I assume for Belgium). Guess will delve on the code to find how to change it, but a note to readers saying  those (any other stuff?) need to be customized might be useful.

It also allowed me to identify an error in the PT data: no new cases reported for March 18th, so value of cases same as for 17th March(448) when it should be 642. Guess a mistake at JH?

Many many thanks, again!

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 24, 2020 18:35:11:

Dear Tiago,

Thanks for your input.

You're right the arrows are for Belgium and are hard coded. I have added a note (see just before step 7) reminding to edit these arrows for other countries.  Moreover, I'll try to edit the code so they are automatically adapted. Feel free to let me know if you found some time to do it in the meantime.

Regarding the data, it's most probably due to the JH data.

Regards, Antoine

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Tiago Marques on March 24, 2020 18:20:47: Thanks so much for this outstanding post, I did a test dashboard for PT based on it. I guess a minor comment is that the arrows on e.g. summary for the "First case" and "First death" are hardwired (I assume for Belgium). Guess will delve on the code to find how to change it, but a note to readers saying  those (any other stuff?) need to be customized might be useful. It also allowed me to identify an error in the PT data: no new cases reported for March 18th, so value of cases same as for 17th March(448) when it should be 642. Guess a mistake at JH? Many many thanks, again!

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 24, 2020 18:35:11:

Dear Tiago,

Thanks for your input.

You're right the arrows are for Belgium and are hard coded. I have added a note (see just before step 7) reminding to edit these arrows for other countries.  Moreover, I'll try to edit the code so they are automatically adapted. Feel free to let me know if you found some time to do it in the meantime.

Regarding the data, it's most probably due to the JH data.

Regards, Antoine

Comment written by Tiago Marques on March 24, 2020 18:52:49:

I have just hardwired with PT values for now. This is my first ever dashboard... LOL... I give you full credit there, as it was a copy paste exercise :) :

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Tiago Marques on March 24, 2020 18:20:47: Thanks so much for this outstanding post, I did a test dashboard for PT based on it. I guess a minor comment is that the arrows on e.g. summary for the "First case" and "First death" are hardwired (I assume for Belgium). Guess will delve on the code to find how to change it, but a note to readers saying  those (any other stuff?) need to be customized might be useful. It also allowed me to identify an error in the PT data: no new cases reported for March 18th, so value of cases same as for 17th March(448) when it should be 642. Guess a mistake at JH? Many many thanks, again!

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 24, 2020 18:35:11: Dear Tiago, Thanks for your input. You're right the arrows are for Belgium and are hard coded. I have added a note (see just before step 7) reminding to edit these arrows for other countries.  Moreover, I'll try to edit the code so they are automatically adapted. Feel free to let me know if you found some time to do it in the meantime. Regarding the data, it's most probably due to the JH data. Regards, Antoine

Comment written by Tiago Marques on March 24, 2020 18:52:49:

I have just hardwired with PT values for now. This is my first ever dashboard... LOL... I give you full credit there, as it was a copy paste exercise :) :

Comment written by Tiago Marques on March 24, 2020 18:55:33:

My About section reads also: This was adapted by Tiago A. Marques for Portugal after reading Antoine Soetewey blog post here:

A really outstanding resource, so many thanks Antoine!

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Tiago Marques on March 24, 2020 18:20:47: Thanks so much for this outstanding post, I did a test dashboard for PT based on it. I guess a minor comment is that the arrows on e.g. summary for the "First case" and "First death" are hardwired (I assume for Belgium). Guess will delve on the code to find how to change it, but a note to readers saying  those (any other stuff?) need to be customized might be useful. It also allowed me to identify an error in the PT data: no new cases reported for March 18th, so value of cases same as for 17th March(448) when it should be 642. Guess a mistake at JH? Many many thanks, again!

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 24, 2020 18:35:11: Dear Tiago, Thanks for your input. You're right the arrows are for Belgium and are hard coded. I have added a note (see just before step 7) reminding to edit these arrows for other countries.  Moreover, I'll try to edit the code so they are automatically adapted. Feel free to let me know if you found some time to do it in the meantime. Regarding the data, it's most probably due to the JH data. Regards, Antoine

Comment written by Tiago Marques on March 24, 2020 18:52:49: I have just hardwired with PT values for now. This is my first ever dashboard... LOL... I give you full credit there, as it was a copy paste exercise :) :

Comment written by Tiago Marques on March 24, 2020 18:55:33:

My About section reads also: This was adapted by Tiago A. Marques for Portugal after reading Antoine Soetewey blog post here:

A really outstanding resource, so many thanks Antoine!

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 24, 2020 19:18:03:

Thanks a lot Tiago!

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Fiona on March 24, 2020 10:15:47: Hi Antoine, thank you for this. I am getting this error when I run the code prior to knitting: Error in ifelse(, 0, death) : object 'death' not found Do you know how I can fix this?

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 24, 2020 12:00:38:

For which country are you trying to build your dashboard? I'll try on my side to see if I encounter the same issue.

Comment written by Eclectikus on March 24, 2020 22:29:01:

Hi Fiona,

I had this exact problem in my scripts (independent from Coronavirus package) this morning and find the problem was that Johns Hopkins CSSE have change their repository files (see the deprecated warning) and they are not updating the old files, from yesterday they use the new ones.

Given Coronavirus package (which I have discovery thanks to this wonderful post) uses that repositories, it's very likely the problem is in the package and will be solved soon, perhaps is already fixed, I didn't checked it yet.

Hope this helps. Best.

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by jeff on March 24, 2020 22:43:00:

Thank you so much for this.  Worked wonderfully right out of the box.  Changing the arrows and annotations was no problem.  Look forward to digging into the dashboard a bit, and developing some of my own modifications.  Really fantastic effort!

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by jeff on March 24, 2020 22:43:00:

Thank you so much for this.  Worked wonderfully right out of the box.  Changing the arrows and annotations was no problem.  Look forward to digging into the dashboard a bit, and developing some of my own modifications.  Really fantastic effort!

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 25, 2020 08:04:35:

Glad you like it Jeff!

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Nabin Paudel on March 25, 2020 12:22:46:

Thanks Antoine. This is very helpful. I have adapted it for Ireland. I look forward to learning from you.

On a different request, do you have the code openly available for your blog and personal website. Thanks a lot.

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Nabin Paudel on March 25, 2020 12:22:46:

Thanks Antoine. This is very helpful. I have adapted it for Ireland. I look forward to learning from you.

On a different request, do you have the code openly available for your blog and personal website. Thanks a lot.

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 25, 2020 14:30:54:

Glad you like it Nabin!

You can find the code on GitHub, here for my blog, and here for my personal website.

Regards, Antoine

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 26, 2020 01:06:29:

there is an error about "recovered" object not found...please check.

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 26, 2020 01:06:29:

there is an error about "recovered" object not found...please check.

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 26, 2020 06:13:07:

Dear Chaima,

If you have an error with the recovered object it means you're using the old version of the dashboard. Recovered data has been removed from the dataset since March 23rd.

Try again with the new version of the dashboard and code, and let me know if this still doesn't work.

Regards, Antoine

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 26, 2020 01:06:29: there is an error about "recovered" object not found...please check.

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 26, 2020 06:13:07:

Dear Chaima,

If you have an error with the recovered object it means you're using the old version of the dashboard. Recovered data has been removed from the dataset since March 23rd.

Try again with the new version of the dashboard and code, and let me know if this still doesn't work.

Regards, Antoine

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 26, 2020 16:04:36:

Thank you Anntoine, but i didin't find  the new version of the dashboard and code. Can you give me please the link? Thank you very much

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 26, 2020 01:06:29: there is an error about "recovered" object not found...please check.

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 26, 2020 06:13:07: Dear Chaima, If you have an error with the recovered object it means you're using the old version of the dashboard. Recovered data has been removed from the dataset since March 23rd. Try again with the new version of the dashboard and code, and let me know if this still doesn't work. Regards, Antoine

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 26, 2020 16:04:36:

Thank you Anntoine, but i didin't find  the new version of the dashboard and code. Can you give me please the link? Thank you very much

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 26, 2020 16:12:46:

Here is the latest version:

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 26, 2020 01:06:29: there is an error about "recovered" object not found...please check.

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 26, 2020 06:13:07: Dear Chaima, If you have an error with the recovered object it means you're using the old version of the dashboard. Recovered data has been removed from the dataset since March 23rd. Try again with the new version of the dashboard and code, and let me know if this still doesn't work. Regards, Antoine

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 26, 2020 16:04:36: Thank you Anntoine, but i didin't find  the new version of the dashboard and code. Can you give me please the link? Thank you very much

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 26, 2020 16:12:46:

Here is the latest version:

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 26, 2020 19:01:39:

Antoine please  i get this problem: 

'No such file or directory' Error: Failed to install 'coronavirus' from GitHub:  cannot open the connection

and this one:

{Error in ifelse(, 0, death) : object 'death' not found}

also this { update_datasets() }

and this problem persists too

{Error: object 'recovered' not found}

only in the first chunk :( what must i do pleaase??

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Nabin Paudel on March 25, 2020 12:22:46: Thanks Antoine. This is very helpful. I have adapted it for Ireland. I look forward to learning from you. On a different request, do you have the code openly available for your blog and personal website. Thanks a lot.

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 25, 2020 14:30:54:

Glad you like it Nabin!

You can find the code on GitHub, here for my blog, and here for my personal website.

Regards, Antoine

Comment written by Nabin Paudel on March 26, 2020 19:53:47:

HI Antoine, the data is not updating even though I refresh the code. Any ideas?

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Nabin Paudel on March 25, 2020 12:22:46: Thanks Antoine. This is very helpful. I have adapted it for Ireland. I look forward to learning from you. On a different request, do you have the code openly available for your blog and personal website. Thanks a lot.

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 25, 2020 14:30:54: Glad you like it Nabin! You can find the code on GitHub, here for my blog, and here for my personal website. Regards, Antoine

Comment written by Nabin Paudel on March 26, 2020 19:53:47:

HI Antoine, the data is not updating even though I refresh the code. Any ideas?

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 26, 2020 19:56:06:

Did you try running update_datasets() or reinstalling the coronavirus package?

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Nabin Paudel on March 25, 2020 12:22:46: Thanks Antoine. This is very helpful. I have adapted it for Ireland. I look forward to learning from you. On a different request, do you have the code openly available for your blog and personal website. Thanks a lot.

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 25, 2020 14:30:54: Glad you like it Nabin! You can find the code on GitHub, here for my blog, and here for my personal website. Regards, Antoine

Comment written by Nabin Paudel on March 26, 2020 19:53:47: HI Antoine, the data is not updating even though I refresh the code. Any ideas?

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 26, 2020 19:56:06:

Did you try running update_datasets() or reinstalling the coronavirus package?

Comment written by Nabin Paudel on March 26, 2020 20:06:34:

Thanks Antoine, I had to restart R studio several times after updating the coronavirus package in order for the new data to show up. Thanks a lot !

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Vincent Berthet on March 27, 2020 00:49:30:

Thanks Antoine, great work. Greetings from France!

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 26, 2020 01:06:29: there is an error about "recovered" object not found...please check.

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 26, 2020 06:13:07: Dear Chaima, If you have an error with the recovered object it means you're using the old version of the dashboard. Recovered data has been removed from the dataset since March 23rd. Try again with the new version of the dashboard and code, and let me know if this still doesn't work. Regards, Antoine

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 26, 2020 16:04:36: Thank you Anntoine, but i didin't find  the new version of the dashboard and code. Can you give me please the link? Thank you very much

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 26, 2020 16:12:46: Here is the latest version:

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 26, 2020 19:01:39:

Antoine please  i get this problem: 

'No such file or directory' Error: Failed to install 'coronavirus' from GitHub:  cannot open the connection

and this one:

{Error in ifelse(, 0, death) : object 'death' not found}

also this { update_datasets() }

and this problem persists too

{Error: object 'recovered' not found}

only in the first chunk :( what must i do pleaase??

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 27, 2020 06:56:43:

The coronavirus package has not been installed correctly.

So first you need to make sure it is properly installed by running:  install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("RamiKrispin/coronavirus", force = TRUE)

Do not bother about update_datasets() for now, it is used to update the dataset in the future.

Concerning {Error: object 'recovered' not found}: if you install the coronavirus package correctly you will not have this error anymore. So first thing, install this coronavirus package correctly and see if it gets any better.

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 26, 2020 01:06:29: there is an error about "recovered" object not found...please check.

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 26, 2020 06:13:07: Dear Chaima, If you have an error with the recovered object it means you're using the old version of the dashboard. Recovered data has been removed from the dataset since March 23rd. Try again with the new version of the dashboard and code, and let me know if this still doesn't work. Regards, Antoine

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 26, 2020 16:04:36: Thank you Anntoine, but i didin't find  the new version of the dashboard and code. Can you give me please the link? Thank you very much

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 26, 2020 16:12:46: Here is the latest version:

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 26, 2020 19:01:39: Antoine please  i get this problem:  'No such file or directory' Error: Failed to install 'coronavirus' from GitHub:  cannot open the connection and this one: {Error in ifelse(, 0, death) : object 'death' not found} also this { update_datasets() } and this problem persists too {Error: object 'recovered' not found} only in the first chunk :( what must i do pleaase??

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 27, 2020 06:56:43:

The coronavirus package has not been installed correctly.

So first you need to make sure it is properly installed by running:  install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("RamiKrispin/coronavirus", force = TRUE)

Do not bother about update_datasets() for now, it is used to update the dataset in the future.

Concerning {Error: object 'recovered' not found}: if you install the coronavirus package correctly you will not have this error anymore. So first thing, install this coronavirus package correctly and see if it gets any better.

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 27, 2020 14:15:23:

I think the package was correctly installed but the plots and the map didn't appear!!!!   What must i do??

4a49f86062ec8b6c1026576bf1bc673f7a9f6bd9b9382851e491316c59bbefaf d1da0e6aedd2b5328b1ac17949b92ba5dbdc55f4bb606fc6323cdbeda45cf7dd 42dfa919f93c8032b21add78eea5514895bc13802c1e7934f3d9abaa96189171

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 26, 2020 01:06:29: there is an error about "recovered" object not found...please check.

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 26, 2020 06:13:07: Dear Chaima, If you have an error with the recovered object it means you're using the old version of the dashboard. Recovered data has been removed from the dataset since March 23rd. Try again with the new version of the dashboard and code, and let me know if this still doesn't work. Regards, Antoine

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 26, 2020 16:04:36: Thank you Anntoine, but i didin't find  the new version of the dashboard and code. Can you give me please the link? Thank you very much

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 26, 2020 16:12:46: Here is the latest version:

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 26, 2020 19:01:39: Antoine please  i get this problem:  'No such file or directory' Error: Failed to install 'coronavirus' from GitHub:  cannot open the connection and this one: {Error in ifelse(, 0, death) : object 'death' not found} also this { update_datasets() } and this problem persists too {Error: object 'recovered' not found} only in the first chunk :( what must i do pleaase??

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 27, 2020 06:56:43: The coronavirus package has not been installed correctly. So first you need to make sure it is properly installed by running:  install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("RamiKrispin/coronavirus", force = TRUE) Do not bother about update_datasets() for now, it is used to update the dataset in the future. Concerning {Error: object 'recovered' not found}: if you install the coronavirus package correctly you will not have this error anymore. So first thing, install this coronavirus package correctly and see if it gets any better.

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 27, 2020 14:15:23:

I think the package was correctly installed but the plots and the map didn't appear!!!!   What must i do??

4a49f86062ec8b6c1026576bf1bc673f7a9f6bd9b9382851e491316c59bbefaf d1da0e6aedd2b5328b1ac17949b92ba5dbdc55f4bb606fc6323cdbeda45cf7dd 42dfa919f93c8032b21add78eea5514895bc13802c1e7934f3d9abaa96189171

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 27, 2020 16:24:46:

while compiling each code  chunk i got this error

{ Registered S3 method overwritten by 'data.table':    method           from       Registered S3 method overwritten by 'htmlwidgets':    method           from             print.htmlwidget tools:rstudio }

for the { Daily cumulative cases by type  }.

The map appear while compiling the chunk but didn't appear in the dashboard.

I'm usisng the 3.6.3 R version. Help me please !!!!!

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 26, 2020 01:06:29: there is an error about "recovered" object not found...please check.

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 26, 2020 06:13:07: Dear Chaima, If you have an error with the recovered object it means you're using the old version of the dashboard. Recovered data has been removed from the dataset since March 23rd. Try again with the new version of the dashboard and code, and let me know if this still doesn't work. Regards, Antoine

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 26, 2020 16:04:36: Thank you Anntoine, but i didin't find  the new version of the dashboard and code. Can you give me please the link? Thank you very much

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 26, 2020 16:12:46: Here is the latest version:

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 26, 2020 19:01:39: Antoine please  i get this problem:  'No such file or directory' Error: Failed to install 'coronavirus' from GitHub:  cannot open the connection and this one: {Error in ifelse(, 0, death) : object 'death' not found} also this { update_datasets() } and this problem persists too {Error: object 'recovered' not found} only in the first chunk :( what must i do pleaase??

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 27, 2020 06:56:43: The coronavirus package has not been installed correctly. So first you need to make sure it is properly installed by running:  install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("RamiKrispin/coronavirus", force = TRUE) Do not bother about update_datasets() for now, it is used to update the dataset in the future. Concerning {Error: object 'recovered' not found}: if you install the coronavirus package correctly you will not have this error anymore. So first thing, install this coronavirus package correctly and see if it gets any better.

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 27, 2020 14:15:23: I think the package was correctly installed but the plots and the map didn't appear!!!!   What must i do?? 4a49f86062ec8b6c1026576bf1bc673f7a9f6bd9b9382851e491316c59bbefaf d1da0e6aedd2b5328b1ac17949b92ba5dbdc55f4bb606fc6323cdbeda45cf7dd 42dfa919f93c8032b21add78eea5514895bc13802c1e7934f3d9abaa96189171

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 27, 2020 16:24:46:

while compiling each code  chunk i got this error

{ Registered S3 method overwritten by 'data.table':    method           from       Registered S3 method overwritten by 'htmlwidgets':    method           from             print.htmlwidget tools:rstudio }

for the { Daily cumulative cases by type  }.

The map appear while compiling the chunk but didn't appear in the dashboard.

I'm usisng the 3.6.3 R version. Help me please !!!!!

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 27, 2020 16:30:46:

Do you have Rtools installed? Did you install the last version of the {plotly} package? Did you try compiling another very basic plotly plot in a .Rmd file to see whether your error is linked to this specific dashboard or more general?

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 26, 2020 01:06:29: there is an error about "recovered" object not found...please check.

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 26, 2020 06:13:07: Dear Chaima, If you have an error with the recovered object it means you're using the old version of the dashboard. Recovered data has been removed from the dataset since March 23rd. Try again with the new version of the dashboard and code, and let me know if this still doesn't work. Regards, Antoine

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 26, 2020 16:04:36: Thank you Anntoine, but i didin't find  the new version of the dashboard and code. Can you give me please the link? Thank you very much

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 26, 2020 16:12:46: Here is the latest version:

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 26, 2020 19:01:39: Antoine please  i get this problem:  'No such file or directory' Error: Failed to install 'coronavirus' from GitHub:  cannot open the connection and this one: {Error in ifelse(, 0, death) : object 'death' not found} also this { update_datasets() } and this problem persists too {Error: object 'recovered' not found} only in the first chunk :( what must i do pleaase??

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 27, 2020 06:56:43: The coronavirus package has not been installed correctly. So first you need to make sure it is properly installed by running:  install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("RamiKrispin/coronavirus", force = TRUE) Do not bother about update_datasets() for now, it is used to update the dataset in the future. Concerning {Error: object 'recovered' not found}: if you install the coronavirus package correctly you will not have this error anymore. So first thing, install this coronavirus package correctly and see if it gets any better.

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 27, 2020 14:15:23: I think the package was correctly installed but the plots and the map didn't appear!!!!   What must i do?? 4a49f86062ec8b6c1026576bf1bc673f7a9f6bd9b9382851e491316c59bbefaf d1da0e6aedd2b5328b1ac17949b92ba5dbdc55f4bb606fc6323cdbeda45cf7dd 42dfa919f93c8032b21add78eea5514895bc13802c1e7934f3d9abaa96189171

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 27, 2020 16:24:46: while compiling each code  chunk i got this error { Registered S3 method overwritten by 'data.table':    method           from       Registered S3 method overwritten by 'htmlwidgets':    method           from             print.htmlwidget tools:rstudio } for the { Daily cumulative cases by type  }. The map appear while compiling the chunk but didn't appear in the dashboard. I'm usisng the 3.6.3 R version. Help me please !!!!!

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 27, 2020 16:30:46:

Do you have Rtools installed? Did you install the last version of the {plotly} package? Did you try compiling another very basic plotly plot in a .Rmd file to see whether your error is linked to this specific dashboard or more general?

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 27, 2020 17:23:54:

Yes i have Rtools installed. I uploaded the latest version of plotly. then , i tried  to compile a basic plotly plot in a .Rmd but it generates the following error

{ No trace type specified:    Based on info supplied, a 'scatter' trace seems appropriate.     Read more about this trace type  }


AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Uzair hussain on March 27, 2020 17:49:43:

Error in update_datasets() : could not find function "update_datasets"

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Uzair hussain on March 27, 2020 17:49:43:

Error in update_datasets() : could not find function "update_datasets"

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 27, 2020 17:54:13:

Dear Uzair,

You can also update the dataset by reinstalling the coronavirus package.

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 26, 2020 01:06:29: there is an error about "recovered" object not found...please check.

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 26, 2020 06:13:07: Dear Chaima, If you have an error with the recovered object it means you're using the old version of the dashboard. Recovered data has been removed from the dataset since March 23rd. Try again with the new version of the dashboard and code, and let me know if this still doesn't work. Regards, Antoine

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 26, 2020 16:04:36: Thank you Anntoine, but i didin't find  the new version of the dashboard and code. Can you give me please the link? Thank you very much

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 26, 2020 16:12:46: Here is the latest version:

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 26, 2020 19:01:39: Antoine please  i get this problem:  'No such file or directory' Error: Failed to install 'coronavirus' from GitHub:  cannot open the connection and this one: {Error in ifelse(, 0, death) : object 'death' not found} also this { update_datasets() } and this problem persists too {Error: object 'recovered' not found} only in the first chunk :( what must i do pleaase??

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 27, 2020 06:56:43: The coronavirus package has not been installed correctly. So first you need to make sure it is properly installed by running:  install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("RamiKrispin/coronavirus", force = TRUE) Do not bother about update_datasets() for now, it is used to update the dataset in the future. Concerning {Error: object 'recovered' not found}: if you install the coronavirus package correctly you will not have this error anymore. So first thing, install this coronavirus package correctly and see if it gets any better.

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 27, 2020 14:15:23: I think the package was correctly installed but the plots and the map didn't appear!!!!   What must i do?? 4a49f86062ec8b6c1026576bf1bc673f7a9f6bd9b9382851e491316c59bbefaf d1da0e6aedd2b5328b1ac17949b92ba5dbdc55f4bb606fc6323cdbeda45cf7dd 42dfa919f93c8032b21add78eea5514895bc13802c1e7934f3d9abaa96189171

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 27, 2020 16:24:46: while compiling each code  chunk i got this error { Registered S3 method overwritten by 'data.table':    method           from       Registered S3 method overwritten by 'htmlwidgets':    method           from             print.htmlwidget tools:rstudio } for the { Daily cumulative cases by type  }. The map appear while compiling the chunk but didn't appear in the dashboard. I'm usisng the 3.6.3 R version. Help me please !!!!!

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 27, 2020 16:30:46: Do you have Rtools installed? Did you install the last version of the {plotly} package? Did you try compiling another very basic plotly plot in a .Rmd file to see whether your error is linked to this specific dashboard or more general?

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 27, 2020 17:23:54:

Yes i have Rtools installed. I uploaded the latest version of plotly. then , i tried  to compile a basic plotly plot in a .Rmd but it generates the following error

{ No trace type specified:    Based on info supplied, a 'scatter' trace seems appropriate.     Read more about this trace type  }


Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 28, 2020 12:21:40:

Hello Antoine I stii have a problem with the plots ins the dashboard :(

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 26, 2020 01:06:29: there is an error about "recovered" object not found...please check.

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 26, 2020 06:13:07: Dear Chaima, If you have an error with the recovered object it means you're using the old version of the dashboard. Recovered data has been removed from the dataset since March 23rd. Try again with the new version of the dashboard and code, and let me know if this still doesn't work. Regards, Antoine

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 26, 2020 16:04:36: Thank you Anntoine, but i didin't find  the new version of the dashboard and code. Can you give me please the link? Thank you very much

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 26, 2020 16:12:46: Here is the latest version:

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 26, 2020 19:01:39: Antoine please  i get this problem:  'No such file or directory' Error: Failed to install 'coronavirus' from GitHub:  cannot open the connection and this one: {Error in ifelse(, 0, death) : object 'death' not found} also this { update_datasets() } and this problem persists too {Error: object 'recovered' not found} only in the first chunk :( what must i do pleaase??

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 27, 2020 06:56:43: The coronavirus package has not been installed correctly. So first you need to make sure it is properly installed by running:  install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("RamiKrispin/coronavirus", force = TRUE) Do not bother about update_datasets() for now, it is used to update the dataset in the future. Concerning {Error: object 'recovered' not found}: if you install the coronavirus package correctly you will not have this error anymore. So first thing, install this coronavirus package correctly and see if it gets any better.

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 27, 2020 14:15:23: I think the package was correctly installed but the plots and the map didn't appear!!!!   What must i do?? 4a49f86062ec8b6c1026576bf1bc673f7a9f6bd9b9382851e491316c59bbefaf d1da0e6aedd2b5328b1ac17949b92ba5dbdc55f4bb606fc6323cdbeda45cf7dd 42dfa919f93c8032b21add78eea5514895bc13802c1e7934f3d9abaa96189171

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 27, 2020 16:24:46: while compiling each code  chunk i got this error { Registered S3 method overwritten by 'data.table':    method           from       Registered S3 method overwritten by 'htmlwidgets':    method           from             print.htmlwidget tools:rstudio } for the { Daily cumulative cases by type  }. The map appear while compiling the chunk but didn't appear in the dashboard. I'm usisng the 3.6.3 R version. Help me please !!!!!

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 27, 2020 16:30:46: Do you have Rtools installed? Did you install the last version of the {plotly} package? Did you try compiling another very basic plotly plot in a .Rmd file to see whether your error is linked to this specific dashboard or more general?

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 27, 2020 17:23:54: Yes i have Rtools installed. I uploaded the latest version of plotly. then , i tried  to compile a basic plotly plot in a .Rmd but it generates the following error { No trace type specified:    Based on info supplied, a 'scatter' trace seems appropriate.     Read more about this trace type  } ???

Comment written by Chaima BOUGHANMI on March 28, 2020 12:21:40:

Hello Antoine I stii have a problem with the plots ins the dashboard :(

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on March 28, 2020 18:10:59:

I sent you an email.

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Monirul Islam on April 01, 2020 07:26:51:


Hi Antoine, thank you for this. I am getting this error when I run the code prior to knitting. before that I already install all required packages. yesterday it works but today it's showing wrong. can u please help me to fix this issue?

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Monirul Islam on April 01, 2020 07:26:51:


Hi Antoine, thank you for this. I am getting this error when I run the code prior to knitting. before that I already install all required packages. yesterday it works but today it's showing wrong. can u please help me to fix this issue?

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on April 01, 2020 19:59:58:

Did you correctly installed the coronavirus package and loaded the library?

Also, do you still see confirmed cases in the datasets?

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Monirul Islam on April 01, 2020 07:26:51: bd132cff389d4cc82ca7ac0dbc2dd4e9bbe3ed8ad547ded7ab9e86e86e5ad51e Hi Antoine, thank you for this. I am getting this error when I run the code prior to knitting. before that I already install all required packages. yesterday it works but today it's showing wrong. can u please help me to fix this issue?

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on April 01, 2020 19:59:58:

Did you correctly installed the coronavirus package and loaded the library?

Also, do you still see confirmed cases in the datasets?

Comment written by Monirul Islam on April 01, 2020 21:35:32:



I installed this package but it cant fix . Eror in update dataset or death or object nor found

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Monirul Islam on April 01, 2020 07:26:51: bd132cff389d4cc82ca7ac0dbc2dd4e9bbe3ed8ad547ded7ab9e86e86e5ad51e Hi Antoine, thank you for this. I am getting this error when I run the code prior to knitting. before that I already install all required packages. yesterday it works but today it's showing wrong. can u please help me to fix this issue?

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on April 01, 2020 19:59:58: Did you correctly installed the coronavirus package and loaded the library? Also, do you still see confirmed cases in the datasets?

Comment written by Monirul Islam on April 01, 2020 21:35:32:



I installed this package but it cant fix . Eror in update dataset or death or object nor found

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on April 02, 2020 07:53:13:

Hope this helps.

Regards, Antoine

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Shadrach Akindele on April 06, 2020 05:19:24:

Hi Antoine, I tried building the dashboard for Nigeria, following your procedure, but it didn't run. I got the following error message for the chunk on lines 32 to 51:

Error: object 'confirmed' not found

I then tried to run the code you used for Belgium but I got the following error message on line 395: 

Error in eval(expr, data, expr_env) : object 'China' not found

Please help.

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Shadrach Akindele on April 06, 2020 05:19:24:

Hi Antoine, I tried building the dashboard for Nigeria, following your procedure, but it didn't run. I got the following error message for the chunk on lines 32 to 51:

Error: object 'confirmed' not found

I then tried to run the code you used for Belgium but I got the following error message on line 395: 

Error in eval(expr, data, expr_env) : object 'China' not found

Please help.

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on April 06, 2020 08:43:14:

Dear Shadrach,

Here is the code for Nigeria:

Hope this helps. 

Regards, Antoine

AntoineSoetewey commented 3 years ago

Comment written by Shadrach Akindele on April 06, 2020 05:19:24: Hi Antoine, I tried building the dashboard for Nigeria, following your procedure, but it didn't run. I got the following error message for the chunk on lines 32 to 51: Error: object 'confirmed' not found I then tried to run the code you used for Belgium but I got the following error message on line 395:  Error in eval(expr, data, expr_env) : object 'China' not found Please help.

Comment written by Antoine Soetewey on April 06, 2020 08:43:14:

Dear Shadrach,

Here is the code for Nigeria:

Hope this helps. 

Regards, Antoine

Comment written by Shadrach Akindele on April 06, 2020 15:53:59:

Hi Antoine, thanks for the great job you're doing. I attempted to run the code you sent for Nigeria, but I got the following error message on Line 19:

Error in update_datasets() : could not find function "update_datasets"

I commented the line to allow the code to continue running. I got another error message when it attempted to run the chunk from Line  31 to Line 48:

Error: object 'confirmed' not found

Kindly help to resolve the problem. Regards.