Antol / APAutocompleteTextField

Autocomplete text field. It works like Safari (iOS) or Chrome (iOS) search / address bar
MIT License
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A little bug #1

Closed Nikaladze closed 10 years ago

Nikaladze commented 10 years ago

There is a little bug when I trying to type first letter from the phrase. For example, if my first character will be 'a' - there will be:

*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', 
reason: 'Wrong completion string'

So, I have modified your code (just a little) by adding one condition to autocompleteTextField:complitedStringForOriginString in APViewController.m:

if ((originStringRange.location == NSNotFound) || (originStringRange.location != 0) ) {
        complitedString = nil;
Antol commented 10 years ago

Oh. Yes, of course. I missed it. But this is just an example, so that's okay. I'll fix it, thanks