AntonKueltz / fastecdsa

Python library for fast elliptic curve crypto
The Unlicense
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ECDSA verification fails for extreme value in k and s^-1 (P-256, SHA-256) #52

Closed adelapie closed 4 years ago

adelapie commented 4 years ago


When verifying a ECDSA signature (P-256, SHA-256) with a extreme value in k and s^-1, the verification fails even if the signature is correct. It is possible to check this using the Google Wycheproof test 345 (

      "key" : {
        "curve" : "secp256r1",
        "keySize" : 256,
        "type" : "EcPublicKey",
        "uncompressed" : "04c6a771527024227792170a6f8eee735bf32b7f98af669ead299802e32d7c3107bc3b4b5e65ab887bbd343572b3e5619261fe3a073e2ffd78412f726867db589e",
        "wx" : "00c6a771527024227792170a6f8eee735bf32b7f98af669ead299802e32d7c3107",
        "wy" : "00bc3b4b5e65ab887bbd343572b3e5619261fe3a073e2ffd78412f726867db589e"
      "keyDer" : "3059301306072a8648ce3d020106082a8648ce3d03010703420004c6a771527024227792170a6f8eee735bf32b7f98af669ead299802e32d7c3107bc3b4b5e65ab887bbd343572b3e5619261fe3a073e2ffd78412f726867db589e",
      "keyPem" : "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAExqdxUnAkIneSFwpvju5zW/Mrf5iv\nZp6tKZgC4y18MQe8O0teZauIe700NXKz5WGSYf46Bz4v/XhBL3JoZ9tYng==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----",
      "sha" : "SHA-256",
      "type" : "EcdsaVerify",
      "tests" : [
          "tcId" : 345,
          "comment" : "extreme value for k and s^-1",
          "msg" : "313233343030",
          "sig" : "304502207cf27b188d034f7e8a52380304b51ac3c08969e277f21b35a60b48fc47669978022100b6db6db6249249254924924924924924625bd7a09bec4ca81bcdd9f8fd6b63cc",
          "result" : "valid",
          "flags" : []

I've added a PoC using fast-ecdsa and python-cryptography (below).

#!/usr/bin/env python3

$ python3 -m pip freeze | grep -i fastecdsa
$ python3
Python 3.7.3 (default, Oct  7 2019, 12:56:13) 
[GCC 8.3.0] on linux

from fastecdsa import keys, curve, ecdsa
from fastecdsa.curve import P256
from fastecdsa.encoding.sec1 import SEC1Encoder
from fastecdsa.encoding.der import DEREncoder

from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import utils

from hashlib import sha256

import json
import sys
import binascii

def import_key_string(key_str: str, curve= P256, public: bool = False, decoder=SEC1Encoder):
    data = bytearray.fromhex(key_str)

    if public:
        return decoder.decode_public_key(data, curve)
        return decoder.decode_private_key(data)

      "key" : {
        "curve" : "secp256r1",
        "keySize" : 256,
        "type" : "EcPublicKey",
        "uncompressed" : "04c6a771527024227792170a6f8eee735bf32b7f98af669ead299802e32d7c3107bc3b4b5e65ab887bbd343572b3e5619261fe3a073e2ffd78412f726867db589e",
        "wx" : "00c6a771527024227792170a6f8eee735bf32b7f98af669ead299802e32d7c3107",
        "wy" : "00bc3b4b5e65ab887bbd343572b3e5619261fe3a073e2ffd78412f726867db589e"
      "keyDer" : "3059301306072a8648ce3d020106082a8648ce3d03010703420004c6a771527024227792170a6f8eee735bf32b7f98af669ead299802e32d7c3107bc3b4b5e65ab887bbd343572b3e5619261fe3a073e2ffd78412f726867db589e",
      "keyPem" : "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAExqdxUnAkIneSFwpvju5zW/Mrf5iv\nZp6tKZgC4y18MQe8O0teZauIe700NXKz5WGSYf46Bz4v/XhBL3JoZ9tYng==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----",
      "sha" : "SHA-256",
      "type" : "EcdsaVerify",
      "tests" : [
          "tcId" : 345,
          "comment" : "extreme value for k and s^-1",
          "msg" : "313233343030",
          "sig" : "304502207cf27b188d034f7e8a52380304b51ac3c08969e277f21b35a60b48fc47669978022100b6db6db6249249254924924924924924625bd7a09bec4ca81bcdd9f8fd6b63cc",
          "result" : "valid",
          "flags" : []


### using fast-ecdsa

public_key = import_key_string("04c6a771527024227792170a6f8eee735bf32b7f98af669ead299802e32d7c3107bc3b4b5e65ab887bbd343572b3e5619261fe3a073e2ffd78412f726867db589e", curve=P256, public=True, decoder=SEC1Encoder)
decoded_r, decoded_s = DEREncoder.decode_signature(bytearray.fromhex("304502207cf27b188d034f7e8a52380304b51ac3c08969e277f21b35a60b48fc47669978022100b6db6db6249249254924924924924924625bd7a09bec4ca81bcdd9f8fd6b63cc"))
msg = bytearray.fromhex("313233343030")

valid = ecdsa.verify((decoded_r, decoded_s), msg, public_key)

print("Result fast-ecdsa:", valid)

### using python cryptography 

curve = ec.SECP256R1()
algo = ec.ECDSA(hashes.SHA256())

pubnum = ec.EllipticCurvePublicNumbers(
    int("00c6a771527024227792170a6f8eee735bf32b7f98af669ead299802e32d7c3107", 16), int("00bc3b4b5e65ab887bbd343572b3e5619261fe3a073e2ffd78412f726867db589e", 16), curve)

data = bytes(bytearray.fromhex("313233343030"))

public_key = pubnum.public_key(default_backend())
signature = bytes(bytearray.fromhex("304502207cf27b188d034f7e8a52380304b51ac3c08969e277f21b35a60b48fc47669978022100b6db6db6249249254924924924924924625bd7a09bec4ca81bcdd9f8fd6b63cc"))

  public_key.verify(signature, data, ec.ECDSA(hashes.SHA256()))

except cryptography.exceptions.InvalidSignature:
  print("Result fast-ecdsa:", "False")
  print("Result", "True")

Best regards, Antonio

AntonKueltz commented 4 years ago

Thanks for raising this issue. Will have to look at intermediate values as to why this is failing, which means debugging the C extensions. Any further debug info you found will be helpful in fixing this.

Thanks, Anton

AntonKueltz commented 4 years ago

Found the issue, had to do with a case where the point at infinity was not handled correctly in the C code. Fix is in release v2.1.2.

➜  Desktop pyenv shell 3.7.5
➜  Desktop pip install fastecdsa==2.1.2
Collecting fastecdsa==2.1.2
  Downloading fastecdsa-2.1.2-cp37-cp37m-macosx_10_14_x86_64.whl (53 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 53 kB 1.6 MB/s
Installing collected packages: fastecdsa
Successfully installed fastecdsa-2.1.2
➜  Desktop ./
Result fast-ecdsa: True
Result True
adelapie commented 4 years ago

Hello Anton,

I got this bug assigned to CVE-2020-12607, if you want to use it, with the following description: An issue was discovered in fastecdsa before 2.1.2. When using the NIST P-256 curve in the ECDSA implementation, the point at infinity is mishandled. This means that for an extreme value in k and s^-1, the signature verification fails even if the signature is correct. This behavior is not solely a usability problem. There are some threat models where an attacker can benefit by successfully guessing users for whom signature verification will fail.

Best regards, Antonio

AntonKueltz commented 4 years ago

Hey Antonio,

Thanks for getting the CVE assigned. Just looked it up in the database and saw that it's reserved. It's probably worth fixing this via a patch release for recent older versions as well. Shouldn't take long to make those updates.
