AntonShuvaev / elasticsearch4idea

Elasticsearch Plugin for JetBrains IDEs
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All cluster went down because I miss-clicked on order by _id #28

Closed SosthenG closed 3 years ago

SosthenG commented 3 years ago


Just had a major issue with this. My whole ES prod cluster went down because I just miss-clicked on the "_id" column (which has for consequence to sort by it). Just tried again in dev to see if I can reproduce and yes, my dev ES crashed after doing that. I might have a config issue too, as in dev my cluster only crashed once, after that, when I tried again, I just had a CircuitBreakingException as a result : java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: CircuitBreakingException[[fielddata] Data too large, data for [_id] would be ...

I will investigate on why my whole cluster crashed for that, but anyway the sort on the _id field should be disabled as the doc clearly states this field should not be used to sort:


AntonShuvaev commented 3 years ago

Hi, Thanks, for reporting an issue. Sorting by id definitely should be disabled. I will do it in the next update.

AntonShuvaev commented 3 years ago

Fixed in 1.0.0