AntonelloDN / Morpho

🦋 A plugin to create Envimet 2.5D and 3D models (INX), write configuration files (SIMX) and run simulations
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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grasshopper morpho plant 2d #36

Open Caidayan opened 5 days ago

Caidayan commented 5 days ago

Hello, I'm modeling envi-met in grasshopper with the morph plugin, but in building the green roof and green ground, I'm using 2d plant modeling, but in running the inx file, it doesn't show the plant modeling.

I see in the rules that 2d plant modeling requires -z orientation, but I have my turned on orientation analysis and found that my 2d plant planar modeling orientation is fine. Is there anything else that could be wrong? In the normal envimet modeling in, the plants have thickness, but the ones built in grasshopper do not and do not show it. 微信图片_20240624210654 微信图片_20240624210704 微信图片_20240624210708 微信图片_20240624210659 @AntonelloDN

Caidayan commented 4 days ago

Here are my files. 测试.zip