AntonioND / nitro-engine

3D engine for the Nintendo DS
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2D mode: sprites height not set correctly #19

Closed jonko0493 closed 1 year ago

jonko0493 commented 1 year ago

First of all, thanks so much for making this library; it's been a huge boon to the project I'm working on so far. Fair warning that I'm not sure this is actually a bug with NE -- I may just be holding something wrong, but I was hoping to get help either way.

I'm attempting to use the 3D engine to display 2D textures using nitro-engine. I have a 256x256 texture that is transparent below pixel 192.


I converted this texture to a DS texture, first using a tool I wrote and then using your tool to confirm it wasn't something I was doing while preparing the texture. I am displaying the texture with the following code:

void displayBgAsTex(GraphicInfo &bgInfo, Globals &globals)
    GraphicImage bgTex = loadPixels(;
    Palette bgPal = loadPalette(;

    if (globals.bgTex[0])
        NE_Palette *oldPalette = globals.bgTex[0]->mat->palette;
        NE_Material *oldMaterial = globals.bgTex[0]->mat;
        globals.bgTex[0] = NULL;

    NE_Material *material = NE_MaterialCreate();
    NE_Palette *palette = NE_PaletteCreate();

    NE_PaletteLoad(palette, (u16 *)bgPal.palette, bgPal.numColors, bgInfo.format);
    NE_MaterialTexLoad(material, bgInfo.format, bgInfo.width, bgInfo.height, NE_TEXGEN_OFF, (void *)bgTex.pixels);
    NE_MaterialSetPalette(material, palette);

    globals.bgTex[0] = NE_SpriteCreate();
    NE_SpriteSetPos(globals.bgTex[0], 0, 0);
    NE_SpriteSetSize(globals.bgTex[0], bgInfo.width, bgInfo.height);
    NE_SpriteSetPriority(globals.bgTex[0], 256);
    NE_SpriteSetMaterial(globals.bgTex[0], material);

which is called by a script which does the appropriate thing for rendering the texture

void Draw3DScene()



In my main function, I do all the appropriate setup:

Globals globals = loadStaticFiles();

so i think I'm doing everything correctly.

The bgInfo class reads in the width and height from a file I prepared; both of those values are set to 256.

However, in-game, it looks like this: image

And the 3D rendering screen in no$ seems to indicate that the lower texcoords are being set to 252 rather than 256:


So... weird!

Hoping you can help figure out what's going on. I can provide the ROM if needed!


AntonioND commented 1 year ago

That's very strange indeed... Can you try to draw the quad like in this example and see what happens?

There is some special handling when it comes to drawing 2D sprites because the texture mapping is a bit weird but it should increase the size by a bit, not reduce it.

jonko0493 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your reply!

This is the no$ output from doing it that way:


And here's the code just so you can double check me:

New loading code:

void displayBgAsTex(GraphicInfo &bgInfo, Globals &globals)
    GraphicImage bgTex = loadPixels(;
    Palette bgPal = loadPalette(;
    iprintf("Loaded palette and texture\n");

    if (globals.bgMaterial[0])
        iprintf("Previous texture detected, deleting\n");
        NE_Palette *oldPalette = globals.bgMaterial[0]->palette;
        NE_Material *oldMaterial = globals.bgMaterial[0];
        // NE_SpriteDelete(globals.bgTex[0]);
        globals.bgMaterial[0] = NULL;

    NE_Material *material = NE_MaterialCreate();
    iprintf("Material created\n");
    NE_Palette *palette = NE_PaletteCreate();
    iprintf("Palette created\n");

    NE_PaletteLoad(palette, (u16 *)bgPal.palette, bgPal.numColors, bgInfo.format);
    iprintf("Palette loaded\n");
    NE_MaterialTexLoad(material, bgInfo.format, bgInfo.width, bgInfo.height, NE_TEXGEN_OFF, (void *)bgTex.pixels);    
    iprintf("Material texture loaded\n");
    NE_MaterialSetPalette(material, palette);
    iprintf("Material palette set\n");

    globals.bgMaterial[0] = material;

Executor code:

NE_Camera *camera;
NE_Material *material;

void Draw3DScene()
    // NE_2DViewInit();
    // NE_SpriteDrawAll();


    // This set material's color to drawing color (default = white)

    // In general you should avoid using the functions below

    // Begin drawing

        NE_PolyTexCoord(0, 0);   // Texture coordinates
        NE_PolyVertex(-1, 1, 0); // Send new vertex

        NE_PolyTexCoord(0, 256);
        NE_PolyVertex(-1, -1, 0);

        NE_PolyTexCoord(256, 256);
        NE_PolyVertex(1, -1, 0);

        NE_PolyTexCoord(256, 0);
        NE_PolyVertex(1, 1, 0);

    // Apparently this command is ignored by the GPU


    camera = NE_CameraCreate();

        0, 0, 2,
        0, 0, 0,
        0, 1, 0);


            material = globals.bgMaterial[0];

and same setup in my main function.

Lemme know if you need anything else!

AntonioND commented 1 year ago

Can you create a minimal example of a program that shows this bug? Just the absolute minimum you can have to show a sprite and cause the bug.

jonko0493 commented 1 year ago

For sure, I'll whip something up tonight!

jonko0493 commented 1 year ago

@AntonioND I've reproduced the bug in this minimal sample here:

You can see here that the texture is four pixels smaller shorter than it should be in no$: image

jonko0493 commented 1 year ago

Apologies for the hacky makefiles, i'm not great with make lol. But here's a copy of the nds file that this generates as well:

AntonioND commented 1 year ago

I've been doing tests, and I think there is some subtle bug with the 2D projection. I need to keep looking into it.

AntonioND commented 1 year ago

Yeah, it looks like the problem is the "<< 12" I add to my projection matrix. It makes some vertices not end up in the right coordinates of the screen.

If I remove all of the "<< 12" of that function, the coordinates work as expected. However... a the comment of that function says, if I try to rotate any sprite after I remove the shifts, the accuracy is much worse, and it looks pretty bad.

I need to find an actual fix for this that doesn't break rotated sprites...

AntonioND commented 1 year ago

@jonko0493 can you test with the current master? I've pushed a fix here:

jonko0493 commented 1 year ago

Very nice! That does seem to have fixed it.


Thanks so much for this! Weird bug, but very glad you figured it out!

AntonioND commented 1 year ago

No problem! :)