AntonisZks / Information-Systems-Software-Development-Project

A university project implementing Vamana-Indexing-Algorithm (VIA) for Approximate-Nearest-Neighbors (ANN) problem.
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Created main file, and added minor changes #37

Closed AntonisZks closed 1 week ago

AntonisZks commented 1 week ago

I created printDataSet.cpp file as a main file for the application, that reads the contents of a given dataset file and **prints* them to the terminal**. The command to run is:

./bin/printDataSet [datset_path]

I also made some changes to some files. Specifically:

  1. Removed the EuclideanDistance() function from the file.
  2. Changed the Makefile to be compatible with the previous change.
  3. Removed the section inside the readVectors.cpp file where it prints the size of the dataset (how many vector are there)

and some other minor changes.