AntonyCorbett / JWLMerge

Utility to merge jwlibrary backup files
MIT License
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JW Library 11.5 issue #25

Closed thesim81 closed 4 years ago

thesim81 commented 4 years ago

328/5000 The files generated by the new version of JW Library (11.5) are not loaded into the program. The files generated by the previous version (11.4.2) work correctly. The problem may be caused by the fact that 2 new colors of highlighters have been added in the new version. Sorry for my bad English Thank you!

AntonyCorbett commented 4 years ago

@thesim81 Thanks. I am looking at it now. The database version has changed which means JWLMerge doesn't even attempt to load the backup files. I am investigating what changes have been made to the database schema.

AntonyCorbett commented 4 years ago

@thesim81 There are some changes to the schema to support the rolling playback and shuffle of media and these affect the user "Tabs" table. I'll need to take a look at some sample data files before making the fix.

thesim81 commented 4 years ago

Ok, thank you so much for your work

AntonyCorbett commented 4 years ago

@thesim81 Please see latest pre-release. There are significant changes so some tested needed please!

thesim81 commented 4 years ago

Installed the new version, it correctly recognizes the two files that I pass to it, but when I press "merge" it doesn't save any file, the folder is empty. I'm on windows 10 64bit, I haven't received any errors. 2020-04-10 201925


thesim81 commented 4 years ago

I did some tests and found the problem, if both "tags" are selected it doesn't work. Setting how in the screenshot works correctly. 2020-04-10 202814

AntonyCorbett commented 4 years ago

@thesim81 Is it possoble to send me a link to the 2 backup files please? If you want to post them here you can maintain privacy by removing notes - load the backup into JWLMerge and then use the "Redact Notes" command in the Details page.

AntonyCorbett commented 4 years ago

@thesim81 Thanks - I received the files

AntonyCorbett commented 4 years ago

@thesim81 I have update the latest pre-release. It works on the data files you sent but would welcome further testing.

thesim81 commented 4 years ago

@thesim81 I have update the latest pre-release. It works on the data files you sent but would welcome further testing.

Yes, work fine! thank you! I've test with other files too.. all work

pacoweiss commented 4 years ago

@thesim81 I have update the latest pre-release. It works on the data files you sent but would welcome further testing.

Yes, work fine! thank you! I've test with other files too.. all work

@Thank you so much @AntonyCorbett for your timely support. We use JWLMerge extensively here at the Congo branch. I have tested the Prerelease with pre 11.5 backups as well as 11.5 backups both from Windows and Android platform. It seems to work well, I can merge both versions together. Thanks for all your help.

DarkLordGMS commented 4 years ago

@thesim81 I have update the latest pre-release. It works on the data files you sent but would welcome further testing.

Yes, work fine! thank you! I've test with other files too.. all work

@thank you so much @AntonyCorbett for your timely support. We use JWLMerge extensively here at the Congo branch. I have tested the Prerelease with pre 11.5 backups as well as 11.5 backups both from Windows and Android platform. It seems to work well, I can merge both versions together. Thanks for all your help.

Sadly this is no longer possible with the latest version. Do you still have the pre release

I tried opening a pre 11.5 backup with the latest release ( and it doesn't open it.

DarkLordGMS commented 4 years ago

@thesim81 @pacoweiss Does any of you have the pre-release file? Version The current release file doesn't open older files, only 11.5 files.

pacoweiss commented 4 years ago

@thesim81 @pacoweiss Does any of you have the pre-release file? Version The current release file doesn't open older files, only 11.5 files.

You don't need a prerelease, since JWLibrary can basically convert the versions for you. I tried it for several brothers and it works well:

  1. Back-up you current version of JWLibrary into a new backup file (for step 6 or a later merge).
  2. Restore any old back-up file into JWLibrary that needs to be converted to database scheme v7.
  3. In JWLibrary, create a new back-up file with the data just imported.
  4. Repeat step 2 and 3 for each ‘old’ back-up file that needs to be ‘upgraded’ into the new database format so it can again be merged with JWLmerge
  5. Restore the back-up file created in step 1 (if needed)
  6. All back-up files that were update during steps 2-4 can now be merged as usual with JWLMerge

Hope that works for you too.

DarkLordGMS commented 4 years ago

That's not what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to merge a 11.5 file with a previous version file using Jwlmerge because I can't use version 11.5 because it keeps force closing. That's why I was wondering if you have the pre release because that one can open old backup files and new ones

DarkLordGMS commented 4 years ago

The purpose is to try to convert a 11.5 version backup file into an older version backup file because the latest version of JW Library that doesn't force close on the old tablets I'm troubleshooting is version 11.4.2 and that one doesn't allow restoring 11.5 backup files because of the v7 database update that was implemented on version 11.5

pacoweiss commented 4 years ago

Is the forced closing linked to the database file, or to another problem in JWLibrary? I could open all pre 11.5 JWL backups without problem in JWL 11.5. But here in Congo, with slow Internet, a new installation of JWL often forces closing when the catalogue file is not fully downloaded. Keeping JWL open on the start page, without clicking on any publication, would normally do the trick (here in Congo, it may take up to several hours to download the full catalog). Manually deleting the catalog file in the app folder is sometimes needed if it gets corrupted. Just an idea.

DarkLordGMS commented 4 years ago

No, the force closing is not related to the database update. It force closes every time I open a publication. I've tried everything but doesn't work. That's why I had to roll back. It's an issue with just these two tablets I'm troubleshooting. They're really old but it's all these brothers can afford.

Yeah, I can open all 11.5 backup files with JW Library 11.5. But can't open 11.5 backup files with older JW Library versions like 11.4.2.

DarkLordGMS commented 4 years ago

So basically they're stuck on using JW Library version 11.4.2. But they never did any backups. I'm the one who created the backup file but it was on version 11.5. That's why I want to try to convert that file into an older version to be able to restore it with JW Library version 11.4.2

AntonyCorbett commented 4 years ago

@DarkLordGMS JWLMerge can only load backups from a single JWL database version and there is no code to upgrade or downgrade a backup file to another version.

pacoweiss commented 4 years ago

@DarkLordGMS We had the exact same behavior as you described above (JWL crashes as soon as you open/click on any publication), but it was catalog related. The problem disappeared after having left JWL open for some time without clicking on anything. Due to Internet limitations here, we had to leave it open for a few hours (best results with device connected to power and leaving JWL open over night). We solved at least 20 cases like this, with the same symptom as you describe. And in Congo, the brother typically have older devices... Our JW Helpdesk here at the branch gave out the same direction to brothers calling. You may want to give it a try .... ? It may be that your problem is different, but trying it does not cost anything.

pacoweiss commented 4 years ago

@DarkLordGMS, I hope the problem is solved on your side. If not, please install the latest version of JWL that addresses exactly that problem: Fixed an issue where the app would crash when turning Bluetooth on and off, or when restarting the device Fixed an issue on some Android 5.x devices where the app would crash opening the Daily Text, Meetings tab, or any publication With this fix, you should be able to use the latest JWL installation to 'upgrade' the backup files to the latest DB version and then use JWL Merge as needed.