AntonyCorbett / JwlMediaWin

TrayIcon utility to modify JWL media window
MIT License
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Prevent minimize when show desktop #4

Closed LvDaniel closed 5 years ago

LvDaniel commented 5 years ago

Hi Anthony, Is it possible if accidentally AV operator clicks to show desktop, to prevent JWL media screen to be minimized? Or this is not doable?

And another question (I don't want to raise a separate request as probably can't be implemented)... Is it possible JwlMediaWin to have an option to hide the cursor in the media screen?

Thank you.

Spenser715 commented 5 years ago

In answer to your first question I don't think this is possible but I really don't know.

For your second question you can use a program such as Dual Monitor Tools which allows you to lock the cursor to the main screen so you wont be able to put it on the media screen to be seen.

LvDaniel commented 5 years ago

@Spenser715 thanks for feedback, I'm already using Dual Monitor Tools for hiding the cursor. I was just wondering if JwlMediaWin can do this also. If not, won't be a problem, I'll stick to DMT.

AntonyCorbett commented 5 years ago


Is it possible if accidentally AV operator clicks to show desktop, to prevent JWL media screen to be minimized?

No, I don;t think so.

Is it possible JwlMediaWin to have an option to hide the cursor in the media screen?

I did consider this. It would be possible to lock the mouse to the primary display and release it when OnlyM displays a website, etc. But I think it has the potential to cause too much frustration for novice users.

LvDaniel commented 5 years ago

@AntonyCorbett thanks for your comments. You're probably right, so I'll continue to use DMT.

Blann commented 5 years ago

This may be useful – a lightweight utility called ‘7+ Taskbar Tweaker’ which allows, among other things, the ‘Show Desktop’ button to be hidden.

LvDaniel commented 5 years ago

@Blann thanks fot info, I'll have a look.