I'm trying to run the command given in the readme to train the DAGAN. At first, I had to fix some compatibility issues between tensorflow versions 1.x and 2.9.1 such as tf_slim instead of tf.contrib and using keras layers. It compiles now, but during runtime, I get the error "No variables to optimize" in the train() method of dagan_networks_wgan.py on the following line:
opt_ops["g_opt_op"] = opts["g_opt"].minimize(losses["g_losses"],
It seems like there are no variables in the graph during the first time the train function is called? Has anyone gotten this to work in recent tensorflow versions?
I'm trying to run the command given in the readme to train the DAGAN. At first, I had to fix some compatibility issues between tensorflow versions 1.x and 2.9.1 such as tf_slim instead of tf.contrib and using keras layers. It compiles now, but during runtime, I get the error "No variables to optimize" in the train() method of dagan_networks_wgan.py on the following line: opt_ops["g_opt_op"] = opts["g_opt"].minimize(losses["g_losses"], var_list=self.g.variables, colocate_gradients_with_ops=True)
It seems like there are no variables in the graph during the first time the train function is called? Has anyone gotten this to work in recent tensorflow versions?