Anttwo / SuGaR

[CVPR 2024] Official PyTorch implementation of SuGaR: Surface-Aligned Gaussian Splatting for Efficient 3D Mesh Reconstruction and High-Quality Mesh Rendering
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mesh extraction #134

Open SeanGuo063 opened 7 months ago

SeanGuo063 commented 7 months ago

I have a question of mesh extraction. Why using lambda,rather than finding the point with the maximum density value along the ray, since max density should theoretically be corresponding to the true surface.

Anttwo commented 6 months ago

Hi @SeanGuo063,

Actually, using the point with the maximum density value is not a good idea for extracting a surface, for several reasons. Please let me explain them below.

  1. First of all, we are looking for a point that crosses the isosurface only in small neighborhoods of Gaussian splats within depth maps rendered with the Gaussian Splatting rasterizer. However, these depth maps are not 100% accurate, so we cannot be sure that there is an isosurface-crossing point in the sampling neighborhood. For instance, there might be only points with very low density in the neighborhood, such that the point with maximum density would have a density value of 0.1, which is too low. We need to set a threshold to ignore points with low density.
  2. Secondly, we want some homogeneity among the extracted points to get a smoother surface. If we always choose the point with maximum density in the neighborhoods, we cannot be sure that they have similar density: one might have a density of 0.7, and another might have a density of 1.7. Therefore, selecting a predefined level helps to get a better-looking surface.
  3. Thirdly, and most importantly, the maximum value is a poor choice for an isosurface extraction. Let me illustrate this with a simple example of a single Gaussian in 2D:


If we select the surface with maximum density value, we would extract only a single point from this Gaussian blob, which would be the center point of the Gaussian. However, our brain does not perceive a single point when looking at a Gaussian; we see an ellipsoid, with a fuzzy border. Therefore, "the true surface" as our brain perceives it actually corresponds to a isosurface with a lambda value lower than 1! To select a good lambda value for the isosurface, we have to answer this question: Where should we draw the border that defines the ellipsoid when looking at this image? Intuitively, lambda=0.5 or lambda=0.3 are generally pretty good guesses as you can see in the picture. It turns out that experimental results confirm this intuition, as we show in the paper.