AnubisLMS / IDE

Anubis IDE build configurations
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ADD python intelisense to ide #9

Closed wabscale closed 1 year ago

wabscale commented 1 year ago

Adding the extension

This needs to be added to the base (theia-base) ide

You can see how plugins are added to the ide in the latest.package.json. You'll just need to figure out where the vsx file is on, add it to the package.json, build and run the ide, and make sure it works.

Building and Running

You can build the ide by copying the latest.package.json to package.json, then:

yarn --pure-lockfile
yarn theia build
yarn theia download:plugins

Then to run:

node src-gen/backend/main.js . --hostname= --port=8000

Make sure not to commit a package.json. Leave it as latest.package.json in your commits.

I would recommend that you do this locally and without a Cloud IDE. Node doesnt seem to work well in the IDEs.

sp6370 commented 1 year ago

Hi @wabscale!

I don't see this assigned to anyone. Can I pick this up?

wabscale commented 1 year ago

Oh yeah this is done. This was actually a huge migration to get this to work. Microsoft makes it so that you have to use the non-open-source version of vscode to be able to use the full python intelisense junk. I had to rewrite everything that was from to