AnudeepReddyBondugula / DigitalCertificateSystemBackend

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Implement Services #6

Closed AnudeepReddyBondugula closed 6 months ago

AnudeepReddyBondugula commented 7 months ago

Services to be Implemented:

  1. AuthenticationService.js
  2. SessionManager.js
  3. SmartContractManager.js

AuthenticationService need to handle the following methods:

  1. Login
  2. Signup
  3. GenerateJWToken
  4. VerifyJWToken

SessionManager need to handle the following methods:

  1. Handle the User Session
  2. This Manager Uses the SmartContractManager

SmartContractManager need to handle the following methods:

  1. Adding Minter
  2. Fetching User's NFTs meta data
  3. Fetching the Organization Balance
  4. Minting the NFTs
  5. Providing Organization Users to fill their balance

Further Services will be implemented if Required